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Watching Sherman Decline Is Heartbreaking

Guest Shermanator

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My husband and I are childless by choice too. And my fur kids are just as important to me as any human child. We had to watch our Hiro decline and decided that when he couldn't get up to go to the bathroom any more, that's when it was time. I'm sorry you are having to go through this. You can remember the good days, try to forget the bad, and love Sherman as much as you can.

Missing Hiro, Tank, and Tractor

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Guest deanna

So sorry you're going through this. When my old girl, Pammy, had osteo, the Dr. told us it was in a really vulnerable place - the bone could shatter at any moment, and to keep her relatively immobile. Pammy wasn't that kind of girl - she was an old rough and tumble, bite me in the rear every chance she could, kind of girl. I decided that rather than wait for her pain to be unbearable, I would let her go before she reached that point. I couldn't bear the thought of waiting too long, and her leg shattering, and going in for an emergency euthanasia. So, I took two days off of work, spoiled her absolutely rotten, watched movies on the couch with her, and cried all over her. Then let her go, in the front yard, in her favorite patch of clovers. I don't regret it one bit.


Just telling my story for some outsider insight on a similar situation.


Hugs to you, I know it's the worst. :(

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Guest DoofBert


SugarBear's breeder gave me wonderful words of wisdom as we were traveling this journey with her. John simply said - we need to ask ourselves are we keeping them alive for us or for them - as long as they are enjoying their life it is for them, when the time comes they no longer enjoy life because of the pain, then it is for us.


The selfish part of me wants all my angels back. Losing one is the one thing in greyhpund adoption that never gets easier. bighug.gif


We are here for you.


I could not have said it better, Pat........


Hugs to you and Sherman as you proceed ont his journey. Be strong and talk to Sherman about some your favority things he brought to your life and that you hold dear.


Sir D's decline was swift ( about 48 hours) with chrondsarcoma..... but we cuddled and I talked to him till we both fell asleep.



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Guest Smiley

It's so, so hard. I spent a week glued to Smiley after he was diagnosed and never really stopped crying. You are doing what you can-keeping him comfortable and spoiling him rotten. And I agree that when this journey becomes too hard for Sherman, it's time and you'll know. Every dog is so very different and just by watching him and making your choices day by day, you're doing the very best you can.


I did find it interesting that Patton has begun to stay close to Sherman. Before we got the actual OS diagnosis for Smiley, Peanut stuck very close to Smiley (which she never had done before) and especially so when he was so sick. I think animals know much more than humans and have a greater understanding of life and death.


Hugs to all of you-you're not walking this journey alone and I am sending you many hugs . . .

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Guest Cris_M

My heart goes out to you. I have kids. That doesn't make my fur kids any less precious. A heart dog is a heart dog no matter how many other wonderful relationships you have in your life.


My simple (ha!) advice:

1. Allow yourself to grieve. It's okay.

2. Hang out around people who understand, and talk to them. You'll need as many people as possible who love you and love dogs.

3. Stay away from the "just a dog" people. They can't help themselves and they can hurt you.

4. Keep any routines you and Sherman have as much as possible, and keep them at the same time of day. That routine helps both of you. Sherman, even ill, will look forward to those events. The anticipation of good things happening is important. If Sherman can't do things the same way, alter the event to fit. Gabriel and I used to ride to a park to walk. When he couldn't walk far, we'd just ride and park. He still got excited knowing that the ride was coming.

5. Go ahead and make memory items -- like Sherman's pawprint in clay. Don't wait; you're not tempting fate by doing it now. Instead, you will make it a nice experience for both of you.

6. Take a million pictures. Even if you already have a million.

7. Join Circle of Grey. They are more supportive than you can imagine. I cried when I got the box they send to members. It is still one of the best gifts I have ever received.

8. Send something nice to your vets while Sherman is still alive. I sent home made cookies, and Gabriel got lots of extra attention from the staff. It was a win-win-win thing.

9. And, again, allow yourself to grieve. It's okay.


Love the dickens out of Sherman. Love him to your fullest capacity. It will hurt more later, and it is worth it. The memories you make now are incredibly special later.


My heart, and those of many others here, is breaking for you. There are others who get it and are here to support you.

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I had 29 hours with Bailey from the time of diagnosis to her death. It was painful beyond belief and I don't know how I did it, but I did. I believe it was is the immeasurable amount of love I had have for her that got me through it.

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Guest jettcricket
<br />I think we all can understand those feelings of helplessness, watching our precious Greys decline, and knowing the our time together is more and more finite. But something that I try to hold onto is this: they live in the moment, and don't see the sadness to come. As difficult as it is for us to not see that too, I think we have to try, for their sake. Don't let the monster steal your precious time away from you now because then it will have won twice. Sherman knows he is safe and loved NOW. You are there for him, keeping him safe and as free from pain as possible because you love him so much, and when it is time, and you know you can't keep him from pain any longer, you will still do what you have to do, out of love.<br />Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Sherman.<br />
<br /><br /><br />



....Nancy you put it so beautifully. I know for me, we have no kids either, Jett and Cricket were our world. There's not a day that goes that I don't think of them. And, yes, some days it was so incredibly hard and overwhelming, but I always tried to stay positive and upbeat around them....they are very intuitive and can sense our sadness.


I'm so sorry that you are going thru this hard road with your precious boy....they are only ours, but for a short time.


Cherish each moment....hugs to you and your family.


We are here for you....

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Everyone has provided advice that I hope will help you along this difficult and painful journey. We are childless as well by choice and our furry ones are our children. We will be here for you as many will on GT. Our wishes are for as many good days as possible with Sherman and know that he is happy because he has you.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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I'm so sorry that you are going through this. It is so incredibly difficult. I don't know where one gets the strength to get through times like this, but somehow we do. I've always dreaded having to face the eventual decline of one my dogs, but when the time came, I more or less found myself living in the moment with them and kept thoughts of the future out of my mind as much as possible. This is not something I consciously did, so I think there that maybe some internal coping mechanism kicks in that protects your heart a little and helps you to be brave, in the face of terrible impending sadness. I told myself that we had to get through today and it was important to enjoy as many moments of it that we could. Really, when you think about it, today is all that really matters--we have this moment and we are not promised anything beyond it.


Looking back, I wonder how I ever got through it. But you do get through it. Try telling yourself that Sherman is living in the moment and is at peace with his life moment by moment. I've read that dogs do not possess the ability to experience worry and dread, like we do, so that in itself may provide some comfort to you. All Sherman knows is that he is being loved and that, for him, is the most important thing in his life. You are anguished because you know that you will soon lose him, at least in the form he is right now. But he doesn't know that. His spirit will not die. It will remain with the people he loves.


I'm sending you much love and wishes for peace and strength.

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I was probably lucky in that I didn't know Onyx had Osteo until the day I let him go. He was already on pain medication for arthritis which I was steadily increasing as his condition worsened. I always knew to up his pain meds when I heard him moan. I am so grateful now that I didn't hold back, considering what he was actually going through. I believe he was getting 1000 mg of Rimadyl twice a day and 150 mg of Tramadol every 8 hours near the end.


Just a few days after he started limping, we were at the vet and I was staring at this x-ray that said it all. His bone was just about to break. I had no choice but to let him go right then and there.


So I guess you could say I never had that watching period and really don't know how I would have handled it. My heart goes out to you and Sherman.



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Guest Shermanator

Sherman was panting a lot this weekend. I think it was pain, but there was no crying, or moaning. And, he has been eating and drinking as normal. Last night we got a spark out of him, and he hopped around wagging his tail last night in the backyard, playing. This is so frustrating. I cannot tell if I am ahead of his pain. Sigh. So frustrating. My vet says he's going to pant no matter what, since he is experiencing some kind of pain. He's such a sweet stoic boy. He's ripped the webbing out of his foot once, and also once ripped out a dew claw, and both were incredibly painful, yet when they happened, he never made a sound.

Thank you for all your thoughts, advice and prayers.

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Guest VaGreymom

I am so very sorry you are going through this most hearbreaking time. I lost my girl Tawny to Osteo in December. She started limping and 3 weeks later we had to make the decision to let her go. We could not control her pain any longer. I cried all the time and still have days I cry. I also had Tawny's littermate Cheyenne, and they never really liked each other, they tolerated each other. The second week Tawny was still limping Cheyenne stayed around her, slept near her and just kind of watched over her. At that point I knew (nothing had showed up on any of the xrays that had been taken) I was loosing her. It is the most helpless feeling in the world. Nothing I say is going to ease your pain just know we are all here for you. Give him his favorites, McDonalds, ice cream, steak or whatever that boy wants. He knows he is loved and you will do the best for him whatever that may be. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.



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I'm so sorry you and Sherman have to go through this. Your pain is gutwrenching - but it's love that will get you through. You and Sherman are in my prayers.

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g240/mtbucket/siggies/Everyday-2.jpgJane - forever servant to the whims and wishes of Maggie (L's Magnolia of JCKC) and Sam the mutt pup.[/b]

She's classy, sassy and a bit smart assy.

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I am so sorry you are going through this. You have already gotten great advice and I can't add anything to that. When I lost Scarlett, I was absolutely gutted. We had 13 1/2 years together and that was such an amazing gift. We went through a lot together. The thought of her not being there was something I couldn't fathom. I wish I had known about GT at that time. There are feelings involved in watching our pups go through OS that are peculiar to grey owners. We don't love our pups any more or less than other breed owners do, this is just different. Know that we are all here for you. Vent to us.


I spent the last 10 days of my girl's time with me ordering in dinner for her every night. She must have had every possible variety of meat/chicken that was available to us in Deli, Chinese or Mexican form. I am pretty sure that the steak soft tacos were her favorite.

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I guess the best advice I can offer is to slow down, clear your head as much as possible of the future and live in the minute (second if you have to ) with your dog. You know what is coming......he does not. Spend your time with Sherman wisely for today at least, is not the day.

I do understand.

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I'm so sorry it's so hard, and my heart goes out to you. I don't know how any of us ever do it, but I know why -- because we love them. Wishing you peace and strength in such a difficult time. Our thoughts will be with you.

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Guest TeddysMom

Just letting you know today that you, your family and Sherman are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to all of you.

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Guest Longdog

Its all been said but I hope you can take a little comfort knowing that you have such good support and healing thoughts here. Having lost my Cush just over a week ago I know exactly how you are feeling. I was so fortunate in that I could work from home for his past few months so was able to spend real quality time with him. Just savour all the cuddles and spoil him and as has already been said, try not to let him see you upset. Positive thoughts and prayers your way, be strong x

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Guest dogdaze

I am so sorry this is happening. I have been through this before and I know it is probbly going to happen again because all my dogs are getting old. I just pray that your sweet hound will be free of pain and discomfort.

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