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Caution: Change In Behavior

Guest AmberGusDad

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Guest AmberGusDad

If your grey shows a change in behavior (walking, urination, etc), please consult with your vet.


I didn't.


It caused me the loss of my precious Gus.

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I'm so sorry to hear this. When you are able, could you please share your story? It might save another hound.

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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I really don't know where to start. First I will say that I am sorry for your loss. Of course I don't fully understand your loss because I have not been choosen by a greyhound yet, but someday I willl. What I will tell you you is how I started my early Saturday morning. I got off work at 11:15pm and got to my house at 12:00am. I logged onto GT where I read your post then I stalked you and look up previous post which lead me to the Story of Gus that started in 2004 and carried into 2005 and then which carried into 2012. It is now 2:20am and I have spent pretty much the better part of 2.5 hours familiarizing myself with who "Gus" is. While I was reading the thread, I went through so many emotions during the 42 page thread of the Apprehension of Gus that I felt like I had actually lived it. I laughed, I chuckled, I cried when he was hit by a car, I CURSED, I snorted in laughter, and of course I cried at this stubborn grey that refused to go into the trap. I can't even imagine what it must of felt like to be actually involved the this rescue such as Nicole, Diana, Michael, and everyone else involved. Since the thread was old not single picture loaded. I will never know what Gus looked like, but I know what he looked like in my mind, and I know how I cried silently at my computer trying not to wake my husband when I read that he had been apprehended not by a trap but by a few people, some medication, a collar, leash and a whole lot of love. I also remember reading that the thread was going to be closed because Gus had been caught and I cried at that too! I had just learned of Guss' cry for help to be saved, was saved, and then when on to the Rainbow Bridge all in one day! What I do know is that I now have and empty hole. I can't imagine the pain you are feeling! You had this greyt pal in your life for so many years and here I am only have knowing him for a few hours, in words only and I wept at his departure. I don't know why I really sent this. Mainly, just to let you know that your Gus actually touched someones heart the day they met (meaning me) and the day that he left, which was all in the same day!





"I do not regret the things I've done, but those I did not do."

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Guest IrskasMom

All Day yesterday , after I read Gus had passed , I wanted to tell all the Newbies the Story of Gus ,of Living in the Wild and his Capture. I could not find the Words ( to Upset ) . Now Fluffy Duff said it all in the above Post . Gus was not just the ordinary Grey , he eluded several People for quiet a while.He lived in the Wild , was shot at and hit by a Car and lived through it all. Then there was the Capture and Ed drove all the Way from PA to Texas to get him and gave him a Life . And a Good Life it was .He left behind a Heartbroken Dad and a Greysister Magic. He left a Hole in my Heart.

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I really don't know where to start. First I will say that I am sorry for your loss. Of course I don't fully understand your loss because I have not been choosen by a greyhound yet, but someday I willl. What I will tell you you is how I started my early Saturday morning. I got off work at 11:15pm and got to my house at 12:00am. I logged onto GT where I read your post then I stalked you and look up previous post which lead me to the Story of Gus that started in 2004 and carried into 2005 and then which carried into 2012. It is now 2:20am and I have spent pretty much the better part of 2.5 hours familiarizing myself with who "Gus" is. While I was reading the thread, I went through so many emotions during the 42 page thread of the Apprehension of Gus that I felt like I had actually lived it. I laughed, I chuckled, I cried when he was hit by a car, I CURSED, I snorted in laughter, and of course I cried at this stubborn grey that refused to go into the trap. I can't even imagine what it must of felt like to be actually involved the this rescue such as Nicole, Diana, Michael, and everyone else involved. Since the thread was old not single picture loaded. I will never know what Gus looked like, but I know what he looked like in my mind, and I know how I cried silently at my computer trying not to wake my husband when I read that he had been apprehended not by a trap but by a few people, some medication, a collar, leash and a whole lot of love. I also remember reading that the thread was going to be closed because Gus had been caught and I cried at that too! I had just learned of Guss' cry for help to be saved, was saved, and then when on to the Rainbow Bridge all in one day! What I do know is that I now have and empty hole. I can't imagine the pain you are feeling! You had this greyt pal in your life for so many years and here I am only have knowing him for a few hours, in words only and I wept at his departure. I don't know why I really sent this. Mainly, just to let you know that your Gus actually touched someones heart the day they met (meaning me) and the day that he left, which was all in the same day!





"I do not regret the things I've done, but those I did not do."


Beautifully written about Gus, FluffyDuff.


Yes, Gus' 40+ page thread in Greyhound Amber Alert speaks volumes. I believe it was about 8 months that Gus had been on the run in Texas. Gus' story will continue to give us hope for many Greyhounds still missing. We could all honor Gus' memory most by helping other missing Greyhounds find their way home.

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Guest PhillyPups
I really don't know where to start. First I will say that I am sorry for your loss. Of course I don't fully understand your loss because I have not been choosen by a greyhound yet, but someday I willl. What I will tell you you is how I started my early Saturday morning. I got off work at 11:15pm and got to my house at 12:00am. I logged onto GT where I read your post then I stalked you and look up previous post which lead me to the Story of Gus that started in 2004 and carried into 2005 and then which carried into 2012. It is now 2:20am and I have spent pretty much the better part of 2.5 hours familiarizing myself with who "Gus" is. While I was reading the thread, I went through so many emotions during the 42 page thread of the Apprehension of Gus that I felt like I had actually lived it. I laughed, I chuckled, I cried when he was hit by a car, I CURSED, I snorted in laughter, and of course I cried at this stubborn grey that refused to go into the trap. I can't even imagine what it must of felt like to be actually involved the this rescue such as Nicole, Diana, Michael, and everyone else involved. Since the thread was old not single picture loaded. I will never know what Gus looked like, but I know what he looked like in my mind, and I know how I cried silently at my computer trying not to wake my husband when I read that he had been apprehended not by a trap but by a few people, some medication, a collar, leash and a whole lot of love. I also remember reading that the thread was going to be closed because Gus had been caught and I cried at that too! I had just learned of Guss' cry for help to be saved, was saved, and then when on to the Rainbow Bridge all in one day! What I do know is that I now have and empty hole. I can't imagine the pain you are feeling! You had this greyt pal in your life for so many years and here I am only have knowing him for a few hours, in words only and I wept at his departure. I don't know why I really sent this. Mainly, just to let you know that your Gus actually touched someones heart the day they met (meaning me) and the day that he left, which was all in the same day!





"I do not regret the things I've done, but those I did not do."

Many of us lived this epic tale of Gus. I would rush home from work to see what was going on, I would log on from work to sneak a look at his thread. I just always thought Gus was brilliant, and would be brought in when he was darn good and ready and on his own terms. Throughout the travels of Gus, it was just so meant to be ~ although many of us loved him from afar and would offer a couch to Gus ~ he belonged with Ed forever. Ed, just as everything in Gus' life, he came to you on his own terms and went on his own terms. Do not beat yourself up, you went from PA to Texas for him, your love and care for him can never be questioned. Gus was meant to be with you. :beatheart

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Ed, we all do the best we can. I think we've all been in the position where we wonder what we could have done differently. We're human and I'm sure you did your best for Gus. You saved his life and gave him the loving home he wouldn't have had without you. Please, please don't beat yourself up. None of us are perfect :grouphug

Edited by robinw

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Gus, we all do the best we can. I think we've all been in the position where we wonder what we could have done differently. We're human and I'm sure you did your best for Gus. You saved his life and gave him the loving home he wouldn't have had without you. Please, please don't beat yourself up. None of us are perfect :grouphug

I second that. Think of all the things you did right. :grouphug:f_pink

<p>"One day I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am"Sadi's Pet Pages Sadi's Greyhound Data PageMulder1/9/95-21/3/04 Scully1/9/95-16/2/05Sadi 7/4/99 - 23/6/13 CroftviewRGT

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I second that. Think of all the things you did right. :grouphug:f_pink




Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Guest iclarkz

Like FluffyDuff, I went back and read the saga of Gus's capture after seeing your sad post yesterday. I have had animals my whole life, and like children, it is hard to predict the seriousness the many accidents and illnesses that befall them. The fall that looks practically terminal ends in laughter, the little tumble ends in head staples. The limp is just a muscle strain, but the "accidents" in the house turn out to be kidney failure.


Once I took my 16 yer old cat in because she wouldn't eat. When the doctor saw her and looked at her weight, he was visibly dismayed. She had lost 3 or 4 pounds, but because of her long, fluffy hair, and because it had happened so slowly, no one had noticed. I felt so much shame over that.. . . We ended up having to put her down a week or so later, and I kept thinking "what if?" "What if I had noticed earlier? Been more aware?" It is easy to blame ourselves. But, we are human, and not perfect. I don't know if you really fell short, or if it is just you thinking perhaps you should be omniscient, but either way, your dog loved you and you did a wonderful thing taking him in. Holding onto guilt does not respect his memory. We will always fall short of what our dogs think of us, but try to forgive yourself.

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:( My heart breaks for you with Gus's final trip. I'm going through this right now (again :( ), and want to say to you as I've been trying to say to myself: Second-guessing is painful, which might feel like a good way to punish yourself, but it can't make you know in the past what you simply did not know, and it makes you forget all the wonderful, good, true, right things that you shared right when you need those memories most. :bighug: Let experience be your guide, not your executioner. :bighug: :bighug:


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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I feel compelled to tell you something my heart dog Slim taught me. It is this: you have no control over when they cross over. You might think you do, or did, but you don't. And that is the fact. Do you have any idea how I struggled and suffered with the 'what if's' when Slim crossed over at only 6 yoa from bloat/GDV? I was feeding him from a raised feeder -per a very gifted vets instructions due to a neck injury-even though I knew studies had shown a significantly increased bloat incidence over floor feeding. What if I wouldn't have? Would it have avoided it if I would have continued floor feeding? What if I would have fed him raw as I do now instead of the Hund n Flocken kibble with fried hamburger in it? Maybe if I would have watched him "more closely" even though he had surgery very early in the incident and there was 'plenty of time.'. What if I wouldn't have turned him out for some fresh air after he ate?- maybe if I would have kept him in the house where he would have been eyeballed every second and had no activity, maybe then it wouldn't have happenned. Afterall I knew he had a "weak" stomach. Why didn't I stay at the hospital for the surgery instead of thinking positive and planning to come back early the next morning.....I wasn't even able to be there when he crossed...... I could go on. Maybe if I'd done this or not done that. But the bottom line I have to tell you is that Slim himself taught me that none of it matters. When its their time NOTHING and no one can stop it. And conversely when its not their time they will survive incredible injuries and illness even with no or worse yet incompetent care. Look at all the things Gus did survive that many others don't. You did everything you did out of love and Gus knows it too. Even the Bible says that 'love does no wrong to a brother.' Hang in there. Just please understand that while guilt feelings are natural when our beloved cross over thats all they are-just feelings not reality. The reality is you and Gus both acted only in love toward each other and no creature can do more than that. Not trying to butt in but I just wanted to share my experience and honestly Slim would be disappointed in me if I didn't. It is meant to be shared and he wants me to. :grouphug

Edited by racindog
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