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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. I'm glad to hear everything went well and he came through okay. What a shock for you though. Kisses for that Hurley dog!
  2. Deb you know how much my heart breaks for you. Suzy was such a special girl. But then of course you know that. Without a doubt she found the most special of families to grace with her sweetness. That I know for sure. I'm so sorry for your aching hearts but what a gift she was indeed.
  3. I'm so sorry Wendie. I know your little guy was a special little dude and the whole he leaves will be a big one.
  4. In my very limited experience, it seems that those with tumours in their front shoulders have a short time. It just seems that it is much harder for them to spare that shoulder in their daily activity. Jack had 6 months with his back knee tumour. Having said that I hope with all my heart, that Melissa is spared this diagnosis.
  5. I'm so sorry. I know just how huge that hole in your heart is. He will always be with you though. But of course you know that.
  6. Jack left me at home in his bed and in my arms. He was surrounded by Jilly and Josh who just lay calmly beside him. It was peaceful and the way I wanted it to be. The other two were not in the least traumitized and it has not adversely affected their relationship with their vet so I don't agree with Diane (Burpdog) on this one. I'm so sorry you are going through this but I think you will find peace in the process afterwards.
  7. Ah Cora. You were loved weren't you sweetheart? I'm so sorry she had to go.
  8. You know, I have cut the nails of every animal I have ever had - dogs, cats, birds as well as other peoples, and yet I am ashamed to say I cannot do my own greyhounds. What a wimp I am. Jill will tolerate the dreml but Joshy will not come back into the room I "attacked" him in for days having said that. I have to admit that on accasion I have cut a nail or two using the thin slice method and it does work.
  9. Thinking of Chase and you here too, Tracey.
  10. I hope you get good news this morning Alisha!!
  11. Oh poor William. That looks miserable. I hope he has a good night on the big bed!
  12. I loved that fuzzy loving cuddly girl Andrea. She would have made anyone fall in love with a greyhound. It is so unbelievable to realize our kids have been gone for so long. But of course she is never really gone is she?
  13. Tracey your Cosmo was quite girl and she will be missed so much. Your tribute was just lovely. Cosmo could not have found a better home than with you and Jason. It was great of you to hold her coat while she entertained her fans We'll miss her for sure.
  14. Jackandgrey


    Oh Gunda! I'm going to miss that sweet grey face so much. I'm so sorry she had to leave you. Run free with all your new friends sweetheart.
  15. I hope our sweet wizard feels better soon Kerry. I am much happier that my vet does the one shot a year program - no combos. That makes far more sense to me.
  16. At least you have a treatable answer!! I'm glad about that. Kisses to that little fungaly face
  17. I'm glad to read the positive update. I've been thinking of your boy.
  18. I don't think I've read anything so beautiful. I'm sorry your boy had to leave you but so glad you had each other for those wonderful years. Bless your poor breaking heart.
  19. Mine did but not much and it was a housecall. Mind you it was not MY regular vet and I bet she wouldn't have. She often doesn't charge for things. the bigger fee was the cremation cost which, while collected by the vet goes to the company that does that. Oh and definitely it was bill not payment up front.
  20. Bye bye sweetboy. I'm so sorry you had to go. Look out for your family sweetie.
  21. I'm so sorry. I know how much this hurts your heart and how hard it can be to know what to do.
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