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Everything posted by GreyTzu

  1. The only two things Dylan wanted to eat were rotisserie chicken from Walmart and Bores Head roast beast. Yes, it had to be Bores Head. He turned his nose up at store brand. Sending healing energy and comforting thoughts.
  2. Deuce does this about once a year to the same nail. I rinse flush it with saline, put salve on it, stuff some gauze and her foot into a boot and she wears it for a few days. Her nail grows out wonky. It is painful.
  3. What I would do is check, recheck. and double recheck for hookworms. And I would probably buy wormer from AU and worm the crap out of him anyway. Hooks are slippery little suckers and often do not present in stool. No clue why, as I avoid stool and worms if at all possible. :lol Anyway, that's what I would do, based on my experience. Good luck.
  4. I would saline rinse it like crazy. I also would think using a lubricating eye drop would help and couldn't hurt, until you see a Vet. We use Genteal Eye Gel for Severe Dry Eye, per our doggy Eye Vet.
  5. Night poops happen with age. I would just clean it up and not make a big deal out of it. She cannot help it.
  6. I have ordered for many years from here wiith no problems and we have never received expired meds either. I have called a couple of times also, and the gal was very nice, weird accent though and she confirmed the expire dates over the phone for me. PetsMegaStore
  7. Just buy a mortar and pestle. I use Dasuquin for Disco and am very happy with the results.
  8. Also you can ask your Vet about "Florida Eye." Now in fairness, there may be an actual condition with a fancy technical name, but my old timey retired Vet and our current Vet both knew the term and treatment. :lol Here is the link for the Eye Vet. we used, Dr. Strubbe. He rocks. This is not a clinic site, but the Wellness site. Here is a soon-to-be-site for Animal Eye Specialty Clinic, with the phone numbers for all the Eye vets who work in our area. I know he also works out of an office in Melbourne. He helped JD, and recently, Danger with eye issues, I think another of our greyhounds and a cat for eye issues. Also, our part-time neighbors had an eye emergency with their 'Tzu in March and they were sent to Dr. Strubbe. They LOVED him. They live in South Ga. and their other 'Tzu also has eye issues. The only eye Vet close to them is out of Jacksonville. They liked Dr. Strubbe so well, they were thinking of transferring both dogs to his office for care. Gotta love google!! Florida Keratopathy. :lol
  9. Sam's and Walgreen's, here in Florida, both carry Tram. So you can check your local stores.
  10. Dancer was 6ish when she had her spleen removed due to a torsion. It was diagnoised immedately at the e-vet and was removed promptly with no complications or recovery issues. She lived to be 12 to 13. Sending healing energy.
  11. Luck of the draw. Some girls do it, some don't.
  12. No one agrees with everyone else on a forum this large. Thick skin is necessary on the internet. If comments do not go your way, please take it up by PM. I am not locking this thread. Jen, NeylasMom, is very much up to date on current science-based training methods and outdated training methods. SHE is currently training at a well-respected dog school in the Maryland/DC area. Crate train your dog or not, as the adopter/owner it is your choice. You have to live with the consequences of your decision. We have had 8 greyhounds in our home, 4 current and 4 at the bridge, and never used a crate. That is our choice. My Mom raised and showed Afghans in the '50 and '60's, back when they were not groomed to within an inch of their life, and we never had crates either. My only suggestion, and I am sure someone as already suggested it, is the type of crate can be the difference in why a dog does not like the crate. Some dogs are freaked by the plastic airline-type crates and do better in a big sturdy wire crate. Or the opposite can also be true. So let's all try to get along before someone will end up in the timeout corner. :rofl
  13. I am so very sorry that is was Meg's time to leave.
  14. Disco has a similar issue growing in and around his throat. Our only affordable option is palliative care.
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