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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. I'm so sorry, Judy & Mike... Jan. 28 is when Cody left me as well, 7 years ago...
  2. I can't believe Cody's been gone 7 years this Friday... She was my first (and so far only) grey, and my only dog. She was funny, sad, goofy, sweet, irritating, loving, and a wonderful entry into the crazed world of greyhounds. Here are a few pix of my lovely girl... Though she didn't like it much, she let me dress her up each Halloween A roach Her favorite toy of all time (except for Tickle Me Elmo) The first pic I took of her, week one Poor Elmo got dragged outside almost every time! I miss you, sweet girl... I know you've been meeting all the new ones there & showing them the ropes, and you've met back up with lots of friends the last few years...
  3. I also love the name Wiggles - really says it all, doesn't it??
  4. I'm so sorry... he's beautiful. Looks a lot like my Merlin (1/2 Maine Coon) Rex - run free of pain at the bridge...
  5. Ooooooooooo!! And since you're in Lancaster, you will OF COURSE be bringing him (and his sisters too!) to Gettysburg so we can meet him?!?!?! That's Greyhounds in Gettysburg (GIG) in late April!!
  6. My girl Cody had digestive issues all her life! She was apparently sensitive to soy, corn and RICE (of all things!) Once I had her off foods with rice, she did better but I always used a digestive enzyme (I used Prozyme) on her food - it sort of pre-digests it - and she did MUCH better with that. But if I (or usually someone else) gave her any treats with any of the above in them, it'd set her off for days! Maybe see if your vet has one of the dig. enzymes & try that? If it works, you can get HUGE bottles much cheaper online! Good luck - if he has a sensitivity, you just have to do elimination...
  7. Hugs to you - I'm so sorry Dewey had to leave you - and way too early... Run free of pain, Dewey...
  8. Hey Petra! What is your son's name??? You can PM me if you like...


  9. ozgirl2


    Hugs to you... she's a beautiful girl... Rest in peace, in the sun, Greta
  10. Sheila & Jimmy - I'm so sorry Amadeus had to leave you... he was a sweetie from the day you saved him... Run free, Ami - go find your sister Aria...
  11. Welcome to Dylan & to you!! Sounds like you're already addicted to the cult of greyhound! :lol Do you know Dr. Cuoto?!? We LOVE LOVE LOVE him on here!!
  12. What a gorgeous photo, a beautiful tribute and a great dog... I'm so sorry Jack had to leave you... always too soon.. Run free, Jack
  13. ozgirl2


    I'm so sorry... I had a GP years ago - they're so sweet...
  14. I'm so so sorry... Run free, Avalanche
  15. I'm so very sorry, Mo & Sean, Spencer & Sawyer... You know I loved Mr. Murphy as well - what a sweet leanin' boy he was. I'll never forget the first time I met him, at a M&G, on (I think!) the DAY Mo got him! He went up to everyone who came in the store & leaned on them for pets - and he leaned HARD!! What an ambassadog, even straight into his forever home! I would take him & Bailey for walks at events if Sean or Mo couldn't get away from their booth - and he was always such a good boy. Run free, Murph - we'll all miss you
  16. Happy Gotcha Day, handsome... a bit late And hugs to you, Robin
  17. ozgirl2


    I'm so sorry that Rascal had to leave you - she has been a fixture here on GT forever... And I hadn't seen about Ruby - I'm doubly sorry... Run free together, girls (Rascal looks sooo much like my Cody)
  18. Happy Gotcha Day, Bee Wiseman... you are loved more than you will ever know Hugs, Tricia & Burke...
  19. New FDA warning about chicken jerky treats made in China - vets say cases of dogs sickened after eating them has increased again (after lessening in 08 & 09...) Check those bags carefully... the Made in China is often in tiny print, hidden somewhere on the back
  20. Hey Holly - I'm off to DE for Thanksgiving... have you done a reveal yet with your secret santas? Want me to send them postcards from DE?? If so, PLEASE re-send the addresses!! I think I deleted them while I was deleting mail!!!



  21. Ooooh! She's gorgeous!! (She could give Doolin a run for his money here on GT!! )
  22. Welcome from Maryland, USA! Where on the south coast? I had friends I visited in Bega & we went to Merimbula & Narooma!!! It's gorgeous country!
  23. I'm so sorry Tila had to leave you. I have friends with 2 minpin mixes & they're the coolest little guys... Hugs to you And run with the wind, Tila...
  24. Welcome from 'down south' in Maryland! Mikey is adorable!! I really like puggles! I too am greyhoundless (for almost 7 years now) and they haven't thrown me off GT yet!!!
  25. Welcome from the OTHER coast!! Rance is gorgeous!! And Mutt's a cutie too!
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