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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Checking in and sending continued good thoughts
  2. So glad that Nadir was feeling better yesterday. Praying for another good day today, and another, and another . . .
  3. Judy, we are beaming all the good thoughts and support we have to you and Nadir. Hopefully things will be back on the upswing soon.
  4. You and Nadir continue to be in my thoughts and prayers Judy.
  5. Judy my thoughts are with you and Nadir, hoping for the best.
  6. Possum was meant to come to you, it just doesn't seem right to be able to count that time in days. Ducky I am so sorry.
  7. What a <searching for the right word here LOL> Hope her career as a foster is a long and happy one !
  8. So happy to read how well Fionn is coming along!
  9. Good to see the vet. When we've had ear problems here (rarely, thankfully) we use Hexadene flush twice daily for about 10 days. I just squirt it into the ear, massage very gently for about 10 seconds, and then stand back for the big messy head shake. We have usually been given Surolan drops to put into the ear(s) after cleaning. Gradually the gunk dissolves and comes out, becoming softer and lighter and eventually non-existent. Hope Kasey feels better soon!
  10. The update is guarded but very hopeful. We will be thinking of all of you and praying for Fionn's recovery.
  11. I am so sorry Morty continues to have eye problems. Good he got treatment quickly, sounds like he is much better. Hope he continues to improve!
  12. My whippet has corns. I e-mailed my vet the link to the Grassmere article and asked him to hull them. He was very reluctant at first, expecting blood to flow at any moment, but he did it, and was super-impressed with how well the process worked. So much so the next time Rickie needed it done one of the other vets did it and another came in to watch and learn. It's pretty much a maintenance procedure but much better than surgery which, like many have said already, I would not consider as it doesn't have a good track record. I now do it myself, but that isn't for everyone.
  13. Judy, I am so, so sorry. Bebe has rejoined her first mama, but she will forever be part of your family and your hearts. Many tears.
  14. Huston, feel better quickly sweet boy!!
  15. Welcome home Annie! We like girlies who have opinions
  16. So glad for the positive updates. And those pictures, well! You just hurry up and get better Missy, so your mama can take some more!
  17. Thank you for sharing that, it means so much.
  18. Oh no. The updates were so full of joy and hope, I cannot imagine what a blow this is. My heart goes out to you.
  19. More and more it becomes important to support local food products. They may cost more, but it's worth it to support and maintain their availability.
  20. More good thoughts and prayers from us. Sounds like Violet is in good hands.
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