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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Thank you for the suggestions - all good. Interestingly, her toenail looks OK to the naked eye but a bit rough in the photo so I will smooth that down for sure. Jaynie thinks having her nails dremeled is a spa treatment, so it's always easy to do.
  2. Jaynie has a lesion on the second toe from the outside on her right front paw: Initially it looks like a light scrape above the lower, darker area, but I just caught her licking it and now the entire area looks much worse. The roundish thing below looked sort of like a dark callous prior to the licking. I've dremeled the nail down as far as I can. Under normal circumstances her nails don't bother her toes, but it seems to be contributing in this case. Couple of questions: - How can I protect the hurt area, especially during walks (no offleash at the moment) - should I just put cotton between the toes and wrap it? (I don't want to keep it wrapped because it should heal better with air, and I can spray it with Dermicare to discourage licking.) - Now that she's licked it that round thing looks a bit suspect. Any thoughts on that? My immediate priority is protecting the toe from further damage, but I'm not sure what to make of the thing underneath - it didn't look like much prior to the licking. We do have a vet appointment on the 10th for something unrelated, maybe I should take her in sooner? Thank you for your thoughts and ideas!
  3. I am so sorry for your loss of sweet and spunky Corey. Godspeed little one.
  4. So glad you have a diagnosis and Minerva is feeling better. As do you!
  5. I would see about a consult with a dental surgeon if possible. I am biased because there is such an excellent one in the specialty clinic near me and all my experiences with her, on any problem to do with the mouth, have been extremely positive, including the recoveries have gone so smoothly.
  6. Thinking of you both and watching for an update.
  7. What an awful shock. My heart goes out to you.
  8. I hull my whippet's several corns regularly using a dental elevator - unless a dog's corns are ginormous, I can't imagine using anything else, but YMMV.
  9. Thank you for the suggestions, a before-bed snack sounds like a good idea (he is in a big hurry to get out in the morning!).
  10. Honorary greyhound (whippet) Rickie, who will be 15 in less than 2 weeks, has, in the last couple of weeks, become obsessed with eating a lot of grass in the morning, following which he throws up bile and grass. This has happened occasionally in the past, but never on a daily basis, so I am worried. For now instead of letting him roam the backyard I am walking him to control it. He doesn't do it at other times of the day when roaming the yard freely. Nothing in our routine has changed - the dogs get dinner somewhere between 6 and 7PM, and nothing further until breakfast which is around 8 AM. Maybe I should give him a bedtime snack, but the thing I am stuck on is that *nothing has changed* in our routine, yet we have this new behaviour. Anyone have any idea why? He had a checkup recently and blood and urine are amazingly good for a dog his age - he is young inside. Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions!
  11. I took Rickie (my whippet, who will be 15 next month) to see a holistic DVM, expecting to do acupuncture for arthritis and an increasing neurological deficit behind. Instead he did a procedure called bio-puncture (takes some blood, mixes it with liquid homeopathic ingredients, and then injects small amounts back into acupuncture points). Supposedly very effective at relieving pain. We also have a capsule supplement that seems aimed at building connective tissue. This is new territory for me, so I am curious to know if others have tried this, on themselves or on a pet, and if so, what your assessment is. Thank you!!
  12. In case I am not the only person who didn't know this, thought I'd share something I recently learned. Normally a dog that has never had a blood transfusion can receive blood of any type with the first transfusion. It is only after that, that they develop antibodies and require matching blood going forward. However, I recently learned that any female who has had pups also needs to be typed - antibodies can cross the placental wall. Apparently typing only takes about 20 minutes, but what I plan to do is ask for her blood to be typed next time she has bloodwork done. Ditto Jeff since he's quite likely a universal donor like most greyhounds, and he's her son.
  13. What a beautiful hound Daisy was. I am so glad you found each other. Godspeed pretty girl.
  14. Without wanting to hijack the thread, what does "premedicating" for a vaccine mean? Thank you!!
  15. A heart-stopping story with a happy ending, thank goodness. Hugs to Hutch, and of course Tibbs too!
  16. Sending good thoughts to you both, for better days ahead.
  17. Godspeed Hannah. You've left big pawprints on your mama's heart.
  18. The guideline of 1 tsp per 10 lbs of body weight sounds really high to me.
  19. Thinking of you and Robin, hoping he continues to feel better.
  20. Robin I can't believe I'm reading this. Godspeed beautiful mama dog. That picture of Treasure all bright, with her little toofers showing is one of my all time favourites, and how I will always remember her. I am so, so sorry.
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