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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. It is okay to consider cost Jen - none of this is curative and that includes amputation. It is totally realistic to think of what your family can reasonably handle. Of course our hearts want to do everything possible in the world but that is not always realistic or rational. Without amputation, it is intractable pain that will dictate when she will have had enough. With amputation, generally it is lung cancer. I did palliative care only for Jack. We got 6 months of wonderful time after diagnosis. But I have to say that is not common and especially not with shoulders. His was a distal femur. If you choose palliative care it is just important to be generous with analgesics and to enjoy every single good day. Every day is a gift. There is no right or wrong decision. Just what is right for your family and your girl.
  2. She will be missed that very special lady.
  3. Maggie landed in heaven before she had to leave. There is no doubt she died with love in her heart and all around her. Nothing matters more than that. have a blast with your disc sweetie.
  4. I'm so damn sorry. You get to fall apart today. That's okay. Then it's all about your most darling girl. It's like a blow to heart each and every time I read that ugly word. I chose no amp for Jack because he was far to shy to have to deal with all that would have meant for him. I'm not sorry. Whatever you choose will be right. And we all will be here.
  5. Obviously you are going to get advice all over the board so to speak. But the only factor in the equation that will make the difference is you. If you have had dogs before especially large dogs, if you are a multiple vs a single preference kind of person; easy going or uptight etc. And if you are ready for the financial implications that two at once mean. You always double you food costs and some vet costs but the initial outlay can be a bit pricey. One added later can be less of a financial hit. Otherwise really I think the case can be made either way. I love having more than one. I found having the first one as a single for awhile very helpful but always had the intention of getting another. Hey there is that too! If you space it out, you get to have the excitement of getting a new dog twice rather than just once!
  6. Same thing happened with my bare boy Josh. It took about 8 months I guess. Unfortunately it doesn't help what I originally gave it too him for but hey hairyness is good!
  7. I am so very very sorry. My heart is so broken for you.
  8. I missed this! Welcome home beautiful grey faced girl! Yeah this feels better. The Poopon house wasn't quite right.
  10. I share your pain. I didn't realize until I got Josh how intense thunderphobia could be. Jack's was so mild compared to this. Josh would no more take a treat in that state than fly to the moon. In fact I haven't found a dose of valium that has helped yet but I am still working up. I think in your situation a daily anti anxiety med is at least a reasonable option to try and I certainly don't say that lightly. In fact it may well be a kind thing to do. Good luck with Jade.
  11. I would really really discourage any of the above! Seriously! You start hitting or squirting a dog for reacting to another dog and you will have major major problems. I would recommend "Feisty Fido" by Patricia B McConnell. Or search any of Giselles posts on Look at That training.
  12. I would suggest that the marrow bone was just, for him, too much a high value item that he wasn't ready to handle yet. He needs to be more confident that an item of that extreme wonderfulness is okay to give up to you because he will always get it back. You need to continue to consider whether he is ready yet for such a treat. And to continue to work on the trade up exercise. That is not unusual behavior at all even though it almost always takes us by surprise when our dogs do it. My gentle Jack was a dog that I could literally reach down his throat for anything. Then I gave him his first marrow bone. It was a easily two years after I got him. I didn't know about trading up or high value treats. It was one of my first posts here. My sweet boy gentle boy....... It really isn't an issue of being the boss or alpha. He just needs to develop trust with those kind of items. He will.
  13. A child can and should be expected to speak politely. A dog cannot speak to you and is pretty limited in ways to communicate displeasure. A growl is a legitimate and safer expression of unhappiness or pain than a bite.
  14. Jilly has on occasion a kind of grumbly growl. A sort of muttering under her breath grumpy growl. It's not a lip curling, I feel in any way threatened growl. For that. I kind of laugh at her and tell her knock it off you old grump. She will reposition herself and all is fine. If it is ever anymore than that, then without over reacting, she is asked to get off into her own bed please! Which she does ASAP. And she gets a good girl for obeying that command. I am not about to share my close space with a growling dog. Period. But I don't punish her. So I don't feel I am shutting down communication at all.
  15. Recommending a kidney diet Rx food because he MAY have problems in the future? That is just silly. His blood work is normal which means he is healthy and his kidneys are functioning just fine. Feed him a good quality food and see a vet that actually understands greyhound blood values. Not one anxious to sell you dog food. Also they don't get steroids at the track!
  16. I would use the probiotc VS yogurt. You really are not going to be giving the dog enough yogurt to provide enough replacement at this point.
  17. In the mean time while waiting for an appointment you can soak his foot in warm water and Epsom salts.
  18. This is such a horrible conundrum I know but without a doubt you are doing right by Wizard to try this first. And yes vets are human with differing experiences and ideas. It can be very confusing and frustrating. However, it makes little sense to give you an option such as continue pred vs euthanasia. I'm so glad your own vet is working with you now.
  19. I think BooBoo has a huge greyhound smile and is saying I trained you up right mum. You can do this!
  20. Karen that is an amazingly generous offer!
  21. I'm glad the boys' report is a good one. Now best of luck to you Blair on yours!
  22. I'm so sorry. Riley was a stunning boy and I always loved seeing pictures of him, thinking of him on the beaches of Hawaii. He will be missed by so many of us but always will be with you. Don't worry.
  23. Jackandgrey

    Nike Is Gone

    I'm so terribly sorry. There are no words.
  24. Jey I'm so very sorry. Zema was so special and yes, she was supposed to be here forever. Sleep well now sweetie.
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