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Ali's Ashes Are Back


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My vet hospital sent a letter letting me know her ashes are ready to be picked up. What should I expect when I go get them. I have never done this before. Do you think it might be a good idea for my brother to go get them for me? I just don't think I am ready to set foot in their right now after what happened to weeks ago.

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Guest Lovemyhound

Well, essentially when you go pick them up, you will arrive, tell them what you are there for and they will bring you a (most likely) little wooden box with your pup's ashes tucked neatly inside. Usually they are in some other sort of bag in another decorative bag inside the box. Some people choose to then purchase their own vessel of sorts to permanently store the ashes. My bridge boys ashes are in a nice velvet bag inside an engraved wooden box with a gold nameplate on the front.


When I went to pick up mine, I told myself not to cry - I had been sobbing for days. I thought I could be strong enough to walk in their and pick him up but the second I saw the box, my heart squeezed. :( I was alone - as I recall I was on my way home from work. So, it will be hard for you I'm sure. Maybe your brother will go with you? I remember the box felt so heavy, heavier than I thought it would be.


Be strong, keep your chin up, but remember it's ok to let yourself cry. :grouphug

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For me it is alway a strange kind of comfort when I have to go get one of my babies. I'm said b/c of what has happen but, comforted that they are coming home.

waiting at the bridge Connie Van Teddy & Jojo, Cobra

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Guest brandi007

Seeing Foxy's ashes broke my heart and still does to this day. Going in with my dog and leaving with a box was just too much to handle - it made me miss his soft fur and warm heart, the square corners and coldness of the box nearly killed me. If you do go get your baby's ashes I would bring someone along to drive you home. I know I was in no condition to drive. I do have to say once I got him home I felt better though, he was back with me where he belonged, I still pet him and give him a kiss every now and then - you'll feel better with Ali at home.


I'm so sorry, sending you lots of strength.

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It is a great comfort for me to have my two bridge greys back home with us. On the way to the vet to pick up Brandy's ashes, In the Arms of the Angels was playing on the radio. That got me, though.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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Guest Smiley

I had to drive down to Columbus, to the funeral home that OSU uses for private pet cremations. It was very, very hard, but I was so very happy to have my baby home again that that was a little comfort. Something someone suggested to me that really helped was to bring a special blanket of some sort to wrap the box in for the drive home. There's something comforting about being about to "care for" the ashes if that makes sense. I too am picking up another set of ashes on Thursday, so I'm sending you thoughts of peace and we travel this part of the journey together.

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I have never picked up ashes so I have no experience, but I do remember not wanting to ever go back to the vet's office after leaving there without Misty.


I put off vet visits for quite awhile after that. That feeling I do know.


You're in my thoughts


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Have your brother do it. That way he can tell you if it's a beautiful wood box with her ashes neatly packed in a seal clear plastic bag, or if the ashes are in a black trash bag in a taped up tin (like my Pearl and Diamond were).


I'm still upset at how Pearl and Diamond's ashes were returned. Brindle's came sealed in clean plastic, inside a cloth bag in a beautiful wood box.

Pearl's ashes are twice as much as Diamonds and they were sisters. The same size. I've complained about it, but what are they going to do?


At least your brother can prepare you if the ashes are not quite in acceptable condition.

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When we picked up Abby's ashes, they had them ready for us in a beautiful, engraved wooden box. I was grateful that a caring, responsible place had done the job. Even so, i started crying when they gave them to me and had to rush out of there. Once, i got them home, i sure was happy to have her back with me. We put them on a table with her picture on top. I also had an artist make a glass pendant with a small amount of her ashes inside it, which i wear around my neck. Some people think this is weird, but i like having it. I know this all sucks, and i hope you get through it okay and feel a little better soon.


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Guest how888

I hope you feel some comfort in having Ali back in the house.. I got Nike's ashes back in a beautiful little cedar box engraved with his name.. They also gave me a pawprint they took of his paw.. At first I couldn't look at it.. Now I touch it and talk to him.. It does give some comfort... God Bless.. My heart is with you..

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I did not have a good experience when Tom was ready to come home. He was totally not well presented and I will spare the details. If your brother will go with you, would he go in ahead of you to be sure that your baby is ready and thoughtfully tended to before you drive back? I’m so sorry that I can’t post for you that it was a good experience for me, and I am now always apprehensive about this trip. So (too) many here have done just fine, however, and I pray that this is the case for you. I will be thinking of you. Sending hugs.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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I had Kischen, a keeshond, for almost 14 years (before I got into greys) and when the vet called to say I could pick him up I could not do it. He died in September and my mother picked him up and kept him until January when she said I think it is time you brought Kischen home. I still have him here with my other greys.



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My brother said that the ashes are in a tin type box with a label on it. I sure wish they had a nice box that was already prepared so I didn't have to transfer the remains myself. I am sure either way, when I am ready I will be able to do it.

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It's good to take a friend with you. I lost my heart springer at Thankssgiving.He was 16. Then on New Year's Eve my Dalmatian had a stroke during a houseful of 50 people. Dr next day she could never walk again. Well at 15 we knew best. Flowers came from the vet and said your babies are ready for pickup. I sent someone else. Now my Grey refuses to go into room number 3. He must be feeling me all the way down the leash. My mantle is runnning out of space.

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We had to drive to the University of Minnesota to pick up Butkus' ashes. I was happy to be going to get him, but when I actually picked up the tin, I did choke up. It sounds morbid, but it was very funny....They use a standard-size tin, and they had to include an extra baggy for Butkus. We always joke that it's because of his big d*mn head. It just makes us laugh and remember how goofy that big old head was. After we picked him up, we stayed to talk with the researcher for about 45 minutes about the autopsy and the study in general, and that was so comforting, to know how much good Butkus was doing even after he died.


ETA: DH and I went together. I don't think I would have wanted to go alone, but I don't think I wouldn't have wanted to not go myself, either.

Edited by giadog
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