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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. When you apply it topically, what does it actually do? What am I looking for?
  2. Sue you and Bessie had such a wonderful life together. I know how big the hole is right now. We miss her with you.
  3. My heart is breaking for Tom. I don't quite know what you do with the shocking suddenness of this tragedy. I'm just so sorry. Jed you are a good boy. You and Ember watch over your Dad now buddy okay?
  4. Sue I'm so terribly sorry. I am so very very sad to be reading this. Bessie sweetheart you go find my Jack. He'll look after you. In your arms. What a lovely place to be if it had to be.
  5. Kerry a friend's dog actually ate the stuffing out of a bed and then ended up with an obstruction from that . It was thought that her tummy was very upset from the NSAID she was on for something else and she was trying to calm it down. Amber and Soul are in my thoughts and I will be checking in. Thanks for letting us know!
  6. How horrible for you and Bessie. She is in my thoughts. And I firmly believe she will be fine!!!
  7. It's so heartbreaking to see them fail. It might not be the right thing at all but would acupuncture be of any help for him at all do you think?
  8. Joshy is still very naked in the butt
  9. Robin that just stinks! good news about the clean margins and the Stage 1, however so very good reasons to be believe that Elsie will be with for a long time to come.
  10. I'm sorry Buzzy. What a joyful bird. I know there will be huge hole in your heart and your life. Fly like an Eagle, Succotash!
  11. Waiting is always horrible but I just have a feeling all will be well with Elsie!
  12. I'm so terribly sorry. I know how much your heart is hurting. You had a wonderful life together. He knows how much you loved him. Run free now baby boy.
  13. I'm sorry Pam. What a spectacular dog he was.
  14. Jackandgrey


    I'm so sorry Rachel. Julio was such a handsome boy and he will be sorely missed.
  15. I couldn't answer Robin because I could only answer part 2. Jack lived 6 months past diagnosis with pain management only. They were very good months with only a bad 3rd last day. I know I was very lucky but I would do the same with another dog.
  16. Hoping for the very best Tracey!!!!
  17. When Jack was diagnosed I was at first terrified about a break. In the end I decided I would let him do activities as tolerated within reason. His osteo was a rear leg which allowed him to protect it more easily than a front leg. But we walked as usual for many months. And then they gradually shortened until the last three weeks I would put on his collare and leash and take him to the front yard and let him walk around because yes he was so excited to go. Although a couple of those days he more or less pulled me down the street to his little park. I tried to limit his running but he did run a little. He went upstairs to bed every night until the last two nights. I let his level of tolerance dictate what we did over his 6 months post diagnosis. Just be vigilant and realize there is some risk involved but that there has to be some point to their being alive.
  18. Robin Jack panted a lot all his life. I was always afraid I would never know the difference if he was in pain. I did because there was a slight pulling back of the lips with pain panting. Otherwise he was a panting machine
  19. Give your little stoner a hug and kiss for us. She'll feel better tomorrow. So will you
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