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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. Welcome to GreyTalk! It's really good that you're researching & asking questions! I had a grey for 8 years, but she died 5 years ago and I have not gotten another... mainly because I'm not home very often - away at work 9 hrs a day, then have other commitments on weekends sometimes & on some week nights. IF I got another grey, I would definitely cut back on those commitments to be fair to the dog. Just hasn't gotten to that point yet. Dogs DO take a lot more time than cats (I have 2 cats). So keep thinking... if you can spend lots of time with your pup when you're not at work, and are willing to give up some things, then do consider it - they really are the BEST!
  2. The zoning out & unresponsive to you... wonder if it could be mild seizures??
  3. ozgirl2

    My Dylan....

    I'm so sorry... Run free & find Baloo, sweetheart...
  4. I'm so sorry - I love alpacas too... Run free, Pennylane
  5. Welcome to GT from Maryland! Pax & Widget are SOOOO cute! Now - WHERE are the kitty pictures???
  6. Welcome from Maryland! And beware - GT is addictive... as are greyhounds!
  7. I know you were worried about her at the picnic... Hang in there, you're doing really well...
  8. (Just read your reply - apparently, you've joined the Cult of Greyhound!! And you'lll NEVER get out!!)
  9. Roxie is a DOLL!! There are several Staffies on GT who are favorites! Welcome from Maryland - and I hope you went to the event last weekend - Are you hooked yet?
  10. Oooooh! Hermes is beee-yoo-tee-ful!!! Welcome from Maryland!
  11. Hugs to you & Marc, tickles to lovely Mr. Striker....
  12. Also, LOTS of greys love to shred paper and books!!
  13. Welcome! We need pix of your pups please!!
  14. Great video!! (But I was a bit disappointed it wasn't set to Helter Skelter or something Beatles that's equally frantic!!) Met you at Dewey last week! Sorry to hijack your thread...
  15. Welcome, Kat! Another Marylander here... I had pet rats for years & still miss them!! Love the ratties! (There are several other GTers who have rats too!) What color's your ratlet?
  16. I'm so sorry... I remember the ferret picture very well - sooo cute! All those pictures are great but my favorites are the 'sad eyes' ones... he was very good at that, wasn't he? Run free, Romi
  17. Oh, Michelle - I was so hoping for her recovery... I'm so sorry she had to leave you. Hugs to you And Holly - run free, and go find Miss Bailey
  18. South Paws is a good place - but it is pricey! Don't feel bad about NOT doing tests - yes, they ARE expensive and if they wouldn't change how you're treating him, then you really don't need them. Just do what you're doing - you may have him a long long time yet!! (Fingers crossed!!)
  19. Keeping you & Holly in my thoughts, Michelle!
  20. ozgirl2


    I'm so sorry, Sonja... I'll really miss seeing him at Dewey... Hugs
  21. Giant hugs, Amanda... I only saw a mention of his passing 2 months ago... then wasn't even sure I'd seen it. I'm so sorry he had to leave you - I'll give you real hugs at Dewey... Run free, mellow Memphis
  22. I'm so sorry, Tami... I remember Sunscreen Man from when I first joined, or soon after. Run free with your buds, SM...
  23. I've always thought Abby was soooo beautiful. I'm so sorry... Run free, Abby girl
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