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Irrational Fears

Guest greyers

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Guest greyers

Rego man is an easy going, fairly confident guy. Not afraid of kids, strangers, other dogs, loud noises or almost anything EXCEPT A FLY! :eek Seriously. Flies freak him out so badly he tries to rush away and hide and tries to get the door open to leave the room. He literally panics at times. I have no idea what to do about his irrational fear. I only hope that with time he will learn to adjust. We have lots of flies at our place in the mountains. So he is going to have to get use to being exposed to them.


He also is afraid of being outside in our "yard" in the mountains. He acts spooked about the deck as tho "the boogie man might be under there" :blink:


Any irrational fears your guys have that are unusual and anything you have done to successfully get them over these fears?

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No clue on desensitizing for flies. Time will help with many fears. We changed our refrig from almond to black and Stormy would not come in the kitchen for a week. It took 4-5 months before he stopped charging through the house everytime the thermo clicked. This made for a lot of sleepless nights. We would adjust the temp so the unit would not click as often.We actually saved on the electric bill. Now he won't go out after dark.

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Guest FijiHound

Nugget was afraid of the 'second' flight of stairs - not the first which she'd zoom up :blink: but being lost for 9 days helps you get up those last stairs :colgate

Only thing she has a fear of now is the balcony upstairs :lol she'll put her feet on the very edge of the doorway and just peek out - not a paw past! :colgate


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Guest dragontearz

Shopping carts at the pet stores, specifically the wheels on them scare Obie for some reason. When we're in the store or standing still in line to check out, he'll sniff all around a cart to see what's inside, but the second a cart is moving, he's as far as possible on the leash away from it, eyeing it the whole time till it's out of site.

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Miss Pudge le mutt is afraid of manhole covers. :unsure I have no idea why. She was found running the streets before the shelter got her.

Now if I could just get the mailman to disguise himself as a manhole cover maybe she wouldn't bark at him. :rolleyes:


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Guns and fireworks. We have tried thundershirts, rescue remedy... and I'm currently trying to find a desensitization cd.


Oh, and helium balloons. :lol

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Beeping, the toaster, the microwave, fireworks, thunder, trucks, motorcycles, kids, crowds, people working on the roof, and I'm sure theres more I'm not thinking of. If you met him at home he actually seems really well adjusted though. I ignore most of the phobias because hes scared while it's happening but fine the minute most are done.

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George's fears have been pretty normal and typical, I think, and once he realizes that what he was afraid of is OK (shiny floors, stuff like that) he's fine. But my last dog (a mutt) was TERRIFIED of the ROTC cadets AND Hassidic Jewish folks (there were a lot in the neighborhood).


Go figure.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest greyers

You all are making me feel better about my boy being abnormal! :rolleyes: I swear I am use to owning spooks and can handle the normal stuff, but this odd fear that is making him so clingy is driving me nuts! He is a Velcro dog anyway, but he is at an absolute new level the last couple hours. He won't stop "touching" me. He is the most touchy dog I have ever owned. Has to have at least his nose touching part of your body when he feels insecure.

The solo fly in the room is making him freak whenever he hears it. So I put on this amazing holographic nature sounds app that I have to drown out the sound of a single fly. It is working. Right now he has his eyes closed and is starting to get sleepy to the sound of a massive thunder storm roaring right next to him. As long as he can't hear or see that fly he is in good shape! Apparently thunder and rain soothe him. :blink: I actually have one of these nature sounds on this app that has the buzzing of a fly by your head in part of it. I might see sometime if I can desesetize him a bit with that.

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Guest tellybelly

Telly is also quite confident in general when it comes to strangers, children, most other pets and the various goings-on of the house and outside the home. However....for some reason she is afraid of anything to do with things we use to do our hair! :blink: She is scared of the curling iron, blow dryer, and even hairbrushes!!! She has tuned her ears to know the sound of the hair dryer or curling iron being plugged in and begins roo-ing like crazy! I'm thinking maybe associating this with us getting ready to leave for the day, but I'm not totally sure. Oh yes, and I said "most" other pets, because she is also terrified of dogs with short snouts such as pugs, boston terriers, and so on!! :o

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Like so many others, Annie Bella is not afraid of much. Thunder & lightning, snow, cats, dogs, people, 18-wheeler trucks with loud brakes, etc., don't bother her at all. But the second I open a certain type of plastic container that has a loud "pop" to it (unless I'm real careful how I open it, which doesn't always work anyway), she freaks and runs to her bed with her back to me. It's interesting that this container has some treats in it for her and she knows it. The minute I call her for the treat, she's fine, but she takes it and runs not wanting to be in the same room when I snap the top closed.

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I wonder if Rego's hearing is super sensitive to the sound of the fly buzzing? I know Rocket hears things that I don't, and DW says that I have "dog ears." :lol He runs to the window so much when there's the least little noise, that I occasionally call him Mrs. Kravitz....


High pitched noises will startle Rocket on a walk. usually the sound of the metal on his leash clinking against whatever he is sniffing around, like a street sign post, or mailbox. When this happens, he will refuse to walk by the offending object again for a couuple of weeks, so we have to alter our route until he forgets about it, or has to walk past it because something on the other side now has his interest. . The startle is really bad when it happens, and if I didn't have a death grip on the leash he would take off.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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You all are making me feel better about my boy being abnormal! :rolleyes: I swear I am use to owning spooks and can handle the normal stuff, but this odd fear that is making him so clingy is driving me nuts! He is a Velcro dog anyway, but he is at an absolute new level the last couple hours. He won't stop "touching" me. He is the most touchy dog I have ever owned. Has to have at least his nose touching part of your body when he feels insecure.

The solo fly in the room is making him freak whenever he hears it. So I put on this amazing holographic nature sounds app that I have to drown out the sound of a single fly. It is working. Right now he has his eyes closed and is starting to get sleepy to the sound of a massive thunder storm roaring right next to him. As long as he can't hear or see that fly he is in good shape! Apparently thunder and rain soothe him. :blink: I actually have one of these nature sounds on this app that has the buzzing of a fly by your head in part of it. I might see sometime if I can desesetize him a bit with that.



Why don't you just swat the fly?


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest greyers

You all are making me feel better about my boy being abnormal! :rolleyes: I swear I am use to owning spooks and can handle the normal stuff, but this odd fear that is making him so clingy is driving me nuts! He is a Velcro dog anyway, but he is at an absolute new level the last couple hours. He won't stop "touching" me. He is the most touchy dog I have ever owned. Has to have at least his nose touching part of your body when he feels insecure.

The solo fly in the room is making him freak whenever he hears it. So I put on this amazing holographic nature sounds app that I have to drown out the sound of a single fly. It is working. Right now he has his eyes closed and is starting to get sleepy to the sound of a massive thunder storm roaring right next to him. As long as he can't hear or see that fly he is in good shape! Apparently thunder and rain soothe him. :blink: I actually have one of these nature sounds on this app that has the buzzing of a fly by your head in part of it. I might see sometime if I can desesetize him a bit with that.



Why don't you just swat the fly?


I killed one already, but a second one got in when hubby was dragging stuff in and out of the trailer. I think we even have a third. I haven't been able to catch the other two and my running around attempting to swat at them only makes Rego far more anxious. . But currently no buzzing.

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You all are making me feel better about my boy being abnormal! :rolleyes: I swear I am use to owning spooks and can handle the normal stuff, but this odd fear that is making him so clingy is driving me nuts! He is a Velcro dog anyway, but he is at an absolute new level the last couple hours. He won't stop "touching" me. He is the most touchy dog I have ever owned. Has to have at least his nose touching part of your body when he feels insecure.

The solo fly in the room is making him freak whenever he hears it. So I put on this amazing holographic nature sounds app that I have to drown out the sound of a single fly. It is working. Right now he has his eyes closed and is starting to get sleepy to the sound of a massive thunder storm roaring right next to him. As long as he can't hear or see that fly he is in good shape! Apparently thunder and rain soothe him. :blink: I actually have one of these nature sounds on this app that has the buzzing of a fly by your head in part of it. I might see sometime if I can desesetize him a bit with that.



Why don't you just swat the fly?


I killed one already, but a second one got in when hubby was dragging stuff in and out of the trailer. I think we even have a third. I haven't been able to catch the other two and my running around attempting to swat at them only makes Rego far more anxious. . But currently no buzzing.


Just a suggestion -- flying insects can be brought down by hairspray. The cheap stuff is the best (it tends to be sticky). It makes their wings stick together and they fall to the ground. You can then take care of it without running around and swatting.

Beverly. Missing my happy toy-flinging boy Sammy (Where's Mandrill), (8/12/2009-9/30-2021) Desperately missing my angel Mandy (BB's Luv) [7/1/2000 - 9/18/2012]. Always missing Meg the Dalmatian and Ralph Malph the Pekeapoo.

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Yes, Sherri has the fly phobia also!! They don't even have to be the buzzing kind, just the ordinary house fly will do. She jumps off her bed and runs around looking at me to rescue her.

Mary, mom to kitty Rebel.
Always missing Sherri (SO DELICIOUS) (12/6/2005-8/29/2018) kitties Marley (4/2000-12/3/2015) and Beady (4/1998-2/24/2006) and Dalmatian Daisy (7/25/1984-5/13/1999).

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work

and give to those who would not - Thomas Jefferson

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Guest greyers

You all are making me feel better about my boy being abnormal! :rolleyes: I swear I am use to owning spooks and can handle the normal stuff, but this odd fear that is making him so clingy is driving me nuts! He is a Velcro dog anyway, but he is at an absolute new level the last couple hours. He won't stop "touching" me. He is the most touchy dog I have ever owned. Has to have at least his nose touching part of your body when he feels insecure.

The solo fly in the room is making him freak whenever he hears it. So I put on this amazing holographic nature sounds app that I have to drown out the sound of a single fly. It is working. Right now he has his eyes closed and is starting to get sleepy to the sound of a massive thunder storm roaring right next to him. As long as he can't hear or see that fly he is in good shape! Apparently thunder and rain soothe him. :blink: I actually have one of these nature sounds on this app that has the buzzing of a fly by your head in part of it. I might see sometime if I can desesetize him a bit with that.



Why don't you just swat the fly?


I killed one already, but a second one got in when hubby was dragging stuff in and out of the trailer. I think we even have a third. I haven't been able to catch the other two and my running around attempting to swat at them only makes Rego far more anxious. . But currently no buzzing.


Just a suggestion -- flying insects can be brought down by hairspray. The cheap stuff is the best (it tends to be sticky). It makes their wings stick together and they fall to the ground. You can then take care of it without running around and swatting.


Thank you Mandy's mom! I will bring some up to our trailer next weekend and keep it on hand. That's a great suggestion.


Maryz, isn't that the craziest thing? Us too, just small generic house flies, not big mondo ones nor bees. Just harmless little things now. I thought it was a fluke the first time I saw him afraid of them. It is definitely not.


Lots of folks I see with dogs that have thunder fears. I don't know how some of you live where you do. I should be the one to have dogs afraid of that since we almost never have thunder with our rain storms.

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You all are making me feel better about my boy being abnormal! :rolleyes: I swear I am use to owning spooks and can handle the normal stuff, but this odd fear that is making him so clingy is driving me nuts! He is a Velcro dog anyway, but he is at an absolute new level the last couple hours. He won't stop "touching" me. He is the most touchy dog I have ever owned. Has to have at least his nose touching part of your body when he feels insecure.

The solo fly in the room is making him freak whenever he hears it. So I put on this amazing holographic nature sounds app that I have to drown out the sound of a single fly. It is working. Right now he has his eyes closed and is starting to get sleepy to the sound of a massive thunder storm roaring right next to him. As long as he can't hear or see that fly he is in good shape! Apparently thunder and rain soothe him. :blink: I actually have one of these nature sounds on this app that has the buzzing of a fly by your head in part of it. I might see sometime if I can desesetize him a bit with that.



Why don't you just swat the fly?


I killed one already, but a second one got in when hubby was dragging stuff in and out of the trailer. I think we even have a third. I haven't been able to catch the other two and my running around attempting to swat at them only makes Rego far more anxious. . But currently no buzzing.


Just a suggestion -- flying insects can be brought down by hairspray. The cheap stuff is the best (it tends to be sticky). It makes their wings stick together and they fall to the ground. You can then take care of it without running around and swatting.


Thank you Mandy's mom! I will bring some up to our trailer next weekend and keep it on hand. That's a great suggestion.


Maryz, isn't that the craziest thing? Us too, just small generic house flies, not big mondo ones nor bees. Just harmless little things now. I thought it was a fluke the first time I saw him afraid of them. It is definitely not.


Lots of folks I see with dogs that have thunder fears. I don't know how some of you live where you do. I should be the one to have dogs afraid of that since we almost never have thunder with our rain storms.


The first time I saw her jump off her bed and run around like a maniac, I couldn't figure out what the heck was going on. This is a dog who sleeps through thunderstorms, fireworks (we were even

out on a lake on a pontoon boat and watched fireworks in the near distance-no reaction whatsoever), and the sound of gunshots during deer hunting season. She's just too funny.

Mary, mom to kitty Rebel.
Always missing Sherri (SO DELICIOUS) (12/6/2005-8/29/2018) kitties Marley (4/2000-12/3/2015) and Beady (4/1998-2/24/2006) and Dalmatian Daisy (7/25/1984-5/13/1999).

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work

and give to those who would not - Thomas Jefferson

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Lily is afraid of the sound of bagpipes.


This cracks me up. Enza can walk past a moving train that blows its whistle and be fine. Thunder and fireworks are no big deal. A truck will backfire and she will glare at me because it's my fault.


However, ducks. Ducks are her nemesis.

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Ginger gets nervous with new stuff, but she acclimates quickly.


Kids are definitely a constant though. If there's one or more a block away, she won't walk. She'll stop dead and won't take another step unless we cross the street.


She doesn't like loud noises in general, but she's especially scared of the soda maker after you press the carbonator 3 times then it sort of buzzes. She doesn't like the buzzer but she's getting used to it I think. But she'd drink the soda if I let here lol.


She's not scared necessarily of the ceramic tiles in the kitchen or bathrooms, but she prefers to not walk on them.


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