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Everything posted by GreyTzu

  1. ThunderShirt is about the only product I tout. In our house, we have two success stories with Disco and Deuce. Does it make them normal during a storm? No, of course not. But it makes them less stressed. Disco used to hide behind Danger and pant and quiver. Now, most of the time, he flops on a bed and sleeps. Deuce used to jump on the sofa and pant uncontrollably, drool, and violently shake. Now, for the most part, she will just lay on the sofa, mildly pant and look around. However, do not just buy a TS, slap it on and expect a miracle. Read the "training" or familiarization instructions that TS provides. I was absolutely adamant and consistent when we got the first one. I made sure Kevin did it too. Happy, sunshiny days, whip out the TS, give a treat and let Deuce and Disco wear it. 10 or 15 minutes later, remove the TS and give Deuce and Disco a treat. Happy times, fun times. We did this many, many times, so much so that the other dogs no longer look for treats when we break out the TS's. They know they are not getting anything so there is no reason to get up from their beds. Now when we hear a storm, we whip out the TS, put it on, give a treat and go back to whatever we were doing. However, there are still times when our storms are bad enough that all the dogs will react a bit. That is just life, we cannot plan for everything. When we are not at home and a storm hits, again, that's life, the dogs manage themselves. Kevin and I know the house is secure and safe to the best of our abilities and that is the most we can do. Try one and follow the guidelines and give it a chance. Good luck.
  2. Yup, and BP is something that a lot of Vets do not routinely check. JD, our oldest 'Tzu, lost an eye to BP issues.
  3. Best of luck to Dr. Couto on his well-earned retirement.
  4. It happens. Glad no real harm was done. Glue her lips together at bedtime from now on.
  5. :rofl Probably shouldn't use the hot glue either...
  6. I wouldn't freak out. Deuce seems to tear off the same toenail every few months. I deal with it when it happens and move on. She has never had any other problems with her other nails.
  7. Only if they are wearing red high-heels.
  8. Once a day, 2 cups of Purina One lamb and rice.
  9. Oh Jennifer, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Corey.
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