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Soul Is Sick Again

Guest SoulsMom

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Poor Soulman! No advice, but we're thinking about you both and hoping this is just a minor hiccup. He be FINE tomorrow! Really!!!!


greysmom :D

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If he is on Flagyl I would not fast - as someone mentioned it is very hard on the stomach

The canned ID would likely be the best

If he is not already on it, I would put him on Forti-Flora (by Purina) - it makes a huge difference to dogs that are on antibiotics, etc

Another useful remedy to have on hand is elm tree bark capsules - you can usually get these from a health food store or www.naturalrearing.com carries it in a gruel mix with marshmallow that is also very soothing to the gut




So, advice: Do I give him a small meal tonight or continue the fasting? He's hungry and I have the canned I/D . . .Maybe two small meals totaling half a can? When he had HGE in November, neither vet recommended fasting, but said to go ahead and give him the canned food . . . .


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Guest SoulsMom

Thanks, everyone. My internet was down so I called Jeannie to brainstorm with her . . . . Here's what I'm thinking. He had a small meal this morning, then at 2:30ish his Flagyl with maybe 1/4 can of ID. If he's going to have a bloody big D episode that will require IV treatment I'd rather it be tomorrow, instead of tonight. That way we could go to my regular vet and not Tufts. I know from the last time he was sick, that the less food he has, obviously the fewer bowel movements. So I think I'm going to fast him for the rest of the night, then in the morning give him another flagyl with a 1/2 can the ID. Then work from home and monitor him the rest of the day. And of course consult with my vet . . . Does that sound ok, or is my logic totally screwed up because I'm so upset and brain dead?


Oh, and no one has any comments about Tufts and how pi$$ed I am at them? They seem so money hungry to me now, not very interested in what's best for the animal . . . . .

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Actually I think that's a very good plan. That way his stomach will get some rest tonight. In the morning, breakfast Flagyl. I think that makes a lot of sense.


As for Tufts - well, you know my feelings on the subject after today's chat... :angryfire :angryfire I could understand it if they had never seen him before, but he was treated by them extensively only two months ago. They have everything on file. Sounds incredibly unprofessional and, quite frankly, negligent on their part.


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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I agree with giving something with the Flagyl to protect the stomach. I hope Soul is feeling better soon.

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Poor Soul. Poor you.


A few things, based on my experience with Minnie (who has IBD):


1. I'm not a huge fan of fasting, because it seems to make Minnie worse, not better. However, vets often advise it to give the bowel a rest. And, you're right--the less he consumes, the less likely it is that he'll need to poop.


2. The other thing that can bring on a bowel movement is exercise, so you might not want to walk him or let him motor around the yard.


3. Attacks don't necessarily happen immediately. Even at her sickest, Minnie could go a week or so between bouts of HGE--the meds and restricted/special diet would hold off the symptoms. Eventually the cumulative insults to her digestive tract would result in a bout. Once she was healthier, her system could handle the stress for much longer before it cratered.


The delays make it extremely hard to isolate the problem. It could be that the venison (or potato) in his regular food is an issue, but it just took a while for the reaction to become apparent.



I hope that Soul has a good night, so that you can deal with your regular vet tomorrow. One of the things you might discuss is keeping an inventory of flagyl. I don't keep it, but I do consider tylocine and misoprostal (stomach protection) stock items. Sigh.

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Guest brindlehounds
Oh, and no one has any comments about Tufts and how pi$$ed I am at them? They seem so money hungry to me now, not very interested in what's best for the animal . . . . .


Sorry, only had good experiences with Tufts and I'm glad we have their resources close by. I know they're expensive but they were probably just following protocol in needing to see Soul before prescribing drugs. All my regular vets have always said the same too.

Should an adoption group just be doling out drugs for a dog? One of my own hounds was being pumped with Flagyl by an adoption group....I spent my own money getting her properly checked out and in fact the Flagyl would have been utterly useless for her problem.


Hope you find out what Soul's problem is and sending prayers he gets well soon, its so stressful when they get sick and you just don't know what's wrong.


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Guest SoulsMom

Well, since he's been in their care for the same thing before and they even told me themselves he might relapse, I see no reason why they should require me to take a sick dog out in single digit temps just to get him some flagyl to make it through the night and probably prevent an overnight stay on fluids.


Re~my friend. I'm just thankful she was around to get him the meds that saved his life two months ago

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Guest ChancesMom

Amber, I think you are on the right track by fasting him tonight and then giving him the ID in the am with the Flagyl. I would definitely call your vet first thing tomorrow morning. Has Soul been stressed about anything lately or have you been stressed enough about something that he would have picked up on it? You and Soul will be in my prayers. I will be away from the computer tomorrow but I will check in for an update as soon as I can.

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Guest SoulsMom

Thank you Donna. :kiss2 Your experiences and advice have been such a help. I wanted to call you today but couldn't find your#, and then my internet was down.


No stress, for me or him. The only thing that has upset him is the bitterly cold temps and the scent of a coyote that apparently stalked the fence line last night . . .


ETA: I've already called the vet and left a message so they'll get it first thing tomorrow

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I am so sorry Soul is ill - no advice to give but just what you to know I'm sending lots of good wishes for Soul to heal and fell better soon.


:hope :hope :goodluck :goodluck




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Guest SoulsMom
Poor Soul. Poor you.


A few things, based on my experience with Minnie (who has IBD):


1. I'm not a huge fan of fasting, because it seems to make Minnie worse, not better. However, vets often advise it to give the bowel a rest. And, you're right--the less he consumes, the less likely it is that he'll need to poop.


2. The other thing that can bring on a bowel movement is exercise, so you might not want to walk him or let him motor around the yard.


3. Attacks don't necessarily happen immediately. Even at her sickest, Minnie could go a week or so between bouts of HGE--the meds and restricted/special diet would hold off the symptoms. Eventually the cumulative insults to her digestive tract would result in a bout. Once she was healthier, her system could handle the stress for much longer before it cratered.


The delays make it extremely hard to isolate the problem. It could be that the venison (or potato) in his regular food is an issue, but it just took a while for the reaction to become apparent.



I hope that Soul has a good night, so that you can deal with your regular vet tomorrow. One of the things you might discuss is keeping an inventory of flagyl. I don't keep it, but I do consider tylocine and misoprostal (stomach protection) stock items. Sigh.


Thank you for this. I'm printing it out . . .


Soul was hungry this morning, and I gave him 1/2 can of the ID along with his Flagyl. But as soon as he ate, it was apparent that he was not feeling well again. He had a small bowel movement, very soft, but there was no new blood, only bits dark digested blood from yesterday.


So, he was feeling poorly from around 5am to 6am, then it was apparent he was feeling much better. Fingers crossed that this mornings tummy upset does KNOT result in bloody stools later in the day. Gawd, I'm so on edge everytime he goes outside, for fear of what might come out of him :sad1 I really, really hope he doesn't have to be hospitalized again. . . . he does not do well in a cage at all . . . .


I'm waiting for my vet to call me back, but apparently they are slammed today, so that may be a while . . . .so, that's where we are. I'm open to any other thoughts/suggestions/etc . .



AmberDawn and da SoulMan


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Guest brindlehounds


Does he ever vomit as well?


I was just thinking about this, as OU was unwell last year. He would have bouts of bloody big D about every 6 weeks......and vomiting after any running.

After ruling out stuff like parasites we then tried metoclopramide. Made no difference. Can't remember everything else we tried, I think he had a course of Flagyl too but that only provided temporary relief.


My vet then referred him to Tufts (the one in Walpole) where they gave me a number of options. The first and simplest was to try a Pepcid twice a day and give him an extra meal before bedtime. If that didn't help we were then looking at barium meals etc to try to determine what was going on inside.

The pepcid has worked like a charm for us.......no more vomiting, no more blood in his stool! I also switched his food to something less rich.

Not exactly thrilled to have him on Pepcid permanently but he is now happy and healthy. We all agreed as we have his condition under control not to put him thru any expensive and invasive procedures for the time being.


It can be a long and frustrating process trying to find a fix - hope Soul is better soon.

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Guest SoulsMom

The only time he vomited was this first time this happened and his stools were almost all blood. And even then, it was just a small vomit and he might have been car sick.


Well, I talked to the vet and he said it was a good thing I got him on the Flagyl yesterday, or he would probably need to be hospitalized today. He's giving me another round of the meds to have on hand for the future and said to give Soul several small meals of the ID only for the next few days. Then, for the next month, give him only the ID. After the month is over, try transistioning his back to his regular food. If he gets sick once again then we'll know FOR SURE it's food related. If not, we'll talk about scoping him and/or other possibilites . . . .

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Just checking in this morning to find out how Soul is.


Glad you got to speak to your vet. But I thought you already had Soul exclusively on the I/D? So essentially the vet is telling you not to do anything different food-wise other than the fact that you'd be giving him more frequent (and smaller) meals? Or am I getting confused...?


I can totally appreciate what you mean about being on edge whenever Soul is about to eliminate. Merlin hasn't been through HGE, but ever since his terrible stomach issues I am on edge everytime he poops, watching intently for consistency and quantity (TMI - sorry!). It's exhausting.


After reading what your vet said about it, I am SO glad you were able to obtain some Flagyl yesterday - goodness knows how he would be feeling today if you hadn't. Kudos to Jeannie :thumbs-up for the idea, and to the kennel for helping you out.




Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest SoulsMom

For the past month I had been slooooowly transistioning Soul back to his regular kibble. When I got to where he was half regular kibble and half ID I noticed his poops were getting soft again and he was getting gassy. So I stopped the transisition and was going back the other way~taking OUT the regular kibble to get back to all ID. As of yesterday, (and for the past several days,) he'd only been getting 1/4cup per meal of the regular and 1 3/4cup of the ID.


I can totally appreciate what you mean about being on edge whenever Soul is about to eliminate. Merlin hasn't been through HGE, but ever since his terrible stomach issues I am on edge everytime he poops, watching intently for consistency and quantity (TMI - sorry!). It's exhausting.


:lol Same here! I'm sure there are a lot of us Poop Inspectors out there

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