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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. Oh Amber I feel so bad that we're all so far away. All the healing thoughts in the world Soul sweetie.
  2. Amber we are sending you all the very best thoughts for Soul.
  3. Karen that is an amazing portrait of your boy.
  4. Christie I missed this till now. I'm so sorry. So very sorry. Argus was such a special boy. Run pain free now sweetheart and watch over your family.
  5. Oh Kristin what a horrible thing to have happened to your girl and to you. It just seems like too much and so unfair when she has enough to fight against. However she is a strong girlie girl. Prayers for all of you.
  6. I'm so glad he had that joy. Even when they keep us in a tailspin of emotion. You go Bodie!!
  7. Claudia, Misty and you are in my thoughts and prayers.
  8. I'm so glad Mac is doing better. I well know what you mean about falling apart but hey it's what we do - after, right?
  9. Jack is on tramadol and maloxicam. He gets usually 50mg of Tramadol in the morning and at night. And either 50 or 100mg in the afternoon. So usually 3 x a day. Sometimes I give him an extra 50 mg so that he is getting it 4x a day. It just depends on how he is. Amazinly 50mg seems to be enough for him most of the time but I have no hesitation in upping to 100mg if he needs it. I hate this disease so much. But he is still a happy boy. His osteo is in his back leg so he is able to save it a fair bit where a front shoulder is so much harder.
  10. I know just how you feel only with Jack it is cancer. Every whine. Every time he limps more. When he pants or his nose drips I am beside myself worrying that he is hurting, failing. I look into his eyes ever day to see if he is telling me he's ready. It's so hard. And I didn't sign up for secret santa. But then Jack was diagnosed in May and for the life of me I haven't figured out why I am so very lucky to still have him with me. to you and for Jed
  11. Claudia ? I'm so hoping that Misty is stabilized and you're on your way home!!!!
  12. This is so unbearably hard I know. I would be giving that Tramadol 4x a day. I do with Jack some days if he seems to need it. But we are here for you whatever happens.
  13. You and Bodie are so very special and mean so very much. My heart is breaking for you.
  14. Okay then. Now you know and you have a plan. That's a good thing. Now we need Misty to gain that weight back and start feeling better. Hugs to you both.
  15. Still here thinking about Misty. When does she get to come home???
  16. Hey Claudia I'll be thinking of you and Misty tomorrow. I know it's hard to leave them. Thinking ice cream thoughts!
  17. Those are the most wonderful pictures!! jack did the same thing with the tramadol early on. I couldn't figure out why he was not doing well some days and better others. then I found a couple of capsules in his bed. Mummy is much smarter now. many many good days with your special boy
  18. Both legs! How heartbreaking. I'm so sorry and can't think of anything to say.
  19. How happy he was with you! I wish it could have been longer. Casino and Elvis together again.
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