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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. Jackandgrey


    From the album: Siggies

  2. Jackandgrey


    From the album: Siggies

  3. Congratulations and welcome! Your Alfie doesn't sound like a spook though. It is not unusual for a hound to have negative reactions to dogs other than a another greyhound. If he is at all food motivated, and this is the abbreviated version , you might try taking him somewhere where you can be sure of seeing other dogs. But not get close enough for him to react fearfully. Then as he looks at the other dog/s, give him a fabulous treat. This will encourage him to believe seeing other dogs is a very good thing. Then you gradually get closer and repeat. This works really well in conjunction with clicker training. Good luck!!
  4. I am so sorry. Yes spoil your sweetie and lean on everyone here. Too many of us know exactly how you're feeling right now.
  5. I'm so sorry Amanda. What a very special fellow he was. I'm glad you had each other.
  6. I'm glad to see are Joe is okayish! Heal quickly Joe T and don't worry us sweetie:kiss2
  7. I'm so sorry. I know how gutted you are. Too many of us do but we are all here for support!
  8. I'm so sorry. Your girl was so very beautiful. I do know how much you are hurting now.
  9. I will send good thoughts for good news too. She is lovely.
  10. Try any of the Patricia McConnell books. "The Other End of the Leash" for one. It's excellent. "The Power of Positive Dog Training" by Pat Miller or anything by Jean Donaldson.
  11. This is what I was going to say. When Jack first came home this is what I had to do. the only thing I did not give him in his bed, which was his safe spot, was treats. He had to at least put a foot or two off the bed for that. Otherwise his food and water he could have wherever he felt safe. Other than that he was left alone except for pottying and the "grooming". In the end he chose to come out of hiding on his own. he also took steps backward and I would despair every time. But then with each one of those he came back braver and more relaxed every time. She will too. So patience and time remain your best friends. The new girlie should help too.
  12. I'm so sorry Wendy. Your boy was so beautifully sweet. He could have been my best boy Jack's brother. Your tribute was lovely and so full of love. Run free with your buds sweetie and say hi to Jack if you see him.
  13. Big sigh of relief and encouragement! Oh and agree about needing pics of Her Hairyness just to set out minds at ease Bev!
  14. Bev you Marc and dear fuzzy Darcy are in my thoughts. I am sorry this is happening at all.
  15. I can only imagine how very sad you are. It would be of so much comfort if your little girl could respond to you the way your dear boys would have. I know. But she can't of course. She needs so much time and patience which I know you have, but boy the timing really sucks. You are doing everything right for her though. Leave her be for now. Continue with all the usual things for shy/spooky dogs, remembering this is a long term project. I am so sorry for the loss of your boys.
  16. When we had a large group participating this is exactly how we did it! Also you have to be really firm that play date for the dogs can't always be for their people to stand around and socialize. They have to all move around the field and keep their eyes on the dogs and their behavior. They ALL have to be ready to intervene the minute their is potential trouble and to grab any dog not just their own if need be. Kerry, Jack was always in the "therapy" group as we lovingly called it where hounds like Sagan would feel safe. give that boy a smooch kay?
  17. It is fascinating isn't it? When I started limiting Jack's walks to shorter and shorter routes he was pretty accepting of that. One day he more or less got the bit between his teeth so to speak and said, no mum, we are going to my park and that's that. Well okay then bud! It was certainly farther than we had been going by then but he knew he was up to it that day and he was determined.
  18. I have two. I don't muzzle. But I know my two very well. I don't leave food available and neither are interested in toys especially or have space issues.
  19. I bring up their "turkey neck" (really raw food blankets) and amid their enthusiastic bouncing and helping, Joshy's goes in the den over his bed. Jilly's goes in the living room. They stay on their blankets and then up go the blankets.
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