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Sensitive - Euthanasia

Guest Whistle

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Say not in grief, "he is no more," but live in thankfulness that he was. ~ Hebrew proverb

a beautiful sentiment.



Tricia with Kyle, our senior mutt dog 
Always missing Murray MaldivesBee Wiseman, River, Hopper, Kaia, and 
Holly Oaks Holly
“You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.“          -Bob Dylan

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While I haven't lost a dog yet, I have had to help four cats to the bridge. It stinks, but I did feel some peace knowing that I did the right thing for them. Once, however, it was a day late instead of the day early and I don't want to ever experience that again. For the other three, they actually relaxed when we got to the vet. I swear they knew why they were there and it was okay. Still hurts though. Many, many thoughts and prayers are with you and yours at this time.


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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I too am so sorry you have to go through this, it is the pain we go through saying good-by to our beloved friends, I have been in your place way to many times and understand how difficult this is. Hold him tight and tell him you love him, but I am very sure he already knows that. A kiss good-by sweet boy.

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Guest Mr_Drysdale

I've done this once at home with my cat and my hound Mr Drysdale present. My hound came and smelled the body afterwards and walked away and was fine. I'm glad I had it done at home.I also had no choice but to do it at the vet with my Mr Drysdale, my heart hound. He had been haveing health issues for about six months never well diagnosed but we think he had a stroke his last day. Having it at home would definately be my choice next time with my current 2 hounds. I would definately suggest the individual cremation if you can .


My heart goes out to you at this difficult time.I'll light a candle for your hound Monday night for the Rainbowbridge Bridge Ceremony.



Jacket, Cadfael and Foster girl Slinky

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Guest greyvettech

I am sooo sorry you have to go through this. Just know, that if we could all have this peaceful way of leaving this world, everything would be great. Hold him and tell him how great he is. He will never forget you as you will never forget him. You were both lucky to have each other. My deepest sympathy to you all....

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Guest Energy11

We here will be with you all in spirit and love tomorrow. We love you!


Dee, Curfew, Goldie, Oakly, Staggerlee and Cari. My Bob (late husband), Bold Energy, Dasher and Max, waiting to greet Bribz at The Bridge. :grouphug

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Guest iconsmum
Everyone has given good advice, the only other thing I did, purely for me, was to have a favorite t-shirt of mine creamated along with my Dalmatian, it made me feel like a part of me would be with her.


I'm so sorry you are going through this. My prayers are with you and your pups.


I too keep a favourite t shirt nestled under my dog's head or lightly covering their neck and ears, just so the last thing they remember is my scent. The t shirt stays with me and the quilt is cremated with my dog and everything comes back to me in a small pine box - along with a vet's written declaration that my dog was cremated alone and the ashes in the box are his alone. There are cremation services for pets with lovely caring staff, and if you call them before the day comes, you can arrange for your preferences to be carried out on the day by having them open a file in your name - you can also prepay, so that when you are under stress, the decisions have all been made and a phone call is all that's really needed.

Make sure the vet gives the sedation first, and then wait until you know in your heart that your dog is completely under. I wait 15 to 20 long, (oh so long) minutes and then I'm the one who says when the second shot happens -as in you, not the vet, because it's your dog. Ask the vet to tell you about involuntary movements or noises so you won't be scared IF it happens, which it absolutely might not. It is very quiet and peaceful and you can cry later. I think you'll find that you instinctively will be able to do your job of reassuring and stroking until he's passed, without frightening him with tears, but if you do cry, so be it...you do he best you can at the time and that's all. I keep my dogs around me when its happening- they do sniff and look then back away, and I think they know, and like others here, I don't want them to think somebody just disappeared one day and nobody cares.

Please know that there are tons of us here who will be there with you. Be strong and maybe a little proud that you are taking the same care of him now that you took of him the whole time he was with you.


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My last foster crossed over last month. I found my old grey- buddy in need of a final home after his owner went to a Dementia Hospice.The arthritis was so bad,I would sling him up to go out. When the tramodol and everything else in the bag of tricks didn't resolve his crying out all night....It was time. The 1 hour ride equipped with lots of goodies (brain was very alert but the body failed) was real hard. A member of the greyhound group met us at the vet. It was after hours and no rush .We sat and told good stories and cried and laughed. His passing was so peaceful.Even though I don't have his ashes (greyhound group took them to Grey Haven) I have his heart.I don't even find it odd that my "adopted hound" is by my side licking my leg as I type. I always wonder if I waited too long

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Many thanks for all the kind words. Yes, he is being spoiled rotten. We were just sitting here discussing whether he would rather have McDonalds or a steak for dinner :) I have had since 09/22 when he was diagnosed with osteo to come to terms with this (if you could call it that), and I have been spoiling him rotten every minute since.


I do have another question. For those who have been in our situation, is there anyone who has let a second hound be there for it? I have another boy, and they are very attached. I don't want to scare my other hound, but I don't want him wondering where is brother went either...


The actually passing is like a breath of air if your vet does it correctly; they typically give a large dog a catheter before. The administer a strong sedative, and your dog will lay down. I held my dog on my lap. The vet waited until I was ready, then inserted the actually drug that stops the heart into the catheter. I'm not sure why they do that--I guess to make 100% sure it goes it the first time. Then it's just over. It won't scare your other dog.


The hardest thing for me when I had a cat euthanized at home was having the vet remove his body. That was very, very hard for me. I took my dog to the clinic, and then I sat on the floor with him until he started to get cold, and then I couldn't stand it another minute and I took his collar and left.


It really is very peaceful, and when a dog is ill, you will know in your heart as he leaves you that you did the right thing. One of my parents dogs sighed as he slipped away--


I wish there was something I could say to make it easier for you.






Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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A lot of people who have never had to put an animal to sleep question whether they will be able to be there with them. I'm hoping that you've decided to stay. It may be the hardest thing you've ever done, but it is worth it.

I totally agree. My whole family was too scared of the experience to stay in the room with my childhood dog. I always felt bad -- still do, actually -- leaving her in the room alone with the vet. I would never judge anyone for their decision to stay or not, but when I got Jazz I told myself I HAD to stay with her if I ever had to put her down. When the time came, I agonized over this so very much. I'm a very emotional person and I thought I would completely freak out and be hysterical and not be able to take it. But it wasn't like that at all. It was horrible, and I felt sick all morning waiting for the vet to come, but I just cried some, and it was OK. They took her away immediately (I don't like bodies). The next morning, though, I think I was more tired than I have ever been in my life. I was a bit sleep deprived that week because Jazz couldn't sleep, but the experience took a lot out of me.


Be prepared that your sweet baby might take 1, 2 or even 3 breaths after their heart stops. Jazz did. The first time it happened I must have had a look of horror on my face because the vet immediately apologized about forgetting to warn me. He then said that sometimes heart-compromised dogs take these breaths and she might do it again. She did. The THIRD time, I was screaming in my mind, please stop doing that, because she seemed to be alive but I knew she was not, and it hurt a little. But then it was over.


My husband said that he might not be able to stay in the room and I said that's totally fine, but I am staying. He ended up staying, too. It was very peaceful. I'm not even sure if she got a sedative.


This thread has me in tears. I'm so sorry.

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Hugs, and I too will be thinking of you tomorrow. It is so painful, but it is our last gift to our beloved pets.

I have done this twice. The first time was for our Shepard mix Valkery, and was at the vets, and it was my son and me. At first he didn't want to go, but I said I could not let her go alone, and then he wanted to come too (I think he was 14 at the time). The vet let us stay in the room with her afterwards for as long as we wanted.

The next time was a few years ago with our akita lab mix, LaTanya. This time we did it at home. I was married again this time, and my DH took such good care of LaTanya during the last year of her life, hand feeding her, changing diapers, etc. The vet came, and we had her on her blanket for the 2 shots. We had planned to bury her in our backyard, so we had the grave dug. THAT was very hard, DH digging a bit every day for a week, in preparation. Afterwards the vet left us both crying on the floor with La Tanya. DH petted her feet - he had never touched her feet before, as she had arthritis so bad we couldnt touch them. I cut some fur off, and we have that in a bag, and her collar, draped over a picture of her in our living room. Oh, and our parrot did witness this, and as we carried her outside to bury her, we stopped at the cage to let him see her one last time. To this day, he still calls her name every now and then.

So be brave, and you have all of our support. It is soo hard, I know.

Mom to Toley (Astascocita Toley) DOB 1/12/09, and Bridge Angel Opie (Wine Sips Away) 3/14/03-12/29/12

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Guest mcsheltie

The night we had to let Mason go I walked out of the clinic and looked up into the sky. I started to scream WHY? at God, when I saw a really bright star, one that I have never noticed before. I felt a kind of peace wash over me. And every night since I look up and still see that star. Tonight I asked Mason to be there to greet your boy tomorrow. He is in good hands. And I'll be saying a prayer for you.

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Guest Whistle

I have read through the thread again, and the words from everyone has been a comfort. It may be a few days before I check in again.


Thanks so much to every who shared their stories about going through this.

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