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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. More people than you can imagine, I'd think... they think if no one sees them, it's OK.
  2. What a great post, Jey... and I agree!
  3. ozgirl2


    Too young... I'm so sorry for your loss of Dodge...
  4. ozgirl2


    I'm so sorry Vince - will you post some pictures when you are able?
  5. Sleep well, dear kitty... I'm so sorry for your loss...
  6. Hi Robin - I just saw this... I'm so sorry. I'm glad I got to meet Loca several times, and I agree with Heather - there's gonna be SOME trouble at the bridge now! I can't imagine her mischief stopping now... Please take care of yourself - I know you've been through a lot the last several months. And give Phene a hug from me too...
  7. Marina - I'm so sorry Merlin had to leave you... Hugs...
  8. Acupuncture's not cheap but my Cody had a bulging disc - probably in about the same spot. And the acu REALLY helped!! She was on prednisone for years to keep the inflammation at bay (she was 10.5 when she hurt her back - don't know if I'd keep up the pred in a young dog - talk to the vet) Anyway, Cody had the MRI (for $1700!) and the treatment was the same as it would have been BEFORE the MRI - so ask the vet if you can just try treatments w/o the MRI... Cody improved a lot but I never did let her run full-out after that.
  9. Good luck, Merann - there are LOTS who've been through the amp & chemo here so just ask any questions you can think of... There ARE several hounds on here who are well past the year mark after their amp for OS!! Not many, but there's always that hope that yours will be one of them. Read Winslow's diary - not only an inspiration but really funny too! (especially the poo bag in the tree story...) And OSU, by everyone's account, is just a SUPER resource! I've heard Dr. Cuoto speak - and think he's an angel here on earth!!
  10. Hi Diane - sorry you're going through all this with poor Dodge! Hopefully he'll have a fabulously quick recovery - and fairly easy on you...
  11. Cody wasn't sedated first & she fought the shot - it was horrible!! Go with pre-sedation if you can, and yes, talk to the vet before about what you want done... I'm sorry...
  12. ozgirl2


    Kate - I just saw this & am so sorry Mango had to leave you sooner than you'd hoped. I'm so glad I got to meet her, you and Takoda at GIG... Hugs...
  13. Cody's bout got set off once by eating a Greenie, which apparently are very high in fat & I didn't know that! Hopefully Sola will recover quickly - pancreatitis is NO fun! Cody had a food allergy too - both soy & RICE! And that could set her tummy upsets off, especially if someone, meaning well, would give her a Milkbone (which she would, of course, scarf down!), then ask if they could give her something! Um... NO?? USing a digestive enzyme (Prozyme in her case) on her food all the time made a huge difference in her digestive problems!
  14. Hi Ryan and pups! Welcome to GT from Maryland, USA! Where in S. England are you? I love England & get over that way as often as I can (which unfortunately isn't very often!)...
  15. I'm so sorry about your lovely Lisa... I agree with Burpdog... if it was in 2 places, it was probably in many more... It's hard not to second-guess yourself - we all do it. But you had the BEST place in the country working with you so be assured their diagnosis was probably right on the money. And that would have been too much to put her through...
  16. ozgirl2


    Aw, Bev & Marc - I'm so sorry Jorj had to leave you... he was one of the few of your cats that we actually met...
  17. Hugs, Bev... I still have that pic of him as my wallpaper on this computer... And that means Radar's anniversary is coming up too, right?? <sigh> I really liked both of those boys...
  18. Having met Marc & Mokka, I can say with confidence.... YES, she got her egg & waffle!! And YAY for Mokka being puppy-like & bossy again!
  19. Anne - I'm so sorry you're losing Mouse so very soon after Kylie... they'll find each other at the bridge...
  20. Congrats! Now I have that "Cisco kid, he was a friend of mine..." song stuck in my head!
  21. I'm so sorry Charlie had to leave... Sometimes I think it's even harder with parrots because they're with you for so long...
  22. Yay for you & Kylie! Continued thoughts & prayers here - AND I'll be stopping by your booth at GIG!! As far as mosquito-borne - they do carry other encephalitic diseases but I've never heard them associated with GME... it's possible, but you're probably right - it affects mostly animals with a compromised immune system (that goes for most of the mosquito-borne people enceph. too...) Good luck with her - hoping for continued slow improvement!!
  23. Trish <wub> It was last year at GIG that we did the group-roo for her...
  24. I'll be there Sunday morning to see it! (With tissues in hand...)
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