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Very Agitated - Not Sure Why

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Last Friday, we had workers here doing some major pruning on our trees. All morning, they were in the front of our house - sawing, pruning, talking loudly, dropping big branches, mulching the limbs they removed, etc., and Finn didn't seem to even notice their presence. By the afternoon, they were in the backyard and for whatever reason, he became very agitated. He was up & down, pacing, panting, nose dripping, etc. He would not sit still - same noises, equipment, workers, etc. - but he somehow got triggered. As soon as they were done, we took him outside and he ran around, sniffed, etc. - but never really calmed down much. We took him on an extended walk, and even took him through the front yard so he could sniff, look around, etc. We thought a longer walk would tire him out, but - he was agitated all night.


The problem now is that it is now Monday afternoon and he is STILL agitated. He is pacing, looking around the house frantically, jumping up at any noise, running to the windows to look out, etc. He calmed down last night, and he slept okay, but even as I type this, he is pacing - upstairs, downstairs, back up, going to the windows, etc. He's cries a bit here & there - and he even refused his treats this afternoon (lunch snack).


I honestly cannot figure this out. I understand the noises were unfamiliar - but they haven't been here since around 3:00 last Friday. There are just normal noises today (I work from home) - people out mowing, cars driving by, etc. - nothing that he hasn't heard a thousand times before. Weather is normal - sunny day here, no thunder, etc.


I'm really getting concerned, as this is really odd behavior that we haven't experienced before. We had one greyhound who had panic attacks during thunderstorms, but 2-3 hours after the last noise, she would calm down. Also had a boy who was afraid of fireworks - but again, he'd calm down soon after they were over. But three days later and Finn is on full alert - pacing, panting, nose dripping, crying - and will not settle down.


Anyone experienced this before? He's never been a particularly nervous dog, and we've had him for a year and he's never acted like this. We did lose our other grey back on February 5, but that's over two months ago. I'm just very confused and very concerned for him.

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I would be concerned too, that seems very unusual. I've had many sensitive/reactionary/high strung dogs, and they always settle down after a few hours, if not sooner. Have you tried giving him something like melatonin, maybe take the edge off and "reset" him?

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Could there be an animal out back you can't see but he can smell??


My inclination would be to go out back with him for a good long while and see what happens. And then if nothing happens just get on with life.


Sometimes dogs do weird stuff and we can make ourselves crazy trying to figure out why!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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I've had similar happen to my dogs twice --


Years ago I lost my German Shepard and after my doberman realized that he was not coming back (about 4 weeks later), he started to guard me whenever I was standing. He would sit right at the back of my legs and whenever I moved, he would get up follow me and then once I positioned again, he would sit at the back of my legs. I don't know what he was thinking but, simply looking at the behavior, it looks like he was afraid for me. He would settle down next to me when I sat so, needless to say - I stopped most standing for a few weeks. He was back to normal after about 6 weeks although, it was evident that he felt like he lost his protector and friend.


Recently, I lost my older boy at 14 and my younger (6) was heartsick - it got worse as time went on and after 2 months, I ended up taking him to the vets. He was crying when he would get up and cry after walking around the house. He would also just cry in bed as he was looking at me. He was having intermittent limping on his legs (no corns or soreness that the vet saw). He only started getting back to normal recently but, that's because there have been other "losses" he has dealt with.


Dogs handle grief differently and while 2 months seems like too much time has elapsed to start having symptoms, this might be the first time that there was a "scary" situation and the other dog was not around and it triggered a fear.


I let my dogs work it out over time and they both came back to what I would consider normal but, it took time with some really strange behaviors. If you are not able to do that, you can try something like "rescue remedy" for dogs (Whole Foods has). It's supposed to have a calming effect. You can also try the Adaptil collar as that also has an easing effect (Amazon has).

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Thanks, all.


We do have bunnies that occasionally like to camp in our backyard - we have a 6' privacy fence, so nothing else can really get in. Squirrels, maybe a cat or two - but nothing else. He actually saw a bunny a couple weeks back and we watched him - he half-hardheartedly ran after it and then stopped and walked the other way, lol.


No new dogs in he neighborhood that I can hear - we do have a few sad "outdoor" dogs (breaks my heart) that bark and whine, but it's actually really quiet these days. The same couple that bark here & there. We've been outside together quite a few times this weekend, but he is also terrified of bees - so as soon as he sees the carpenter bees out back, he wants nothing to do with the great outdoors, haha!


I was wondering about the loud, weird noises + the loss of his big sister might've triggered this, as well. We are definitely going to adopt again, but were waiting until after our vacation in mid-May. Didn't want to adopt, try to acclimate and then leave for a week. He doesn't seem to love being an only child, and he was a bit agitated for a week or so after Tilly died - but this episode is much, much worse. Literally, any noise he hears outside - a car down slam, a truck drive by, a dog barking, etc. - he jumps up and runs to the window. I'm trying to keep the TV on (but I work from home, so I can't leave it on all the time because it is too distracting) and I'm not coddling him - I'm just so worried.


Our next door neighbor has a dog and they are good friends (not a grey) - I wonder if we should borrow her for a bit and see if it helps. Definitely worth a try!


I will also look for the Rescue Remedy - I was going to Whole Foods later this week anyway, I'll just go tonight and see if that might help him get over this. I will also look into the Adaptil collar - never heard of these before!

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Hi there, nope, no pain meds. He's running around like crazy - to all the windows & doors, so I really don't think it's pain. Will pay attention to that, though, and see if we see any signs of pain.


I just opened the windows since it's about 70 here today, and he is frantic again. I stood outside for about 10 minutes just to listen, and I did hear some work being done close by. I got in my car to check it out, and about a mile away, there are some big trucks parked on the side of the rode, on a bridge going over a stream. I am not sure what they are doing, but it's the only "abnormal" sound outside. Not sure if it is work on the bridge, or doing something with the stream. Somewhat abnormal, but not really loud and nothing that is jarring noise, like explosions, pops, cracks or anything.


I even have two white noise machines on (I sleep with one due to tinnitus).


In the last 5 minutes, he has gone up and down the stairs (we live in a split level house) probably 20 times, standing at the windows and doors (none of those are open) and then running to the next one. Then he comes back to me and stands here, close to my side, then he starts all over again. I've never witnessed anything like it. :(

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I would talk to your vet about anti-anxiety meds asap. The longer he's stuck being exposed to whatever is frightening him without help (flooding) the worse it could get. You could start with a neutraceutical ("natural" calming aid), but I suspect it may not be enough. If you do, I'd recommend L-Theanine or Composure over Rescue Remedy or Melatonin. Otherwise, starting with something fast acting/short term might make the most sense - Trazodone is a good one to ask about. Just something to get him over the hump. Once he's calmed down (I'd give it at least a week or two) then you can try weaning him off. If the behavior starts to return, you might consider something longer term, but probably best to bring a trainer or behaviorist into the picture at that point.

Edited by NeylasMom


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Just going to mention that both ants and termites have a smell that dogs can pick up easily. If the workers disturbed a nest, especially if it was in a wall, this smell could be making him agitated.


Have you taken him away from the house for an period of time? Sometimes, leaving and coming home can sort of reset them. Take him for a nice long ride to someplace fun - the beach, a river, pet store, play date - for a good couple hours playing. If he's not into that, just a good long ride with some ice cream would do the trick too. Then when he gets home, it will be his old familiar place again and not the scary place it is now.


Definitely don't let him stay this agitated for too much longer. It can really stress him out physically. Adaptil (or Dog Appeasing Pheromone) collars and diffusers can be purchased in most pet stores. If you do try human homeopathic calming aids, make sure you check the ingredients for xylotol and other poisonous substances.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Very confusing. Something sure has him ballyhooed. I personally would not try to dope him out of it-might calm the symptoms but the problem is still there. I would be trying to talk to him and ASK him straight out what had him upset. And the Rescue Remedy should help too. Sounds like his energy is all over the place now-RR will help correct that. If you don't think you can talk to him maybe you could get a communicator. You might be surprised what you find out. Hope the poor guy settles down. It must be awful for him to be so worried about whatever it is. Maybe he is smelling something he perceives as a threat. Could a snake have moved in close by or something. My money is on that there is SOMETHING new outside that he noticed when the workers were in the BACK yard. Being human you don't notice it. But whatever it is he clearly does and he has some kind of association with-be it prey or fear.

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Thanks for all the input - we haven't taken him too far away and back again, maybe 30 minutes on walks. I'll take him someplace this afternoon in the car to get away for longer to see if this helps - my neighbor also said we could bring him over there to hang out with his dog, so maybe that will help "re-set" him. They very well could've disturbed a nest of something, as they did work in all of our big, old trees.


He was at the vet about a month ago for a check-up, but not so far about the issues he is having now. I wasn't sure if it was behavioral or medical - or both. This morning he has been a little better, only one "frantic" episode where he ran to each window & door that lasted about 5 minutes. Other than that, he's been pretty mellow just sleeping on the floor (between two beds, of course) in my office. Not a super hot day today, so perfect for a ride to go grab some lunch together.


Guess he's just a sensitive, perceptive guy. Just want him to be okay. :(

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I am a search dog handler and reading and studying your dog is huge. We have a saying-probably the most important saying of all to us- it is "trust your dog." Finn is not crazy. He is reacting to something. I also doubt that he is ill. If he is somewhat better today then it is because he no longer finds it necessary to react-perhaps whatever it was has moved on- hopefully it won't come back be it an odor or a noise or whatever. You may never find out what it was. Could be anything. They can develop superstitions from pretty much anything that may have impacted them at one time-an odor, an action, a particular noise etc. Nothing wrong with a sensitive perceptive guy :beatheart JMO

Don't forget he can see a rabbit a 1/2 mile away. He may be seeing something different in the landscape that stirs up his prey drive or something. No telling what it could be. If they trimmed limbs out of the way is there anything in particular he can see now thta he didn't before that you know of or can see?

Edited by racindog
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Just going to mention that both ants and termites have a smell that dogs can pick up easily. If the workers disturbed a nest, especially if it was in a wall, this smell could be making him agitated.


Have you taken him away from the house for an period of time? Sometimes, leaving and coming home can sort of reset them. Take him for a nice long ride to someplace fun - the beach, a river, pet store, play date - for a good couple hours playing. If he's not into that, just a good long ride with some ice cream would do the trick too. Then when he gets home, it will be his old familiar place again and not the scary place it is now.


Definitely don't let him stay this agitated for too much longer. It can really stress him out physically. Adaptil (or Dog Appeasing Pheromone) collars and diffusers can be purchased in most pet stores. If you do try human homeopathic calming aids, make sure you check the ingredients for xylotol and other poisonous substances.

I did not know this.


Very confusing. Something sure has him ballyhooed. I personally would not try to dope him out of it-might calm the symptoms but the problem is still there. I would be trying to talk to him and ASK him straight out what had him upset. And the Rescue Remedy should help too. Sounds like his energy is all over the place now-RR will help correct that. If you don't think you can talk to him maybe you could get a communicator. You might be surprised what you find out. Hope the poor guy settles down. It must be awful for him to be so worried about whatever it is. Maybe he is smelling something he perceives as a threat. Could a snake have moved in close by or something. My money is on that there is SOMETHING new outside that he noticed when the workers were in the BACK yard. Being human you don't notice it. But whatever it is he clearly does and he has some kind of association with-be it prey or fear.

Agree with both of these posts. Good luck!

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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He seems to be doing better now - we borrowed our neighbor's dog for two days while he was at work, and Finn was very happy she was here. I also took him on a nice ride out - we went through the drive thru and he got part of a yummy biscuit and we went to Home Depot and he got to meet lots of people (he's very outgoing). Not sure if that "re-set" him or the visit from our neighbor - but he seems better now.


Thanks for all the tips! He won't be an only dog for much longer. :)

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He seems to be doing better now - we borrowed our neighbor's dog for two days while he was at work, and Finn was very happy she was here. I also took him on a nice ride out - we went through the drive thru and he got part of a yummy biscuit and we went to Home Depot and he got to meet lots of people (he's very outgoing). Not sure if that "re-set" him or the visit from our neighbor - but he seems better now.


Thanks for all the tips! He won't be an only dog for much longer. :)

I'm glad he seems better!


Do you know when you'll be looking again? We're getting a haul of 20 tomorrow and will have a full kennel, so now's a good time :lol Plenty to choose from!

Mom of bridge babies Regis and Dusty.

Wrote a book about shelter dogs!

I sell things on Etsy!

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I'm glad he seems better!

Do you know when you'll be looking again? We're getting a haul of 20 tomorrow and will have a full kennel, so now's a good time :lol Plenty to choose from!

I want one now so badly it hurts my heart! But, we are on vacation for a week in a month, and we didn't want to adopt and then have to board a few weeks later when she is only starting to settle in. We have had some hounds who would've been fine with this, but also have had a couple who would've probably had a meltdown and we do not want that.


Let me know if you get a girl who has cuddle potential (my girls have both been cuddlers and I miss it so very much). :) Seriously, if there is one you think is confident enough to get boarded for a week with no issues, I would adopt again next weekend.

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We have a couple who have the potential to snuggle! Was it you who asked on Facebook? If not, both Emily and Olay seem to be cuddly. I like them both very much - Olay is playful and sweet and Emily is just adorable. She likes to sunbathe during turnout :lol The newbies all seem lovely as well (there are a couple who seem like they'll be snuggly!), though they're technically not available yet (it'll be a couple weeks).

Mom of bridge babies Regis and Dusty.

Wrote a book about shelter dogs!

I sell things on Etsy!

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Yep, it was me who asked on the site. I have *always* wanted a cow dog - I'm surprised that Olay hasn't been snapped up already, she's been there for awhile? DH is pretty against adopting before our trip, though I hate seeing Finn so sad. :( Mind if we chat on FB? Would Tracy be another volunteer who might be able to offer more in-depth info? I feel like I am always bugging Kimberly - she is fab, but I know she is SO busy and deals with so much there, would love to have the inside scoop on some of the girls. :)

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Yep, it was me who asked on the site. I have *always* wanted a cow dog - I'm surprised that Olay hasn't been snapped up already, she's been there for awhile? DH is pretty against adopting before our trip, though I hate seeing Finn so sad. :( Mind if we chat on FB? Would Tracy be another volunteer who might be able to offer more in-depth info? I feel like I am always bugging Kimberly - she is fab, but I know she is SO busy and deals with so much there, would love to have the inside scoop on some of the girls. :)

We can chat for sure! But Tracey knows the dogs really well (even better than me..haha) so she'd probably have more info for you. How far from he kennel are you? We do offer boarding, so if you did want to adopt but didn't want to board somewhere that might freak out the new pup, we could be an option. Kimberly is actually on vacation now so if you're emailing, you're already chatting with Tracey.


I think Olay is great. She was adopted then returned - she started jumping the fence. She doesn't do it at the kennel (not anymore, at least). She just likes to be with others (people and dogs) and if she's alone, I think she thinks "Hey, I'll just hop over there and see who's around!" She's a sweetie for sure.

Mom of bridge babies Regis and Dusty.

Wrote a book about shelter dogs!

I sell things on Etsy!

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  • 1 year later...
Guest evelynr

I adopted my second grey 2 years ago. My older grey is a therapy dog, as well as one of my other dogs.(4 in total) Stella is a nervous girl. I took both of my greys to the Nyack Halloween parade, and Stella was tugging and flying off her feet-all 4 were off the ground. She was pacing, panting and pulling at the leash. Once we started walking, she was fine. At a meet and greet, she stood for the entire 4 hours, while Max settled down. She often barks for no reason (that I know of), and she startles quickly. I got her open mouth on my face, with blood, during the first week. When you pet her, she sometimes "screams" , runs away and comes back. She never seems relaxed-she is so different from Max. I thought she would make a good therapy dog-she failed the test twice. She refused to get into an elevator, and then we took the steps. The second time, she refused to take the steps. She is friendly, playful and loves to go on walks, but her behavior is very unpredictable. My grandchildren are older, so I am not concerned about them hurting her-(they have 2 dogs of their own). She still likes to sleep in her crate at night. When I let her sleep in the living room with Max, she was up very early-around 4 a.m. The other 2 dogs sleep on my bed. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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