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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. What a beautiful soul. Run young again sweet Snow!
  2. A whippet I know has recently been diagnosed with AIHA. His owner is looking for contacts who have dealt with this, to learn from them. I have searched this forum and found a little information, mostly about the possible link to over-vaccination, vs. dealing with the disease itself. If you are able to help, please post, PM me, or e-mail at mt dot laham at rogers dot com (Just remove the spaces and replace the punctuation.) Thank you!
  3. The siderails are - you remove the mattress to the floor and sleep there, low to the ground. Or, you set up an independent on-the-floor bed. Think camping indoors. I did it for 18mo when my now Bridge GSD girl couldn't do stairs anymore due to hip and then spinal problems. On the other hand, maybe you just need to stop hogging the bed - our hounds need at least 2/3 to be comfy. Seriously, hope Miss Nevada continues to feel better!
  4. What a beautiful, sweet face. I am so sorry.
  5. There have been so many LaceyLaine pictures and stories - what a marvelous girl she was. I am so deeply sorry she was taken from you.
  6. What an awful shock. My heart goes out to you. Your girl was an icon on this board.
  7. Glad she's over the crisis Carol. Hugs to you both, and sending prayers for your sweet girlie.
  8. Poor Mia. Hope she rests well and feels better with plain food.
  9. Nothing like a little fresh air here and there during the night, eh? SO sorry Mia Bella is sick again, hopefully not for long. Rickie says if she were here he would give her his screaming gorilla to make her feel better. And that is the height of generosity since it is really Arlie's gorilla gift from Lynn, that he has appropriated. Fingers crossed, watching for updates.
  10. Don't beat yourself up Devon. Spraying isn't an obvious sign of a urinary problem. Straining and peeing outside the box in tiny amounts - those are the classic symptoms. Most importantly, he's at the vet in time and the problem is being taken care of, thanks to you.
  11. Isn't it the best feeling to know they are feeling so much better. You richly deserve that reward. Hope things continue to go well with him
  12. Sending prayers and good thoughts for Patti, Fred and sweet Lacey Laine
  13. What a beauty. My heart goes out to you.
  14. Pred has long term side effects but is cheap, cheap, cheap, and easy to give, so hopefully an experienced home will open up for him.
  15. Rickiesmom


    Your suffering at various hands is over sweet one. Revel in flying free with the angels.
  16. Sweet Lady - happy birthday Irish Angel
  17. What are they going to biopsy? So glad she's in good spirits - hope you can bring her home soon!
  18. How scary - has anything like this happened with Princess before? Will be watching for an update after the specialists have seen her. Sending many prayers.
  19. What is the difference between Flexadin and Dasaquin?
  20. I used to use it - now use Flexadin. Same company and I thought Flexadin was the superseding product. Get it from my vet - it's expensive. Rickie (whippet) had partial carpal fusion surgery in 2004 and I've had him on it since due to the increased risk of arthritis. He's 9 1/2 and is going great, whether due to the supplements or not is impossible to know.
  21. Rickiesmom


    What a heartbreak! I am so sorry for all who loved her.
  22. Monty will be in my thoughts tomorrow and we will be watching for an update. FWIW Rickie had a tumour removed during the summer that was caught early and he is still clear as of last week's recheck. Sounds like Monty will be the same.
  23. Sending thoughts of healing and comfort.
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