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Jane's @ Home, Recovering (probable Stroke)

Guest VelvetEars

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Guest wmlcml6
She's been home since about 11 last night. She's still in pretty bad shape, and she was discharged w/ no instructions, just 2 bottles of pills (pred and an antibiotic) - we didn't even see the vet when we picked her up. She'll eat canned food (with gusto), and drinks well. We can carry her outside when she's whining to potty, and she'll get herself into a squat to pee - no poop yet, though. But it seems apparent that she's in pain, particularly when we try to pick her up. She pants a lot, cries a lot, and can't hold herself up, although her front legs are definitely stronger - and easier for her to control - than her back legs. She will try to follow me if I leave the room and John's not holding her tightly - she tries to get up and her momentum carries her for a moment and then she crashes to the floor and is very confused.


I have no idea what the local specialist costs, but we're getting pretty tapped out financially already, as John is on medical leave (mental issues again) and as of Tuesday he won't be getting paid. It would be a lot easier if someone could say "do this this and this, and in a week she'll be able to stand for short periods, and you'll see her get a little stronger each day for the next 6 weeks, and she'll be able to walk short distances by then." or - if this is what her life will be like forever, then i don't think we can give her round-the-clock care for the rest of her life. i hate to say that, but unfortunately, it's the reality i'm afraid i'm facing.


did the vet say what was wrong? If it was a stroke, I posted earlier about what helped Curly. Acupuncture, dexamethazona and some light physical therapy. She did not require round the clock care, but I do recommend separating her from from any other dogs because if she has another seizure, she won't be safe with other dogs. Dex is a strong anti-inflammatory. If she has any swelling in the brain, or anywhere, it will reduce that swelling. Acupuncture here runs $30-45 dollars per session. Curly only needed two, plus the cost of Dex to bring home for follow up treatments for a week, and any time she had TIA-type episodes (Transient ischemic attacks - similar to stroke, but without permanent damage.)


I hope your girl is going to be okay.



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Guest trevdog

Yes, why didn't they tell you what happened? It does sound like she is doing better and maybe had a stroke. My cocker had one, and he was able to walk in about 6 weeks. My parents had to hold him while he went to the bathroom and such and he was uncomfortable, but he did recover quite well.

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I would call the clinic on Monday and explain that you were not given any discharge information and you need it urgently in order to know what the problem was and how to manage going forward. An improvised sling, for example a towel, will help you balance her. Other than that I have nothing to add (other than prayers) in particular to what wmlcml6 suggested. :grouphug

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Are you using a towel to help her walk?


I'd call the acupuncture vet first thing in the morning. Since she is also a vet, she should be able to help, both with treatment and instructions. The fact someone else knew one of the vets I listed, I'd go with her.


Sending prayers.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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continued prayers for you all. I am so sorry you are going through so much. Maybe she is crying and whining because she is confused and knows something is wrong, not actual pain?



Pam with greys Avril, Dalton & Zeus & Diddy the dachshund & Miss Buzz the kitty

Devotion, Jingle Bells, Rocky, Hans, Harbor, Lennon, NoLa, Scooter, Naomi and Scout at the bridge

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Continued prayers for your girlie.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest VelvetEars

i'm calling the holistic vet tomorrow --- figure if they'll see her, maybe do some accupuncture, and see what else they recommend. the vet doesn't know what's wrong with her - they just know what's NOT wrong with her. <sigh> sometimes i wonder..... but she has an appetite, she's doing her best to show me she's still fighting, and so we're going to do what we can to help her. i'll also call UM-Columbia to see if they could do a consult. i might have to get a new CC just for her vet bills, and i'll be in debt until i die, but i'm thinking that's par for the course these days. guess i'll just start playing powerball and hoping my luck turns around. (did i say that Fri on my way to visit her at the vet, a bird flew into my tire and died? yeah - it was one of those days...)

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Previous Thread


Just thinking of you all........ Here is the link to the previous thread about one of our group's greyhounds.

Kathryn, “Broadway” BW’s Broadway: Shaggy Bessie x Jimbo Red Rose, & "Ellie" Noah's Smelldog: Castor Troy x Mulberry Jade. My Angels "Sidney" Rainier Rapper: Rainier Ranger x Rainier Rapport (09/03/2001-2/26/2012); "Pistol" Tiowa Pistol: Rapido Rambo x My Roz (11/19/1998-8/02/2011); “Perry" Tiowa Perry: Rapido Rambo x My Roz (11/19/1998-6/09/2010); "Jackie" Mjp's Jackie: Joey Flint x Social Robin (6/12/1997-6/20/2008)

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We'll keep good thoughts for you!


I'd recommend Dr. Garden at Animal Health & Healing. She's usually voted one of the top vets in St. Louis.



Wingnut (DC Wingnut), Voo Doo (Voo Doo von Bonz), Barb (Myokie Barb) & Romey (Nose Stradamus)
at the bridge Molly (CM Blondie) 9/8/14, Maddy (Reuniting) 10/17/13, Rocky (Ranco Popeye) 1/7/12, Mimi (Flying Ringneck) 8/13/09 and RJ (RJ What For) 5/3/05

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Guest VelvetEars

Im making an appt at Animal Health/Healing - the soonest they can see her is Thurs, though, w/ Dr Snodgrass. I just don't know if she can make it that long. She seems to be getting worse. She's stopped pulling herself into a squat to pee, she's had 2 more accidents inside, and her breathing almost seems to stop sometimes until I remind her to breathe (I was sleeping w/ her on the mattress this morning, and could feel her heart beating but not any breathing).

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Guest VelvetEars

Update: I'm taking her to Columbia Vet now. They want to see her ASAP. They have a neurology residency program, so I think my chances are better there. My mom's coming to help me transport her. I probably won't have any info for awhile so don't look for updates until tomorrow. I've just decided to bite the bullet and max out the CC, because I need to know what - if anything - can be done for her.

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Guest VelvetEars

I'm home, sans Jane. She is in ICU at UM-Columbia Vet School. They believe, based on initial tests, that she is blind in both eyes. Tomorrow she'll have a consult with an opthamologist, though. If the blindness is taken out of the equation, it could be much easier to diagnose, but blindness in combination with all her other symptoms is what's giving them pause. She has some paralysis in all four limbs, but her reflexes are good, and obviously she's eating/drinking, altho' she's back on an IV now. They have her off the pred and on Doxy and clindamycin in case it's TBD or a parasite (both of which they'll test for). Her initial bloodwork came back w/in normal ranges, her BP is elevated, but given how stressed she is, I'm not the least bit surprised.


Tomorrow she'll also have an MRI and spinal tap under anesthesia. However, given her current state, there's a higher risk for her not making it through the anesthesia. I've had them code her DNR if that happens. If she's already out, then let her go. My gut tells me she's not going to make it through the anesthesia. I don't know why I feel that way, but in my heart, I don't think she will.


And I did tell the vet that if she doesn't make it, I want a necropsy and then return of ashes, even though she hadn't asked -- when I told her that she said she didn't even want to bring that up yet, but she appreciates the opportunity for necropsy because they're a teaching hospital and because this is such a strange presentation, it would be nice to have a final answer. Yeah - that makes 2 of us.


I cried the entire 2 1/2 hour drive home. It didn't help any that after I'd paid the $1250 deposit w/ my CC, DH called and when I filled him in on what the plans were, all he said is, "so what's it costing?" No "gee, honey, I'm so sorry" or "are you ok?" or "how is she otherwise?" ..... just what's the bill going to be. I was quiet for a minute and then said I appreciated his sensitivity to the situation and the money wasn't something that needed to be discussed right now. It wasn't going to make a bit of difference because all i wanted was my Janey back and no one could promise me that.


I know he's not a dog person (except for poodles), and I know Jane hates him, but she's my baby and my first dog and my first grey, and he knows how hard this is for me. you'd think he could show a little sensitivity...it's not like it would kill him. but no ---- this takes away from the focus on him (his mental issues, his job issues, the fact that he's on medical leave b/c he can't deal w/ stress, etc etc etc). And never mind the fact that rather than taking refi money and redoing the kitchen I had to pay off over $20k worth of CC bills that he'd run up WHILE he went through consumer credit counseling (with a card he hadn't disclosed)....or that I'm footing the bill for his meds and his hospitalization and a variety of other crap when he makes waaaay more than I do, and I can't quit my sucky job because I carry insurance and there's no way he'll get insured again. It's all about him.


Sorry for that little OT rant...I'm just exhausted and emotional and feeling really really alone right now.... The resident who's assisting w/ Jane's care will call me in the AM with an update on how she did overnight - and if anything changes during the night, the vet has orders for the overnight staff to call her immediately - and then of course we'll see how things go tomorrow. When I know what her "schedule" is tomorrow test-wise, I'll let you know. Again - thanks for the hugs and good thoughts. i don't know what i'd do if i didn't have you all to turn to right now.

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