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Greyhound Playday - Someone Joined Our Group W/ Ig?

Guest leash

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So we have a playdate schedule for Saturday. We just had a new member sign up except she does not have a greyhound she has a IG. I think they are cute and all but my greyhound does not do well with small dogs at all. All the greyhounds are going to be muzzled but I still don't think it is going to work. My greyhound weighs 86 lbs. and just turned a year old. He would crush these dogs. I am not sure why she joined our play group as we all have greyhounds only. No other dogs are allowed at the playdates except for greyhounds. What should I do? My Magnum needs a good run tomorrow!

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Contact her and politely explain to her it is greyhounds only due to the size and nature of the breed. Gently, but with a point, explain to her the kinds of things (ie injuries) that can happen to her dog, and the big dogs when a small dog is involved in a group of active greys.

Yes, greyhounds and IGs can co-exist peacefully, as I am sure you are aware. But big greys and little fragile dogs shouldn't be loose to run together, in my honest opinion. Especially if some greys don't like the littles.


If you want, tell her she can come along, without her dog, and get to know you better. Maybe she wants to see if she likes greyhounds?


eta - this is assuming you are a "president" or "coordinator" for the group. If not, contact who is in charge and simply voice your concerns.

Edited by Shana
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I'm not sure why she was "allowed" to join in the first place? Our group won't accept a new member who doesn't have a greyhound. We also post, right on our home page, that the group is for retired racing greyhounds ONLY. People do have other breeds in the same house as the greys but they do not bring them to the runs. There is nothing, however, to stop them bringing them to a run, along with another adult, and the extra adult can stay outside the fence with the off-breed on a leash (although I've not yet seen that done). But never would the off-breed be allowed to enter the run enclosure. The administrator or whomever should contact this person before they come to the run and explain the rules, it just can't occur.

Edited by OwnedBySummer


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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Guest KennelMom

Sounds like there's a misunderstanding somewhere...either she doesn't know it's a BIG greyhound group and not IG or the person that allowed her to join missed that the has a LITTLE greyhound. She's a fool if she actually tries to let her IG play in a group of large dogs. And the greyhound owners are a few screws loose if they let her. I *highly* suspect that no one (her or the greyhound folks) would allow it to happen. Like I said, it sounds like there was just some crossed wires somewhere...

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Guest taylorsmom

I would agree with others that there must have been some kind of misunderstanding but whoever is coordinating the group needs to clear it up with her, hopefully before she comes out for the playdate. I have an IG and two biggies, and a Lab, and as much as they all love each other and do get along well, I NEVER allow any of the big dogs to run with the IG, muzzled or not. I don't even leave them alone in the house loose together--when we go out and leave the dogs home, the IG goes in his crate. His legs are just too fragile, I'd hate to think of what could happen if one of my biggies was just trying to play and just smacked him a little too hard with a paw or something.

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I'd just show up with your dog as usual and then voice your thoughts at the field if the person truly intends to run their little one with all the big dogs. It is clearly unsafe on so many levels, irrespective of prey drive. It's a physical accident waiting to happen. I suspect the person will 'know better' and not put her pup in danger anyway. And if she intends to run her IG at a GH only event, your voice will not be the only one expressing concern.

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Guest GryffinSong

Ditto what everyone else has said. I have IGs and a greyhound, and I would not allow an IG into a greyhound playdate. If I were in your shoes I'd go. There's very little chance anyone will let her IG play, and if she tries, you guys stop her. Trust me, a broken IG is not a pretty sight. Just tell her you don't want her regretting a vet bill in the thousands of dollars for a broken (or dead) IG. That ought to get through to her.

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Once a saluki joined the local greyhound playgroup and the greyhounds were awful! They knocked around that poor dog like she was a toy. After that I would never, ever allow a non-greyhound to join a playgroup. It would probably be best if the owner was asked to leave.

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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There was a news report here in Boston recently that said something about a cruelty case and a "Greyhound." Well, it was an IG. Maybe this lady is a total newbie to the hound world and she figures her dog is a "greyhound" just small?


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Guest GryffinSong

Yes, its possible that she thinks an IG is a greyhound. Some people are under that misapprehension. I'm sure a chat with her will set her straight. No one wants a broken IG.

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Not that I think it's a great idea so don't flame me, but I used to attend a greyhound group at a public park. We couldn't restrict any other dog breed from entering as it was public (but most other dog owners were aware of when we meet and wouldn't come at that time.) Two different greyhound owners used to bring there IG's along with them and in all the time I went there none of the big greyhounds ever payed the IG's any mind even the not small animal safe greys. That being said the IG's both used to stay pretty close to the people (usually on someones lap) and never used to run around or play with the group of greyhounds.

Hobbes-Ricard Hatch09/23/99-12/21/09 Always loved, never forgotten. Wally TNJ Boy Howdy, GLS Genuinerisk Corinna

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Guest GryffinSong

Greytluck, that's why I prefer dog parks that have small dog areas. I'll never forget a dog park in a small town that only had one area. I wasn't going to bring my IGs, but on a particular morning I drove by and only a few small dogs were in there. No large dogs at all. I brought my IGs in and they had a blast. Then a woman arrived with a totally-out-of-control german shepherd. The dog was growling, snarling, barking and lunging. I yelled to her to wait a minute until I could get my dogs out before bringing her dog in. She said her dog loved everyone. I told her please wait, she didn't want a broken IG on her conscience!!! She waited, but just barely. Everyone else in the park was so nervous about her dog that they left too. It only takes one bozo to ruin a dog park experience.


This is also why I only once or twice brought Gryffin to a dog park, and only on off hours when no one else was there. The large dog areas are often populated by huge dogs that get into fights. Frankly, the large dog areas scare me silly.

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I echo why was she allowed to join? She does not own a greyhound -- she owns an Italian greyhound and the size difference is enough that the Iggys life could be in danger even if the big guys are muzzled. It can get rolled and get legs broken and some dogs can do some damage with a muzzle on (including beating the poor rolled Iggy with the muzzle). Maybe between now and then you could hve someone contact her and explain it REALLY might be a bad idea. If she still insists on showing up and running the Iggy that morning I'd just turn and leave with my dog.

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Guest Jubilee251

Dude, NO WAY. My dogs are absolutely small dog safe, but when they start running around with each other, they will plow down anything that gets in their way. That IG would be roadkill.

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I'd contact the person that organizes the group, and remind them that a small dog at a greyhound run is a BAD idea. :angryfire


It's definately dangerous for the IG. Even if all greys are muzzled, IG's have daintly little legs, and as part of a fun romp (if none of the greys got pack-ish) it could still get hurt just running underfoot.


Then there's the obvious point that the most docile greys in the world WILL PACK UP when running in a group. Thousands of years of breeding CAN NOT be trained out of them. Your sweet couch potato WILL turn into a killing machine when it's in a pack and that ancient instinct kicks in. That's the way it works. If JUST ONE grey gets a bit aggressive toward a smaller animal, every grey there WILL join in, and try to kill it. If it "yips" once, it's toast. Not pretty, but that's just how it works.


It's a bad, bad idea. I would go - but not let my dog in if the IG was in. I wouldn't make a stink about it - but I wouldn't let my dogs in until the IG was out. The "big dog" ALWAYS gets the blame. I don't care if waivers are signed - if my big dog hurts a smaller dog - no matter the situation - the BIG dog - is ALWAYS at fault.


I would never knowingly endanger someone's dog. So - I would never let my dogs run with other greys if a small dog was there. Period. No options.

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Curious to see how things went......


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Guest Swifthounds

Once a saluki joined the local greyhound playgroup and the greyhounds were awful! They knocked around that poor dog like she was a toy. After that I would never, ever allow a non-greyhound to join a playgroup. It would probably be best if the owner was asked to leave.


If greyhounds were awful and knocking around a saluki, they were not properly socialized for play in an open field. No, I would not take my IG to a park with gryehounds, nor would I ever leave my greyhounds alone with IGs, cats, or small dogs when I was not at home to supervise. Greyhounds who are to be taken to a field for open play (even muzzled) should be properly socialized to do so. If the greyhounds were knocking a slauki around like a toy, then they need a lesson in proper field manners and socialization.

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Hi Everyone. Thanks so much for the advice.


So I contacted the person in charge of our group to see what she thought. She said that she did not even notice that they were IG when she signed up. We could not get a hold of her before the event. I should up a little late so that I did not have to be the one to say something as I know there were other greyhounds that did not do so well with greyhounds. A little chicken! :lol Hate confrontation. :colgate


When we should up the two IG were running around with the greyhounds with no problems at all. Great I just drove an hour to get here and poor Magnum was not going to be able to go in. So we stood outside the park and watch for a little bit. Just as you know it all 7 greyhound began to run after the small IG. Let just say it was not a pretty site. We watched the poor little IG get trampled. IG started limping but did not seem to be too hurt. The owner of the IG was so mad that she left right away. She just kept telling everyone that we need better control of our dogs. Her 2 IG were so scared when they were walking out. As she left she asked me why I was outside just watching. I told her that my greyhound is not good with small dogs and I was afraid that Magnum would hurt her dog. I not only did not want to go through all of that nor did I want to pay vet bills. She actually said thank you to me and said that she would never return. She said she did not realize that all the dogs were the large greyhounds until everyone started showing up.


After all this Magnum was going crazy and wanted to run so bad. After the IG left I do have to say this was the best meetup ever!! The greyhounds ran like crazy for the next half an hour. Magnum was so tired. I actually have never seen him run so much.


The lady in charge of the group apologized and said she would make sure that it is greyhounds only! That is the Large Greyhounds!! :lol

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I hope that the IG's are ok today but I am surprised that no one stopped her in the beginning from entering the field when she arrived? I can see fault on both sides of that one. Her for not noticing that there were no other small dogs and allowing hers to run with the big dogs and also the group of greys and owners who were already there and allowing them to run after the IG's and not say anything to her?


I go to a baseball field with my own dogs. Twice I have had someone come up and ask if they could come in too. Both times I have said no, I'm sure they think I am being bitchy about it but I also take the time to explain why. I don't even allow my greys to go out in the back yard with my own little dogs muzzled or not. And they live with them.

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Good for you for waiting outside till she was gone.

I have several thoughts and questions floating around in my head, but I am just going to keep quiet. However, if I were there, I would have said a few things to that woman.


...some people... sheesh.

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