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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. My Jack was very shy. He was an only for two years. He did fine with just me. In fact our bond was incredible. He also didn't have a bit of separation anxiety. He was just shy.
  2. She must have been so peaceful and felt so loved to have you with her as she left for that last journey. As painful as it is for us there is no better gift than that. Run free Darla.
  3. Jackandgrey


    I'm sorry Devon. What a really lovely girl she was. Rest well love.
  4. Seriously is proving ownership of stuff really that important to any good relationship between dog and his person? It is always far more important to me that my dogs understand that they are safe and that they can trust me to be consistent and reasonable.
  5. We are so blessed to share our lives with such as Wilbur. It hurts so much when they have to leave us but oh who would not want to miss the joy they bring. Rest well sweet boy. You were so loved.
  6. Like everyone has said, time. Your beautiful boy needs to be gently eased along. If there are other greyhound people around you, playdates are wonderful even if he doesn't want to interacr too much. You need to gently push him outside his comfort zone. By that I mean take him places but not ones that completely overwhelm him. Never force him to interact with people but if he is food motivated at all, treats from others when he feels safe can work wonders. Your job is always to give him a sense of both safety and confidence. A month is really nothing yet. But what a joy to behold when these shy guys blossom.
  7. I'm so sorry. I hope for very many good days filled up with all the love in the world.
  8. What a huge whole in your heart. I'm so sorry for that. We're going to miss Pearl too. She was special.
  9. How wonderful is that?! Watching those shy guys evolve is without a doubt the most heart meltingly joyful thing in the world
  10. I don't understand. Endocort is Budesonide. Yes, and I have a script for endocort. 3mg. I found a site in Canada. 3mg- 100 pills generic $60.00. I sent the link to my vet to check out. Walmart was $365.00 Maybe I am just paranoid but I would be afraid of a Canadian pharmacy. I love Canada but I know a human that gets medicine from a Canadian pharmacy but the drugs are actually imported into Canada form India! That makes me nervous. What?
  11. It actually sounds like Rufus is quite smitten with his buddy Jason
  12. I thought it sounded like a corn and am so glad it's not something more serious. I am not fond of corns but they are manageable and hopefully you can do most of it yourself. I manage to get Joshy's out with my nail regularly but my vet who hadn't seen them before either, is cool with the grassmere article.
  13. Jack's Tramadol was in a capsule but I always hid it in raw cat food - salmon as I recall. That always worked.
  14. This is a really really good idea!!!! And yes she would! And you would hate yourself
  15. Jilly kisses and with her overbite sometimes it is also a scraping . Jack never did and neither does Josh.
  16. I hope you are having a good day with your Pearl today!!
  17. I'm so sorry and I wish I had better words.
  18. What a good girl she is. One day soon I bet she will graduate to no muzzle!
  19. Jill was 2 when she came home. Wow. Very different than Jack was who was 4. Soooo much more active than he was. I couldn't keep her tired enough with just walks. She needed to run, I took her to obedience to exhaust that busy little little brain. While I did not crate her, I did use a muzzle for a short while and used baby gates to keep her out of areas I could not proof well enough. Remember your girl will not poop out of spite. Out of anxiety maybe or because she needs to go and her house training is not spot on yet. Yes she will calm down and I dare say if do invest in some bonding through training/obedience you will be closer toher than you can imagine right now. Enjoy the ride. Jilly is 6 now and I look back with extreme fondness on those early days with my wild child.
  20. I'm so glad Tess is doing better. I don't think for a minute you OVER reacted. I think you reacted appropriately and that helped her immeasurably. Hugs to you all.
  21. I no it may sound repetitive but really really check him for corns. The behavior you describe is so very suggestive of a corn.
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