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Neyla Needs Your Thoughts

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I can't believe I am typing this and I am trying to hold it together b/c this is still not necessarily the likely scenario, but there is a chance (again) that Neyla may have osteo in her shoulder. She came up lame at GIG - all signs pointed to a muscle injury b/c she quickly improved with Deramaxx/Tramadol. About a week later my vet examined and x-rayed her (her entire leg) - x-rays were negative and she said she thought Neyla had pain in her shoulder and/or wrist and chalked it up to a muscle sprain. She was painful again after being examined so the vet prescribed Deramaxx/Tramadol for 7-10 days, which helped again, nearly immediately so I felt confident we weren't dealing with osteo.


In the meantime, I had made an appt with my orthopedist who finally saw her today. He saw something on the x-rays my vet did not and took his own high-def x-ray. He also took one of her good shoulder free of charge, which looked perfect (he said it looked like the bone of a 13 month old). The bad shoulder on the other hand, has this triangular shaped spot that is much brighter and there are some darker spots in the bone around that. He listed off a few things it could be other than cancer, but said there's really no way to tell except to wait 2 weeks and x-ray again. He was able to confirm that the shoulder is the issue (even w/o the x-rays just based on teh spasming, etc. upon exam) so at least we are narrowing in on a dx.


The one promising thing is that her quick physical improvement does not indicate osteo so I am just holding onto that for now.


I am mostly upset at myself for not trusting my instincts regarding the first round of x-rays. Since our ortho couldn't see us for a few wks, I was going to take her in to his office anyway and just have a tech do the x-ray, but then my regular vet recommended x-raying the entire leg, which I could not afford to do at the higher prices with the ortho. So, I had my regular vet do it despite being nearly certain teh shoulder was the issue based on me manipulating her when she was hurting. I should have stuck to my guns and just got the shoulder x-ray done with Dr. Canapp in teh beginning. Now we've lost 2 weeks which, if we're dealing with bone cancer, could be crucial. :(


Anyway :blah :blah Neyla is only 11. I've told her many times that she's under a contractual obligation to make it to 15 so it just can't be osteo, but if you could send some good thoughts her way over the next 2 weeks just in case, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

Edited by NeylasMom


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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I'm sorry to hear of these developments, Jen. Your adorable little Neyla is on my mind... :goodluck

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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I hope it's not OS. But just in case you want to know. Diamond was 11 when we did her amp. She turned 12 two weeks later.

We had a delay in chemo because of an infection.


She made it 6 months and it was a terrific 6 months. She was happy, felt good, played, and got to eat lots of good stuff.

Her lungs remained clear to the end. She developed OS in another leg.


I hope the best for you. Good luck.

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Guest bigorangedog

So sorry to hear this, and definitely crossing fingers that it is NOT osteo!!


If you haven't already, definitely have the orthopedist forward the xrays to Dr Couto at OSU to look at. They will be able to offer another opinion about whether it is osteo or not. I don't want to make you worry more, but we've been through osteo 5 times this year, and my vet always says that anything "odd" in the shoulder of an 11-yr-old greyhound is probably you-know-what. So if it were me, I'd want to get a diagnosis ASAP. My Whitey's osteo in his shoulder also dramatically improved with just half a Deramaxx per day -- he was actually not limping at all on the day we had his amputation.


If I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I HATE osteo but unfortunately have a lot of experience with it.


Sending many good wishes that everything turns out FINE!!!


ETA: Whitey was also 11 when he had his amp and chemo. He also only made it 5.5 months, but they were GREAT months with no pain until the very end. His returned in his other leg, spine, and lungs in his last couple weeks. Apollo is 3 months post-amp and doing well...His amp was at age almost-10.

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Fingers crossed. We always seem to find reasons to blame oursevles for not doing the perfect thing. But you know what they say... hindsight is 20/20. I hope good news comes with the next x-rays. Try not to worry, okay?



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Guest PhillyPups
:hope Many prayers headed Neylas way. I hate reading osteo posts almost as much as I hate cancer, it hits so close tpo home.
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Prayers coming from our house too. What is the vet's next step?

He wants to redo teh x-ray in 2 weeks. Basically, if there's a change, we discuss osteo treatment options. If there is no change, we feel better that that's not it and treat for either a clot, a bone bruise, or a rotator cuff injury (the other options on the table).


So sorry to hear this, and definitely crossing fingers that it is NOT osteo!!


If you haven't already, definitely have the orthopedist forward the xrays to Dr Couto at OSU to look at. They will be able to offer another opinion about whether it is osteo or not. I don't want to make you worry more, but we've been through osteo 5 times this year, and my vet always says that anything "odd" in the shoulder of an 11-yr-old greyhound is probably you-know-what. So if it were me, I'd want to get a diagnosis ASAP. My Whitey's osteo in his shoulder also dramatically improved with just half a Deramaxx per day -- he was actually not limping at all on the day we had his amputation.


Thank you for this, this is really useful to know. I too am concerned about waiting, that's why I'm so mad at myself about the x-rays and what is essentially 2 lost weeks. I did consider sending the x-rays to Dr. Couto but figured I would wait until we had the second set and send both at once. Maybe I won't wait after all.




I did decide a long time ago that I would not put Neyla through amputation if we ever had to make that decision. While she's no longer the spook she was when I adopted her, she is still fearful at the vet. I won't put her through the stressful experience that surgery and follow-up visits would be for her, as much as it breaks my heart to even think about making that decision. We also live in a condo with a good number of stairs and I just don't see how it would be possible for her to navigate them post-amp.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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I'll be keeping Neyla and you in my thoughts and prayers. This is a hard time---we just can't help but worry about our babies.

Edited by queenwinniesmom

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
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I am so sorry that OS is a possibility. I would email the xrays from your orthopedist to Dr. Couto's team now -- don't wait. Here is the information:


OSU Greyhound Health and Wellness Program:

Phone: (614) 247-6757

Email: greyosu@osu.edu

Website: http://www.vet.ohio-state.edu/GHWP.htm


This email goes to the team. If Dr. Couto is traveling, you may get a quicker answer from one of his team members. Drs. Marin and Zaldivar typically respond to greyhound owners.


Dr. Couto, Department Head, Greyhound Medicine, Oncolology and Hematology

Dr. Lili Marin, Greyhound Health and Oncology

Dr. Sara Zaldivar, Greyhound Health and Oncology

Dr. William Kisselberth, Oncology

Dr. Cheryl London, Oncology

Dr. Cristina Iazbik, Blood Bank Director and Hematologist

Dr. Bridget Urie, Oncology Resident

Dr. Matt Sherger, Oncology Resident

Dawn Hudson, Vet Tech

Ashley DeFelice, Vet Tech

Stacey Gallant, Vet Tech


Drs Marin and Zaldivar are originally from Spanish speaking countries. If you have trouble understanding them over the phone, you might ask for one of the other vets or vet techs to “translate”.


Dr. Couto's direct email is:


His phone number is also 614-247-6757. If he is in town, he typically returns emails in the early hours of the morning.


You should know that (in my humble opinion) they need more staff. Unfortunately finances do not permit it at this time. I think they do about 20 consults a day along with all of their "in canine" patients. There is no charge for phone/email consultations. Depending on their workload there may be a wait for the consultation.


If you decide to visit OSU please contact me. I may be able to put you up in a local home, provide moral support, or just help with logistics:




The main number for the veterinary hospital is 614-292-3551



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My heart sank when I saw your title. You and Neyla will be in my thoughts. Of course I am hoping it is not osteo, but if it is, you have a great support system here. I just went through this exact thing with Riley, and all I can tell you is to cherish every single second and do what you feel is best for your girl. If there's anything I can do, please let me know. Give Neyla a kiss for me. :kiss2

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Many big hugs and lots of :hope for you and Neyla.

Donna and...Lucy and Chubb
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