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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. I am so very sorry - what an awful shock!
  2. Sending prayers that the proactive treatment she is receiving ahead of the test results will help her.
  3. I'd get him back to the vet. Please keep us updated!
  4. I am so very sorry - there is never enough time.
  5. Rickiesmom


    Jennifer I am so sorry. After a long life with you, Bonnie is on to new adventures, to be met by many, including my "mother earth" GSD, another Bonnie.
  6. What a beautiful girl - eyes that look right into your soul - now an angel. I am so sorry for your loss.
  7. I haven't posted much to this thread but have been watching it closely, and join others in hoping the antibiotics and pred will clear this up once and for all. If the infection hasn't been cultured it might be worth doing to ensure it will respond to the antibiotic Chinghis is on. I had a recurring issue with infection in a cat's eye socket (eye had been removed before I got him). Turned out he was resistant to the antibiotic he'd been on - once we switched, the problem went away. Sending continued prayers this resolves easily now.
  8. He is so gorgeous. Hope all goes well on Friday - he'll feel so much better, and therefore so will you!
  9. Arlie is the same - fuzzbutt in winter, bald in summer - she's just starting the transition now.
  10. You might try spraying the outside of the bandage with bitter apple as a deterrent, but only if you can do this without getting any of the spray anywhere near the wound or sore skin.
  11. Wish I had something useful to add. But I am sending prayers for your pup to get through this OK, and for you to be able to keep juggling all the responsibilities - beaming you thoughts of strength and perseverance. We are all behind you on this.
  12. Could it be a staph infection? Hoping not, and watching for an update.
  13. Poor Foxy, going through treat withdrawal and no one knew
  14. Watching for the Saturday update and hoping for continued improvement!
  15. Well that sounds manageable. Hope Orion improves soon!
  16. Good you are seeing the vet - I had a hound mix with spine problems and knuckling is classic - they don't properly feel where and how they are placing their feet. Getting the swelling down asap is important. Sending prayers and will be watching for an update.
  17. Janet, would it help to ice it (bag of frozen peas in a towel)? No idea, it's the only other thing I could think of. Sending prayers and healing thoughts for your boy
  18. Such a hard appointment to make and keep. I am so sorry for your loss of a wonderful young boy. You have given him a life in which he has known only what it means to be cherished.
  19. Run free sweet pups. My heart breaks for you.
  20. Sending prayers and positive thoughts for Dye and for you.
  21. Agree with Burpdog - check with your vet about the aspirin - it may increase her likelihood of bleeding which is risky.
  22. Thank you for the update - sounds hopeful. Will be watching this thread for updates after you see the specialists tomorrow. I can't believe they wouldn't fit you in. Sending more prayers.
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