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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. We have Jaynie on the Royal Canin reduced protein diet (dry, but there is also canned available). Vet said it was more palatable than KD. She also gers a buttery one-egg omelet each day - unsalted butter, no salt on the egg. She gets 1/2 in the morning and the rest in the evening. She loves this and would eat this when she was in the hospital and wouldn't touch anything else. Internal med guy said the protein in eggs is very bio-available and for her condition, I didn't have to worry about the phosphorus in the daily egg. Perhaps some of this would be worth trying with Stella. Hope the vets figure it out soon. Sending prayers for your girl.
  2. What a wonderful, personal tribute to a special man, joined since by a special hound you shared. May peace be with you at this time of memory and tenderness.
  3. My deepest sympathy to Richard's wife Elise, his family and friends. Tragically young.
  4. In answer to an earlier question - I think she's trying to figure out if it's bloodline related. Which doesn't speak to methodology, sampling, etc., but just wanted to mention how it is differentiated from what is being done at OSU.
  5. I am so sorry for your loss of this little one.
  6. "He hasn't eaten in 48 hours and turned down kibble and rice. What did he eat, you might ask? Two Burp biscuits" That boy has been to too many Sandy Paws packing parties Hope he starts eating for you soon Toni. Are you allowed to offer him roasted chicken or turkey? Those have been my best bets in the past (along with rice cooked in low sodium broth).Gentle kisses to Get Em from all the girls here, including me.
  7. Get Em, bet it feels good to be home, and you can probably tell your mom is relieved and happy to have you there. Now heal well handsome (that is from Arlie ).
  8. So glad Get Em is doing well - agree he'll likely need an e-collar - my old foxhound wore one following removal of some big nasty seed thing from the back of one eye. We attached it to his collar as Diane mentioned, to keep it on - also more comfortable for the dog I would imagine.
  9. Robin, you must be over the moon!! Please give Elsie a special hug and many kisses from us!!
  10. The tough decisions eat our hearts out. I am so sorry for your loss of a beautiful boy Maxine.
  11. Toni, looking forward to the post that says your boy is home. Have to say the idea of a matching collar and eye patch made me smile - good on you for being strong for him even when this latest surgery on top of the last one has been such a worry. Arlie whispered to me that the rugged pirate look has more than a little appeal ...
  12. Nothing useful to add. Only to say we will be thinking about you and Legs and hoping the vet finds a very simple explanation for this. Meantime, sending big ol' hugs and smooches to your new boy!
  13. Looking at that photo is looking into the eyes of an old soul. I am so sorry for your loss of such a special hound.
  14. I am so, so sorry for this diagnosis - it is so unfair - your girl is strong in spirit, so alive. May you have many, many quality days of love, extra bonding and memory building. Huge hugs to you both.
  15. Sending lots of prayers for your beautiful, special Rainey, and of strength for you.
  16. I just saw this thread and skimmed through the responses so apologies is this has been covered - have scrapings or whatever sample is appropriate been taken and cultured? Might help? Hope the treatment and new diet give your boy some relief - the medicated shampoo also sounds hopeful if your vet approves. Sending healing thoughts for Robin, and will now be watching for updates.
  17. Just seeing this Robin - so glad all went well - big kisses to Elsie from us, and prayers the path report confirms benign!
  18. Rickiesmom


    My heart goes out to you and all who knew and loved Emily. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  19. Toni, I am so glad everything is fine, and Get Em can now focus on a pampered recovery. Arlie sends him her warmest good thoughts
  20. Wendy, your tribute and photos made me feel like I got to know Donner a little, and what a good boy he was. I am so sorry for your loss of the last of the extra special originals.
  21. What a wonderful update - Darcy, you just go with it girl!
  22. Adding my prayers to so many others for Darcy. Depending on what happens next, you might ask if there are any promising off-list / experimental treatments.
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