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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. you probably have a corrupt temp file as noted above.
  2. I haven't heard back if it helped Nancy or not, but it requires me resetting your password and a bunch of other server side stuff. On your end, you'll need to clear your cookies and browser temp files (cache) on ALL your devices before you visit GT on each device, as it could be any of them causing the problem with an old stored bad cookie or temp file. If you want to go that route, open a support ticket so we can communicate easier since you won't be able to immediately log in. Click Support in the top banner menu.
  3. Sounds like one of two things, well three actually. I'll open a ticket under your name/email so we can communicate, I'll reset your account (one) which will also require another new password, and you clear your cookies and temp files (two) number three is a bit different, and I'll put that in the ticket.
  4. access should be restored. Searching for it on google, I only see firefox users having issues like that, but she is using MS Edge. The issue is that Edhe added this to the end of the link /prem/16.1753.14.2298359/scripts/boot.worldwide.mouse.defer.js That's malicious and going to get you booted every time. #: 1310432 @: Fri, 12 May 2017 09:03:03 -0500 Running: 0.4.10a3 / 77a Host: c-174-49-94-30.hsd1.ga.comcast.net IP: Score: 1 Violation count: 1 INSTA-BANNED Why blocked: Hack Detection, INSTA-BAN (IB-0044.0). You have been instantly banned due to extremely hazardous behavior! Query: Referer: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/320442-psa-a-span-of-i-85-in-downtown-atl-collapsed-yesterday/ User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.79 Safari/537.36 Edge/14.14393 Reconstructed URL: http:// forum.greytalk.com /index.php/topic/320442-psa-a-span-of-i-85-in-downtown-atl-collapsed-yesterday/prem/16.1753.14.2298359/scripts/boot.worldwide.mouse.defer.js
  5. that is the local IP, internal to your home network, I need the real/external IP
  6. or just use your phone off wifi to let me know
  7. I am not seeing that as a bad IP, I need the IP from a device currently seeing the 503 error.
  8. it would help if you provided more detail. Are you seeing a 503 error page? if so, visit this page and let me know what your IP address is https://whatismyipaddress.com/ You should also be able to turn off wifi on your phone and reach GT via mobile data and not wifi so you can reply from home, but if you are seeing that 503 page, I need to know the IP address from a blocked device. All your devices on your home wifi will have the same IP address, I just need one of the blocked ones.
  9. should work basically the same as a PC.
  10. GT was created due to the beginning days of the internet, when the main greyhound forum was completely text based, and contained no images at all. The ability to change your profile picture will become available once you reach 50 posts. Welcome aboard, I visited Nova Scotia (Halifax) last in 1991, it was a very nice place.
  11. Your user status needs to be "Member" or above, which happens around ~50 posts. Just joining today, you aren't there yet. Hang out and participate and you'll be there soon.
  12. Thank you very much, you all keep this crazy place going
  13. when you click SAVE, move the QUALITY slider, the approx file size will show at the bottom.
  14. this online editor works well https://pixlr.com/editor/
  15. sounds like you are locking him out of the room where everyone is at, and that could be part of the problem. give him a bed on the floor and/or crate where you all are. Since you already know he has separation anxiety, it only makes sense. Don't cave again to the human bed if you don't want them up there. If he barks, and won't settle down, try a stern voice or a water filled squirt bottle.
  16. I don't have an instagram account to test with, but I need to find something decent that works well from cell phones.
  17. working link: http://www.assisianimalhealth.com/research/publications/ I've never heard of any actual medical proof that magnetism does anything for health. You can read personal accounts, but no medical proof that I have ever seen.
  18. Thank you, just walked in the door, will get those updated shortly
  19. Congrats, you found a bug that probably anyone who clicked this thread got instantly banned. Looks like 86 users. Odd, the cause was that it ended in the word scripts This has now been fixed.
  20. http://www.gimp.org/ or https://pixlr.com/editor/
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