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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. I cannot even imagine the cumulative pain of so many losses so close together. People here will be praying for you, for strength to put one foot in front of the other until the memories carry only sweetness. May peace be with you.
  2. Reading this thread had my heart pounding, I am so glad Truman is improving.
  3. Love and the comfort of home are the best medicine. So happy for all of you!
  4. I am so sorry for your sudden, heat-wrenching loss.
  5. My heart goes out to your friends who are missing their Lynne so very much right now.
  6. Not sure if it is applicable in this situation, but after a major surgery (though not an amputation) one of my dogs was given Fentanyl via IV rather than a patch. I was told it is easier to control the dose that way and is better tolerated than the patch. No expertise in this area, just offering the thought. Agree with others suggesting a follow-up consult with Dr. Couto. I haven't posted much but have been following this thread and holding all of you in thought and prayer.
  7. Thank you everyone who responded - I wanted to be better informed in the event the toe was broken. The good news is that it's not, although the vet is sending the rads to a radiologist as there was one thing she was a bit uncertain about, but nothing sinister. So we are to continue the Tramadol and do leash walks for a week, then see how it's healing.
  8. Jaynie was running around in the deep snow this morning, and came back to the house on 3 legs. The outermost toe on her left foot was pointing left instead of straight. My first thought was that it was dislocated. By the time I caught up with her in the house the toe was straight, and initially I thought it had popped back in. But . . . I don't think that happens so easily, plus it's looking bruised on the inside and is somewhat swollen. Maybe she broke it. We have a vet appointment at 3:20 this afternoon and I am sure they'll x-ray. My question is - if the toe is broken, is the standard treatment amputation, or can it be set / bandaged / whatever so that it will heal. I trust my vets but it would be so helpful to have more information going in. The other complication is that Jaynie has compromised kidneys, so if she needs surgery I will want it done at the specialty clinic (board certified anaesthesiologist and a building full of specialists if anything goes wrong). I imagine Monday would be the earliest I could have that done - is it OK to give it supportive care until then? I gave her 100 mg of Tramadol and 300 mg of Gabapentin this morning. She is not allowed to have NSAIDs, unfortunately. Thank you for your help!
  9. You might want to contact Dr Couto for an expert opinion - he will help you and consult with your vet(s). I believe this e-mail address is the best way to reach him: coutovetconsultants@gmail.com
  10. What a beautiful face and heart. I am so sorry for your loss.
  11. Rickiesmom


    Sometimes things are just meant to be, and Lucas coming to you was one of them. I am so sorry your time with him wasn't longer.
  12. One of my all-time favourite photos ever is the very alert one with her toofers just showing. She was a sweetheart.
  13. Ghost sounds like such a special boy - I loved the image of him tossing toys from one room to the other as others looked on. I am so sorry for your loss of your special boy.
  14. Rickiesmom

    Little Millie

    Wishing Millie all the sunbeams a hound could hope for and more. I am so sorry for your loss.
  15. I am so sorry for your loss of a wonderful girl. Dance among the stars Gracie Rose
  16. Great news - with all the care and spoiling Lydia is and will receive from you both, she will heal and forget before you know it!
  17. Rickiesmom


    I am so sorry, Ike was so young, what an awful, awful shock.
  18. Just seeing this and you are with the vet right now. Everything crossed here that it is just a soft tissue injury.
  19. She's lovely, and she and Greyson make a lovely pair.
  20. It's easy to believe the big characters will just always be there. I am so sorry for your loss of Missy.
  21. I wrap it liberally in liverwurst.
  22. Your Dita sounds like a very special girl, I am so sorry for your loss
  23. I am so very sorry for your loss of such a sweet young boy.
  24. Rickie-whippet originally belonged to my dad and stepmother, but in the way a particular dog and human will bond, Rickie was my dad's dog. In early 2000, when Rickie was 22 months old, my parents were killed in a car crash and Rickie came to live with me. I had two old dogs at the time, and lost both of them that year as well. Rickie was my light. He was a wild child, the "Troublemaker", "Little Sh!t" or "Sh!tlet" for short - a flower eating, bee-catching, shoe-chewing, furniture-leaping, stuffie destroyer. Most of all though, he was my velcro dog, my snuggle bug, my unconditionally loving and trusting boy. There is no greater gift or privilege. He was also a lemon. Beginning in 2004 with a dislocated carpus that required partial fusion surgery, Rickie had a series of injuries and illnesses that resulted in two cancer surgeries, and another to remove a benign growth that would have infiltrated his chest. He had ligament problems, arthritis, and he broke his tail. He had the dubious distinction of a two-volume file at the local specialty clinic, where staff I'd never met knew him by name. He handled it all with indomitable optimism and trust. He never lost his bounce, fanatical love of frisbees, or sense of special privilege in the house. Since the beginning of December there have been waxing and waning neurological issues. After seeming to rally, the last day or two were hard, and though medical options remained, it was time to let him be peaceful and whole. And so this afternoon, at 15 1/2, Rickie left my arms to fly back into the waiting arms of my dad. The joy of that reunion is the glue holding my heart together. Forever, Rickiesmom
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