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Everything posted by GreyAcresMom

  1. I am just seeing this.....I am so sorry that you are going thru this....My thoughts and prayers are with you all there........
  2. I have used both OTC liquid and pills..I had to get Jax wormed when she was a pup and I asked the vet to worm the other dogs..(older) and she said to just use the OTC for them. It did just fine...or they didn't have them...but it was advised by the vet.
  3. Domino does get these. He is a white spotty boy..very much colored like yours. I have just keep an eye on them and they go away. Just figure a got slight bruise/scrape some how. Never bother him at all.
  4. I just saw this...I can't tell you how sorry I am for your loss........
  5. I beat myself up when Cosmo was diagonosed with it. I thought he had cancer for sure and just didn't want to take him in. (Makes things even harder with DH gone)...anyway...His titer was 1:25. From what my paperwork reads is that my lab only test to the 1:32. So check your records and see if they test beyond the 1:32.... I put Big 'Mo on the satin balls and he gained right away. I have to slather the pills in "real" butter for him to take but all's well here. Somewhere here in AZ there is a "study" going on but they only had one opening. You can be in the paying part of the study but it is fairly expensive.. I CRIED and CRIED when he came back with the positive titer...the meds for VF have come a long way. There was a time it was a death sentence. So much better than the cancer I was worried about. He has the "swiss cheese" bones in the back and hips... I can't find the link...but if I do I will post ASAP!! Good luck..now you know whats wrong and it can be "fixed" ETA: Wooo hooo I found it!! VF study
  6. Domino gets those. They end up filling with blood and then he licks and they burst and then they go away~ There are a number of posts on them and there is a name for them. But now I can't remember..sorry. After reading about them and then having it happen just like everyone said..I no longer worry to much about them...
  7. Thank you so much Jennifer....that was what I was after. The stupid "B" that goes round telling the horror stories to all the guys she knows is way out of line. We have enough problems trying to get all dogs "fixed" as it is..to make it sound so..I am not even sure of the words here...impersonal and uncaring I guess....just to freak everyone out .........
  8. My first thought was ring worm also...is there a rash at all and if so is it "hollow" in the center?
  9. If the weight does not start to go up soon have then run the titters for Valley Fever...
  10. WOW...Wasn't expecting that....Not even sure this thread deserved that....probably why I don't post many questions here anymore unless it is just a yes or no...kinda thing...... Maybe I over-reacted. I of course know that they use anestesia, as does he, but he was dead serious in the way he described it. He is 100% behind neutering, (his are neutered and spayed), but he was acting so shocked at the WAY it was done... It is hard to explain how it was explained to him...but it was a little freaky sounding and I just wanted to make sure no "parts" were pulled until a pop sound and then just cut out. Made it sound like when you are cutting a whole chicken, and you are trying to cut at the joint and you "break" it..to cut thru the bone. I don't think that was aimed at you. I think it was aimed at the guy who it appeared was trying to justify keeping his dogs intact. Obviously it was a mistaken assumption, but I don't think it was a slap at you. Just my opinion. I never thought much about it. I thought they just cut them off. Got my fingers typing to fast and left out a word: He could never understand the way that they are done....sorry for the confusion. As for the word anthropomophization not sure how it fits here, but I am not a scholar: And I took offence to the way it was said "for christsakes..." Made me think of someone yelling at me......Sorry I am human. I was a little embarrised about this whole thread...won't even show him...I told him how they would all make him feel better about it and it turns ugly... Greyhoundlady....thats what he felt like
  11. That is just about Cosmo's size-both start and when he got Valley Fever...Where did Miles come from? AZ or NM?
  12. WOW...Wasn't expecting that....Not even sure this thread deserved that....probably why I don't post many questions here anymore unless it is just a yes or no...kinda thing...... Maybe I over-reacted. I of course know that they use anestesia, as does he, but he was dead serious in the way he described it. He is 100% behind neutering, (his are neutered and spayed), but he was acting so shocked at the WAY it was done... It is hard to explain how it was explained to him...but it was a little freaky sounding and I just wanted to make sure no "parts" were pulled until a pop sound and then just cut out. Made it sound like when you are cutting a whole chicken, and you are trying to cut at the joint and you "break" it..to cut thru the bone.
  13. So they don't YANK and try to bacisally dislocate them and then just cut out right? There is a little dignity and care involved. When he was telling me this I was freakin!!!
  14. I will openly tell anyone that I have never thought about how they preform a neuter surgery...But: A guy and I were talking and he said that he could never neuter his dog because he was told by his vet they cut open the sack and then just pull out the testies. When they hear the **POP** they are disconected and then they slice and out they pop.....Please tell me that they at least cut them out......
  15. She was prescribed Itraconazole (Sporanox). (From the other thread) Cosmo takes the fluconazole a 200 mg. He has had no side effects yet and has been on it for about 4 months. Might check to see if she can take the fluconazole.
  16. You have two groups right there with in 20-60 miles. Good luck!!
  17. We never needed one for Jack-foo. She was such a tiny baby when she lost her leg she never had a problem. She was only 4 months when she had her surgery. She sure bounced back from the surgery. SHe was up and did her first RUN the morning after!
  18. I get Cosmo's Valley Fever meds at Roadrunner pharmacy out of Phoenix I think. Tho, he is not on the same as you have been RX'd. They are fast and friendly and he gets a new FREE toy every time I get his filled.
  19. Another special angel at the bridge.... I am so sorry for your loss.... Run fast and pain-free sweet Jack.....
  20. As some know Cosmo has Valley Fever. They gave him these huge pills that he needs to take 2x a day. Well, he does not like peanut butter and no to whipped cream....he was getting smart about eating the cheese off the pill... The other day in pure desperation, I ran the pill thru our "real" butter dish and he almost took off my finger!! Whoo Hoo..so far so good and it has been over a week!! Just a thought for those having problems with the pills.
  21. *****as we did as kids******* *******slapping....... my own leg.......*************** Moooooooommmmmmmm........Pippin just hit me...............
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