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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. For a nasty bite sting or whatever the heck it was but NOT osteo!
  2. Oh Pam dear I didn't know. I'm so very sorry. I am just heart broken for you.
  3. I knew it!!!! I'm soooo glad I was going on holidays and had her highness. It all works for a reason and that sweet boy doesn't have to travel back again. I said to Cindy on Saturday that I was hoping he would stay put. Congratulations to all of you. Jack approves tell Kris.
  4. I used Pepcid for Jack along with his meloxicam and tramadol for 6 months. It definitely helped! And he was pain free so his other meds worked just fine. Thanks to Batmom I should say.
  5. I'm sorry. Iknow how that feels to get that news when you are not expecting it. I chose the same option and had many happy months with my Jack. I would only suggest that along with the Tramadol you ask your vet for an NSAID such as medacam if he can handle it. The two together work so much better. I wish you joyful days with your boy.
  6. I'm so sorry Holly. I know how much it hurts.
  7. Oh Patti I'm just so very sorry. Your so handsome Flashy will be missed here by so many of us. My heart breaks for you right now.
  8. Tracey that's exactly what this is, a wild ride. We are here to take it with you as much as we possibly can. As long as she want s to keep soldiering on, we'll happily rejoice with you.
  9. Tracey! You and seet Cosmo are in my heart and my thoughts today. This is such a difficult heartwrenching journey.
  10. Welcome Home Miss MOMO ! Congratulations Lucy! She is so lovely and so, well, lively springs to mind . You and the boys will love having a girlie girl around. We loved sharing her journey to you. Jilly says she will even lend MoMo her tutu.
  11. I'm so sorry but what fight she has put up with your help! Hugs to you both.
  12. So hoping the add ons will bring her relief Tracey. I think of you both every day.
  13. Tracey for you and Cosmo I'm thinking of both of you. I know how very hard it is.
  14. Good thoughts from here for your Timber.
  15. I hope it works. That made me wince just looking at those poor feets. for Vinnie.
  16. Marion I'm so very sorry your beloved Ivy had to leave you. I always loved your pictures of Soldi and Ivy at the beach. The love you shared was so very apparent in all you posts. No greyhound could have had a better more wonderful life than did Ivy. I know how much your heart is hurting but a wonderful life you shared with your boy. I know he will be running the beaches at the bridge, healthy again waiting for you and Soldi.
  17. She was s obeautiful and so special Janet. We miss her with you.
  18. Jackandgrey

    Puppy Oliver

    How utterly heartbreaking. I'm so sorry Deanna. I really don't know what to say. Run free baby boy.
  19. Poor boy. Feel better soon sweetie. Hugs Amanda.
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