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Everything posted by GreyTzu

  1. I am very sorry you and your family are facing this with Sherman. I believe you can give tramadol every 8 hours. I would contact the Vet and ask about Deramax or one of the stronger pain meds. I have never had an dog with osteo, but I know it is very painful.
  2. Bleach. If your dog is being reinfected monthly, you need to treat your dog or treating the yard is useless. Hooks are really a bear to treat. I tried Panacur twice from our Vet and one round of Drontal, with no avail from the little bastiages. You really need to worm the heck out of a dog to get rid of hookworms. Drontal Plus several times in a row should get rid of them. I treated Danger with Drontal Plus for three days in a row, waited a week, repeated three days again with the Drontal Plus, waited two weeks and treated again for three days with Drontal Plus. That finally got rid of them. I got the Drontal Plus from an AU site, much cheaper than the Vet and no 'script needed.
  3. Yup, sounds like Stud Tail. It doesn't matter whether the dog is neutered or not. It's a scent gland that is located in the tail.
  4. A waste. Get your money back and buy Springtime Inc. Fresh Factors or Joint Health or some other supplement. You and your dog will benefit more from it than the snake-oil salesmen who hawk magnets for health purposes.
  5. Oh Anna, I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Lucy. :grouphug
  6. I fought hooks with Danger. After several months of panacur and Dontral he still had them. I ordered Drontal Plus from an AU. site. I dosed him three days in a row for two weeks, waited a week and dosed him for another three days. His monthly HeartGard Plus also fell during this time frame. He has not had an issue since.
  7. I've used an equine formula for the dogs and had no issues.
  8. I give BeneFiber to the cats and 'Tzus. Well, to Rocky, since he's the only 'Tzu now. I mix it into his canned food. I just mix it into the canned food for the cats and sprinkle it over their dry food.
  9. Red has gone to the bridge. Please keep Tonya and her family in your thoughts and prayers. I know she will post his eulogy when she is able. :grouphug
  10. Dylan was mainly just tried. He had little or no issues from either of his chemo drugs.
  11. Does your boss resemble a small, fast, furry animal? :lol
  12. Your image tags are messed up and you spaces between the text and your tags. Check out the tutorials and see if you can figure out what you are doing wrong.
  13. Oh Tara, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Cougar. :grouphug
  14. Definitely a Vet visit and probably a doggie Eye Vet visit. Dylan had a chalazion removed from his lower lid and had no problems with it. We didn't notice it at all because his was the same color as the skin around his eye. But of course, one weekend it started bothering him and he was rubbing his eye and irritating it. We had it removed the next week with no problems. We did use benedryl to keep him from rubbing it for the weekend until the Vet could slice it out.
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