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Sunday night we had our first real thunderstorm.


From one little thunderclap 3 days after I got her in March, I suspected Jade was thunderphobic, but not sure how bad. Sunday she paced, panted, went in and out of the dog door all evening into the night. While I ignored her (trying not to feed her anxiety) I did keep track of her. I went to bed, and I listened to her pace all over the place.

By 1 AM the storm seemed over. I got up and checked her. She was asleep on the sofa. Okay. That doesn't seem too bad, just annoying.


I went to bed then. My phone rang at 8 AM (I was sleeping in because I was up so late with her). They said "we have your dog. Don't worry, she's fine."


I ran into the living room and found Opal and Onyx. No Jade.


So sometime after 1:00, either there was a soft rumble that I didn't hear (and I'm generally a light sleeper). Or because she was now supersensitive, some other noise like a truck scared her. She ran outside and jumped the fence.


Okay, not so good. She's really frantic.


I have several options right now. When the people called they said they found her in a crawl space in the basement of an addition they were building. So I thought I'd make a 'safe' place for her and see if she likes it. She can go there in a storm.


Closing off the dog door isn't an option. I have a 14.5 yr old with kidney issues and she's not needed a schedule in 10 yrs. I work long days.


Well I knew a storm was coming today so I left work early. I put a soft bed and her PB filled kong in the powderroom. No windows, center of house. Nice and quiet.

Nope. Wanted nothing to do with it. She has trouble with stairs and doesn't want to go to the basement, an alternative safe place.

Anyway the storm hit. Wind only. No thunder, no rain. But she was just as upset as the other night. In fact I thought she was going to jump thru a window. She was really looking at it hard.

Since there was no thunder or lightening. I don't think any of the thunderphobe items will work even though earlier today I ordered the thunderband.

I really don't want to lock her in a crate. Too long of a day. Especially with the other two always out.

So, my remaining options are a fence addition, which is going to cost a lot since I have an whole acre. Not to mention, I think she'll still hurt herself trying to get over the now higher fence.


That leaves me with meds.

Who has used Zanax and Colmicalm?

How long does Zanax last during the day? If she gets it at 7, would she still be under it's influence by 4 PM (when most of our storms hit).

What about colmicalm. Does it work? I know she'll have to go on daily. Does it change their personality? Make them too quiet? I really like her playful side.

What's everyone's recommendation?


Like I said, because she went ballistic with just wind, I don't think it's the thunder or lightening, but the storm itself.



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WOW! MP you are lucky somebody found her safe and sound. Sorry I don't have any advice, thankfully no thunderphobes in my pack currently. I hope you find a solution that works for Jade and you.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Guest Ashleigh

Have you thought about taking her for a calm walk out in the storm? I know that sounds kind of like an oxymoron...but you, her leader, being able to be calm and confident in the storm will hopefully show her she can be the same. It may not happen right away, but I would take advantage and force her to face it.


One thing I like to do is not let the behavior or fear escalate. When Hank starts whining, I give him a quick shht right away and it snaps him out of it. Also on the walk, take little pieces of cheese so you can associate wind and thunder with snacks. I would try these things before medicating her.

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Guest Energy11

CARI is HORRIBLE with t-storms. If one is in the area, I watch the radar, and give her (1) 5 mg. Valium. I also put an old t-shirt on her, which helps her feel secure, and cuts down on the static electricity she feels. I DO NOT let any of them out during a t-storm, as well.


The rest get Bach's Rescue Remedy (canine complex), which really helps. I also turn up the radio/Tv, keep the shades drawn and lights ON.


This is what works for us! Good Luck!

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Guest sorenkkg

We use a product called Bio-Calm... it's a liquid, and you can give it daily for SA, or once in a while, double dose, for thunderstorms or, in my house, neighbors doing fireworks.


It's a vitamin supplement, and it seems to take the edge off Haka enough so that he doesn't panic himself into a medical emergency.


That said-- we have discussed "doggie valium" with the vet, and that will be our next step when/if the Bio-calm (vet recommended) stops working or isn't enough.


My vet said, and I read this too-- fears like this tend to get worse rather than better as the dog ages. They can in fact panic themselves into quite a state. Obviously, in your case, jumping the fence can lead to HUGE problems, so I would look for a solution asap.


Do talk to your vet.


Also, what about crating? We don't do it, but maybe on storm days, you could try?



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I have already spoken with the vet. I just picked up Xanax and probably have a script ready for me for colmicalm.


She's an ADHD dog, crating her on days that there might be a storm (which is pretty much all summer) would be cruel to her. Once in a while would be fine, but I can't see her in there all day everyday.

Not to mention, I have long work days. I live rurally.......no one to come let her out at midday. I'm 35 minutes away from home. So MINIMUM, my lunch hour is an hour and ten minutes. That doesn't even count the time she's outside.


I want to put in a higher fence, but at 1 acre.........that's going to need a little save up time for the money.


I can't close off the dog door because of my old lady.


If the meds don't work (I may try Bio Calm first) I'll probably have to give her back to someone with a higher fence and/or maybe home all day.

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I share your pain. I didn't realize until I got Josh how intense thunderphobia could be. Jack's was so mild compared to this. Josh would no more take a treat in that state than fly to the moon. In fact I haven't found a dose of valium that has helped yet but I am still working up. I think in your situation a daily anti anxiety med is at least a reasonable option to try and I certainly don't say that lightly. In fact it may well be a kind thing to do. Good luck with Jade.



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

" You will never need to be alone again. I promise this. As your dog, I will sing this promise to you, and whisper it to you at night, every night, with my breath." Stanley Coren

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Guest LindsaySF

Ack, scary. I am glad they were able to catch her.


IMO, if she has jumped the fence once, she might do so again. I wouldn't risk an amber alert. Can you put down some pee pads for your older dog? If you absolutely need to keep the dog door open for the other dog(s), I would find a way to restrict her to a part of the house so she can't make it outside.


I hope the meds work.


You could also build a small turn-out area just outside the dog door, within the larger fence, something with a top so Jade can't jump out. I would be very hesitant to give the dogs a full acre to run around in when I wasn't home to supervise.

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OMG, I just saw this thread. You are living my worst nightmare, and my worst nightmare was a reality when my Kody was alive. Exact same scenario: always had thunderphobia but it escalated without warning, and he had broken through the fence TWICE - once when I was at work, the second time when I was home in bed. Thank doG for wonderful neighbors who called to tell me, and who caught him.


After researching this quite a bit, and taking Kody to see Dr. Nicolas Dodman at Tufts, I wrote an article for CG detailing what I tried, what worked, and what didn't work. Marcia has it up on her website now: Pass the Prozac


In short, what worked best for Kody (but was not a solution - Kody could never be left alone when storms were predicted) was Inderal (propranolol) 40mg given an hour before a storm was due. Melatonin also helped in combination with the Inderal.


It is true that thunderphobia and the escape response are likely going to escalate, and even if you do find a combination of meds that suppress the escape response somewhat, you may want to look into options for having her in someone's care if a storm is predicted when you're not home. I developed my own phobia of Kody's thunderphobia after a while :P... my fear of Kody not being in a safe, supervised place if an unannounced storm popped up was pervasive, and to this day, a rumble of thunder brings back my own anxiety over where Kody is.


Please feel free to PM if you want to talk more. I know how overwhelming this can be.


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Guest EddiesMom

I've had good luck using a combination of Benadryl and Ace on the Pea. I also have a special 'storm shirt' customized by VirginaGreys to accomodate Pea's bad leg. She still whines, pants, and paces, but not as badly.

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This is another subject I never paid attention to because I was in an area with no thunder at all.


Well, that's changed. This morning there was a loud boom, just one and it was over. Wayne flipped which I expected from him, but was not prepared for Lenny.


Poor guy hid in the bathroom and just shook, and it went on for at least an hour after the boom. He wouldn't even come out to eat.


Lenny came out to me from Tn and I just assumed they had storms there.

He did get sent with Ace which I will not use so I'll be interested to hear how you make out with the meds you got from the vet.


I really hope you find a solution


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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You could also build a small turn-out area just outside the dog door, within the larger fence, something with a top so Jade can't jump out.


This is what I would do. Smaller turnout with a lid.


If that's not possible, I think you're going to have to nix the dog door.



Friend's dog with severe thunderstorm phobia actually broke out of her house a couple times (ate thru the wall) when she wasn't home and went on the lam, fortunately was found in reasonable condition each time.


Would be worth talking to the vet about some meds that might take the edge off while you teach her a safe place to go INdoors (closet, bathroom, blanket-covered crate ....). Zema's safe place was in her nighttime bed, covered up (Zema, not the bed) with a blankie.


Glad your neighbors got her and she came to no harm.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest CalmingCollarLa

My Google Alerts found this thread on thunderphobia. I don't want to come across as SPAM so I'll keep this short -- but if Jade's Mom will email me I will be happy to send her one of my herbal Calming Collars -- on the house. I have many, many greyhound customers. They work through aromatherapy and can be worn 24/7. Also won't interact with any meds.

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I may look into getting something for Bebe. She was doing pretty good for a while but now has regressed. During those bad storms we had while I was away, she woke Mike up, in his bed, shaking like a leaf. He said it was like being on one of those beds you put a quarter in so it vibrates. She's 10 now and I worry about her getting so stressed during thunder storms. I've tried giving her Benadryl and that doesn't work so I switched to Melatonin. That only works for tiny storms. She has a storm defender cape that came with her from Trish but that doesn't work either. I'm glad you posted the drugs so now I have names. I hate to drug her but I don't want her to have a heart attack either.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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What helped Zeke-aroni, along with Rescue Remedy, a t-shirt, Janet Marlow's ZenDog CD (this plays in the background every day), was to build him a nest in the bathtub. I pull the shower curtain to the side and layer towels and a pillow in the tub. This is his safe place during storms, and he has improved tremendously. His sister "hides" under the sink on the rug in the same bathroom.


I know that others have recommended the StormDefender cape with very good results.


Good luck grouphug.gif

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Guest falcon73

Sunday night we had our first real thunderstorm.


From one little thunderclap 3 days after I got her in March, I suspected Jade was thunderphobic, but not sure how bad. Sunday she paced, panted, went in and out of the dog door all evening into the night. While I ignored her (trying not to feed her anxiety) I did keep track of her. I went to bed, and I listened to her pace all over the place.

By 1 AM the storm seemed over. I got up and checked her. She was asleep on the sofa. Okay. That doesn't seem too bad, just annoying.


I went to bed then. My phone rang at 8 AM (I was sleeping in because I was up so late with her). They said "we have your dog. Don't worry, she's fine."


I ran into the living room and found Opal and Onyx. No Jade.


So sometime after 1:00, either there was a soft rumble that I didn't hear (and I'm generally a light sleeper). Or because she was now supersensitive, some other noise like a truck scared her. She ran outside and jumped the fence.


Okay, not so good. She's really frantic.


I have several options right now. When the people called they said they found her in a crawl space in the basement of an addition they were building. So I thought I'd make a 'safe' place for her and see if she likes it. She can go there in a storm.


Closing off the dog door isn't an option. I have a 14.5 yr old with kidney issues and she's not needed a schedule in 10 yrs. I work long days.


Well I knew a storm was coming today so I left work early. I put a soft bed and her PB filled kong in the powderroom. No windows, center of house. Nice and quiet.

Nope. Wanted nothing to do with it. She has trouble with stairs and doesn't want to go to the basement, an alternative safe place.

Anyway the storm hit. Wind only. No thunder, no rain. But she was just as upset as the other night. In fact I thought she was going to jump thru a window. She was really looking at it hard.

Since there was no thunder or lightening. I don't think any of the thunderphobe items will work even though earlier today I ordered the thunderband.

I really don't want to lock her in a crate. Too long of a day. Especially with the other two always out.

So, my remaining options are a fence addition, which is going to cost a lot since I have an whole acre. Not to mention, I think she'll still hurt herself trying to get over the now higher fence.


That leaves me with meds.

Who has used Zanax and Colmicalm?

How long does Zanax last during the day? If she gets it at 7, would she still be under it's influence by 4 PM (when most of our storms hit).

What about colmicalm. Does it work? I know she'll have to go on daily. Does it change their personality? Make them too quiet? I really like her playful side.

What's everyone's recommendation?


Like I said, because she went ballistic with just wind, I don't think it's the thunder or lightening, but the storm itself.




Sunday night we had our first real thunderstorm.


From one little thunderclap 3 days after I got her in March, I suspected Jade was thunderphobic, but not sure how bad. Sunday she paced, panted, went in and out of the dog door all evening into the night. While I ignored her (trying not to feed her anxiety) I did keep track of her. I went to bed, and I listened to her pace all over the place.

By 1 AM the storm seemed over. I got up and checked her. She was asleep on the sofa. Okay. That doesn't seem too bad, just annoying.


I went to bed then. My phone rang at 8 AM (I was sleeping in because I was up so late with her). They said "we have your dog. Don't worry, she's fine."


I ran into the living room and found Opal and Onyx. No Jade.


So sometime after 1:00, either there was a soft rumble that I didn't hear (and I'm generally a light sleeper). Or because she was now supersensitive, some other noise like a truck scared her. She ran outside and jumped the fence.


Okay, not so good. She's really frantic.


I have several options right now. When the people called they said they found her in a crawl space in the basement of an addition they were building. So I thought I'd make a 'safe' place for her and see if she likes it. She can go there in a storm.


Closing off the dog door isn't an option. I have a 14.5 yr old with kidney issues and she's not needed a schedule in 10 yrs. I work long days.


Well I knew a storm was coming today so I left work early. I put a soft bed and her PB filled kong in the powderroom. No windows, center of house. Nice and quiet.

Nope. Wanted nothing to do with it. She has trouble with stairs and doesn't want to go to the basement, an alternative safe place.

Anyway the storm hit. Wind only. No thunder, no rain. But she was just as upset as the other night. In fact I thought she was going to jump thru a window. She was really looking at it hard.

Since there was no thunder or lightening. I don't think any of the thunderphobe items will work even though earlier today I ordered the thunderband.

I really don't want to lock her in a crate. Too long of a day. Especially with the other two always out.

So, my remaining options are a fence addition, which is going to cost a lot since I have an whole acre. Not to mention, I think she'll still hurt herself trying to get over the now higher fence.


That leaves me with meds.

Who has used Zanax and Colmicalm?

How long does Zanax last during the day? If she gets it at 7, would she still be under it's influence by 4 PM (when most of our storms hit).

What about colmicalm. Does it work? I know she'll have to go on daily. Does it change their personality? Make them too quiet? I really like her playful side.

What's everyone's recommendation?


Like I said, because she went ballistic with just wind, I don't think it's the thunder or lightening, but the storm itself.



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Guest falcon73

My Logan is afraid of thunderstorms. The other two don't mind at all. He usually goes upstairs and hides in one of the bedrooms, panting and shaking. It has helped to take all three for a walk. He seems to calm down when he sees the other two aren't reacting to the thunder. I am sure it will take many trips out in the rain to desensitize him. We don't go out if there is lightening though.

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If you absolutely need to keep the dog door open for the other dog(s), I would find a way to restrict her to a part of the house so she can't make it outside.


I agree with this. You could restrict her to an area using a baby gate. That will allow her to see the other dog(s), but not bolt out of the dog door and over a fence.


We have a thunderphobe (Bonny). She tends to hide upstairs in an enclosed bathroom (no windows) during storms.

Laura with Celeste (ICU Celeste) and Galgos Beatrix and Encarna
The Horse - Gracie (MD Grace E)
Bridge Angels Faye Oops (Santa Fe Oops), Bonny (
Bonny Drive), Darcy (D's Zipperfoot)



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Guest jamesjr934

Maybe you could restrict her to an area that would include a bathroom? I had a dog (not a grey) that was slightly thunderphobic and she always calmed in the bathroom. The bathroom is one of things mentioned in just about ever piece of text I've read regards to thunderphobic animals, including the links posted above.

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Another vote for the bathroom here. My thunderphobic female finds comfort in the bath tub. Nothing in the tub but the rubber mat. I once tried putting some cushioning in there for her, but then she would not go in it. She decided on her own that this was a good place. It pains me to see her reaction to the thunder and she can pick up on the storm way before I even hear it. I also give her Thunder Storms Remedy by Bach's (it is similar to Rescue Remedy) but I have to know ahead of time that the storm is coming.

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OMG. So luckjy.


My Elsie is so rain phobic... long before the thunder starts she is jumping out of her skin. I personally would never allow her out of the house without a lease attached to her. You were so very lucky this time. 10mg of valium works but you may want to try the storm defender cape before you resort to the meds. It is suppossed to work and if not, it's a money back guarantee.


You can't lose trying it.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Wow, I'm absolutely amazed. I guess I wasn't giving Bebe enough Melatonin. We saw on the news that we were expecting big thunder storms and they were about an hour out so I gave Bebe 6mg. of Melatonin with her dinner. We are now having huge storms and she moved from her bed to right next to me and is lying here calmly, no panting, no pacing the room and no shaking!

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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