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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. What a beautiul girl! Jen, I am so, so sorry.
  2. I am so sorry for your loss. Rainey has always held a place in my heart because, when I adopted my first grey Arlie in 2006, a red and white girl, you posted to the Introductions thread that she reminded you of Rainey. And although Arlie is a very big girl, she also has thick soft bunny fur. My heart breaks for yours.
  3. I can feel the life that Louise was, reading your tribute and looking at that sassy photo . What an amazing girl. I am so sorry for your loss.
  4. I am so, so sorry for the loss of your beautiful red and white girl.
  5. Heal quickly and without problems Gracey!
  6. Someone on a small whippet board posted the following - I am cross posting as there is such a large wealth of knowledge here - perhaps someone will have some experience / ideas: About 1.5 years ago my (then 10 years old) old boy Bailey spiked a fever of 104.1 and he had hives on his chest and belly. We ran him into the vet immediately. His stool was soft but not runny. The vet examined him and drew blood for a number of tests. Everything came back normal. White count was normal. Thyroid was okay. All was fine. The vet said he suspected an allergy of some sort....to either his bedding, stuffing in the couch he slept on......he told us to give him a low dose aspirin and benadryl. His fever was down within 2 hours and the hives were gone. Now, this is where it gets confusing. This happens often. He will have good days/ weeks/ even months and then all of a sudden he will spike a fever (normally around 104.0). Sometimes he eats when he has a fever, sometimes not. Sometimes severe diarhea accompanies the fever, sometimes not. His gum colour is always good. We give him benadryl and a low dose aspirin and within hours he's normal. About 2 months ago he had a really bad bout where he was "blowing his bum out" every couple of hours. The last time he"went" it was a dark brownish red liquid. It was 2:00 a.m. and I had decided to take him to the vet first thing in the morning fully prepared to have to put him down. When I got home from my school bus run the following morning he greeted me at the door, tail wagging and seeming 100% normal. I took his temp and low and behold, it was normal. I called my vet and we talked on the phone. He is baffled as to what could be causing this. I feed raw and he suggested that I limit Bailey's diet to tuna, chicken, and cooked pasta and rice leaving out the red meat portion of my dog's raw diet regime and always mixing with pasta or rice. He's been GREAT for the last 2 months.....until last night. He spiked a fever of 105.6, the highest it has EVER been, and his gums were white and the benadryl and aspirin didn't work to bring his fever down this time. So we stood him in a cool tub and put a cooling coat on him 15 minutes in/ on 15 minutes out/ off. At the time of writing this I have managed to bring his fever down to 102.7. I have had a couple of people suggest either auto immune issues or a parasite of some sort.....has anyone ever run into this before or can anyone give me any insight as to what might be going on with him? He is 12 years old and has had a VERY good life.....I don't want to subject him to a whole barrage of testing again only to have it all come back normal again because my vet does not know where to start looking for a problem. Any help you can offer for this sweet boy would be so very much appreciated.
  7. Great news! Looking forward to hearing once you've seen her - it will do your heart and hers so much good.
  8. Sending good thoughts for Sara - for the procedure to go smoothly, and for her recovery to be swift and free of complication. to you as you wait.
  9. I am so sorry - it takes a lot less than 6 months to fall in love with a greyhound. What a beautiful boy. Please give his adoptive family my deepest sympathy.
  10. I am so sorry - but I agree with the suggestion to have your vet consult with OSU once you have a firm diagnosis. Here is a hug for your girl and for you :grouphug
  11. So glad Ben is home and resting in healing, groggy comfort. Hope you and your DH have been able to get some rest too.
  12. No idea what it might be, but we will be thinking of you both and praying it's something innocuous. Hope you were able to make an appointment for tomorrow so you at least have the comfort of a fixed point to look ahead to.
  13. Jan tons of good thoughts are heading Ben's way !! Please keep us posted.
  14. very glad to know Doolin seems to be doing better, even with some open questions. Please give him a big hug and a kiss from me.
  15. I'm so sorry to hear Doolin has had a setback. We will be holding him (and you) in our thoughts today, and watching for an update. Hope the vets can get to the bottom of his trouble so he can begin to heal and not look back.
  16. Hope they do them early so you're mind can be put at rest. Sending prayers.
  17. Unless a foster home or other caregiver to your hound has crated them and can tell you about how it went, it's pretty hard to predict. Two of mine are fine in a crate - in fact Jaynie will go in there preferentially when it's set up. The third will trash it, and is therefore never crated.
  18. Just a couple of quick thoughts in addition to the good ideas above (forgive me if these have been mentioned - skimmed through the posts quite quickly): - if your hound is escaping or trying very hard to escape from her crate she could injure herself very badly, even strangle; gating her into a comfortable (for her) room is a much better idea - stuffing a kong with goodies and giving it before you go might help take her mind off your departure
  19. Poor Doolin. Now listen young man - you may be one of the most drop dead gorgeous greyhounds of all time. Heal fast so you can eat and drink and feel great again! Your devoted fans are counting on it!
  20. Rickiesmom


    Grover left you with a lot of good memories to warm your heart and gradually heal the grief. I am so sorry for your loss of this special boy.
  21. Godspeed Guinness. You were so loved and knew it.
  22. Rickiesmom

    Trap Is Gone

    Godspeed Trap. I am so sorry.
  23. Jaynie is on Benazepril (20 mg) and Amlodipine (5 mg) per day, both split between AM and PM.
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