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How Often Does Your Grey BARK?

Guest SmilingSara

How often does your Grey bark?  

1,254 members have voted

  1. 1. How often does your Grey bark?

    • once/month or less
    • 2-3x/month
    • once/week
    • a couple times/week
    • about every other day
    • about once/day
    • about twice/day
    • more than twice/day
    • multiple dogs have VERY different barking habits (if close then average them and chose an answer above).

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Guest bluefawn

If I'm here during the day, I keep the front door open (has a full glass storm door). If anyone walks down the street or if Penny can see another dog or a KITTY CAT walk by, she barks. Candi does not bark, she just watches EVERYTHING! sailorwheel.gif

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Guest Drumhellergrey

Ted barks only when another dog doesn't want to play with him. Oh... that and when he finds something at night that he doesn't quite know what it is. ie; a porcupine, snake or multiple coyotes. One coyote, he will chase, as that is what he was bred to do. He won't go right up to a porcupine or a snake, just sits back and barks at them.


He also barks in his sleep, but it sounds more like a cry, than a bark.

Edited by Drumhellergrey
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Guest lisa_grublesky

Sundae barks at us when she wants something....usually to go potty or on a walk. It's pretty funny, because she puts her butt in the air when she does it!

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Guest Grhndad

We have one that barks at air. If she is out she will bark. Three others will bark at cats, etc. one at people walking down the street. Our long term foster hasn't barked in the 7 months we've had her. Each is different.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest duckbilled

Hello. First Post!


Ike barks a couple times a week. We have had him almost two years and I know he wants one of three things. In addition, he really only barks when I am in the basement on the computer. He will stand next to me and bark until I either ignore him for several minutes, tower over him and say nothing while staring at him or give him what he wants. The funny thing is we didn't hear him bark for the first 6 months we had him. When he barked for the first time, we were a little shocked considering he is my first dog and our first Grey. He even looked a little shocked when it came out. He had a "Where did that come from" look on his face.


Barking means three things with Ike:


1. I have to poop.

2. I'm hungry

3. I want you to go upstairs so we can sit on the couch and watch tv.


If he has pooped and eaten, I know it is the couch and that is when I try to ignore him. Obviously, he needs to poop and eat so I give in on those requests. I actually appreciate the warning.


BTW, Ike's track name was Witty Abe.



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My grey only barks when we are at the dog park with the greyhound playgroup and she wants to RUN!




Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest NJgrey

I was going to say we've only heard Ellie bark 3-4 times, until this morning at the end of our walk she decided to go into a play bow, spaz out and bark at me about 30 times :blink:

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Guest nanzi

Oh I have a barker!! My Khan barks to go out, to come in, at me if he wants a treat, if he wants dinner before Im ready to feed, if I ask him if he wants dinner, or food. He barks when his daddy, or mommy arrives home, he wants to go out to meet them, when an Amish wagon goes by, if someone is walking in the street. When he wants a treat and I ask him he will bow first then bark at me, and miss Jack Russell Pookie bows & barks for a treat too.

In essence he doesn't know he is a greyhound and isn't supposed to bark. We love him and his barking.

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Guest Lgyure85

When we first got [Fuzz Face] Maddie, she ONLY barked at thunder. We almost never heard any noise out of her! A few months later, we got a Boston Terrier. Now she "talks" to us every time she wants anything, and if we ignore her, it turns into a bark. Also, any time the Boston plays with her, she barks at him. The link to the video of her harassing the Boston is below.


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Guest Andypants

My guy only barks under very specific circumstance:


If he really has to go out, and my boyfriend then riles him up asking "Do you need to go out" repeatedly - then he'll bark maybe once or twice. Can't say that I condone him teaching my dog how to bark, but it's kind of cute when he barks!

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  • 2 years later...
Guest GreytPlains

Rocky only barks when playing with his sister, Maggie the whippet, or when he hears fireworks or thunder. Oh, and occasionally in his sleep, but those are little barks, not the big "WOOF" he saves for when he is really excited.

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Guest Lady_Catherine

I've only heard Bessie bark a few times in the month we've had her. It's always a single bark too, not a lot of yapping. Sarah the Wonder Dog barks a few times a week, and it's several yapyapyapyapyap barks at once.

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Guest FrankieWylie

um. We must have the most vocal greys on the planet. All three of them bark all the time. Magic and Charlie are the leaders of that.....Sherry just follows.

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Never heard either of my current two bark at all yet. Flash has been here 8 months and Sam just 3 weeks. Could be because our terrier girl does enough barking for all three so the boys don't feel the need to bother.

Sue from England


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Guest NancyS

Tipper has lived with me since November 2011 and I have only heard her bark 2 times - I think she surprised herself! She is a very quiet grey. Thank goodness!

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I have one who barks everytime I come home.


I don't usually make comments like this but the video in post #311 is extremely disturbing. To me, that does not appear to be play, but a major incident just waiting to happen. "Get him" ?? Pushing the Boston, who is clearly afraid, toward the barking greyhound?

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Definitely doesn't seem like the Boston is enjoying it toward the end!


I have all non-barkers. I never heard Mimi or Rocky bark. Molly will whine and howl but no barking.

Wingnut (DC Wingnut), Voo Doo (Voo Doo von Bonz), Barb (Myokie Barb) & Romey (Nose Stradamus)
at the bridge Molly (CM Blondie) 9/8/14, Maddy (Reuniting) 10/17/13, Rocky (Ranco Popeye) 1/7/12, Mimi (Flying Ringneck) 8/13/09 and RJ (RJ What For) 5/3/05

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Guest OPointyDog

Zoe barked at the direwolves on TV in Game of Thrones when they were howling. She also has barked twice when I took her out at night for last pee and she heard something moving but couldn't see it. Otherwise, she can't be bothered.

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Guest Celestrina

Angie will bark when it's time to go out and occasionally if I leave the room for too long. She doesn't respond to other dogs barking or people coming in/near the house. I've had people come by and forget we have a dog until a wet nose comes out of nowhere.

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Guest ethan

Ethan never barks.

Gordy barks all the time, when someone is at the door, if he sees another doggie, at our neighbor's dog, while waiting for me to put on his leash, so he barks multiple times a day. He does not, however bark when he has to go outside.

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Guest BooneTia

Boone always barks!!!! I'm pretty sure he learned this from our mixed-breed Tia. Tia thinks she is the neighborhood alert system, so Boone just joins in too!!!!!! :hehe:ghplaybow

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Guest ashphobiax

glider is with another dog, a yapping sheltie at that.


so lets just say, monkey see monkey do.


half the time glider has no idea what he's barking at...

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