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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. I don't yet know why, but every GT Supporter was rolled back to member overnight. I need time to figure out why.
  2. I've found the Holt Control Harness fit our Greys and non-greys well and looked decent when worn. https://www.amazon.com/Holt-Control-Dog-Harness-Size/dp/B000N3DO5W
  3. I have them disabled on "mobile devices" I wasn't sure if that was both phones and tablets, but after checking it is both, and there is no option to differentiate between the two.. After testing it, signatures should definitely be disabled on phones, and to do so, tablets get sacrificed too, sorry.
  4. Its been a couple weeks, here is where we are now. There was a lot of bleeding early on which subsided after a little more than a week. The lower half fell off the second week, and the top half sometime recently.
  5. I do, are you using a computer, tablet or phone? I think I only have them enabled on computers. there may also be a user setting, I'll check
  6. Click your username in the upper right, select ACCOUNT SETTINGS, then SIGNATURE on the left.
  7. @Bizeebee while we wait for the search to be fixed, you can use the google link I posted above. If you find the thread you are looking for, you can click the link, it will fail, but that's OK. Once it fails, look at the URL in your address bar, then remove index.php/ Example: https://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/311602-corns-any-new-treatments/ this fails https://forum.greytalk.com/topic/311602-corns-any-new-treatments/ this works
  8. it hasn't been too bad, the 2 really bothersome issues for me at the moment are the search indexing, and the existing search engine links not working.
  9. I played with earth tones years ago, were all blue and white!
  10. Health & Medical, Food & Dietary, and Training & Behavior did not get pruned, all should still be there. But yeah, I see the same error. Searching for "corns" returns no results, but looking at google (these links won't work due to the change) there are plenty of "corn" posts in H&M. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=hAS6XNvSCumJgge60I6YBw&q=site%3Agreytalk.com+corns&btnK=Google+Search&oq=site%3Agreytalk.com+corns&gs_l=psy-ab.3...2081.16128..16483...13.0..0.131.2795.22j7......0....1..gws-wiz.....6..35i39j0i131j0j0i3j0i10.m_vzVvFwwD4 Looking into it.
  11. @Neighsayer that one took me a second. Now just click the dot.
  12. I see the indexing error shown though I was able to get results. What are you specifically searching for? We pruned tens of thousands of old posts (>2yrs without a reply with less than 20 replies during that period) from OT/SB/EEG/CF prior to the upgrade, so perhaps what you're looking for has been deleted?
  13. what are your steps so I can reproduce the error?
  14. Yeah, it was very bright and whitish. I added a blue hue to the background to tone it down a bit. As for the size, your best bet is press and hold the CTRL key and + or - to get the size you like. Your browser should remember that setting for GT.
  15. Thanks, I'll work on fixing that.
  16. can someone who received an email invoice today (just need one person) please post what email address that invoice came from, thank you.
  17. @Time4ANap yours is fixed, what a convoluted process, you can't find the actual image URL any more, and you can't easily copy the image to paste it into the editor. That's what I did, but in a round about way. I'll have to see if there is a simpler way, and post about it. I did find an easier way to find your own gallery though. Upper right, click your username, then select PROFILE On the right just below the "See me activity" button, click ALBUMS
  18. OK, upper right, click your username, then select PROFILE On the right just down a little, click SEE MY ACTIVITY On the left under gallery, select either ALBUM or IMAGES That's how to find your gallery
  19. @Time4ANap seems gallery image links didn't carry over well, if at all. I haven't looked at the gallery yet, but if you can find your signature there, just edit your signature with the correct link. I'm not even sure how to find YOUR specific gallery album/images
  20. @Rickiesmom yes, on the unread content screen, to the right, just above the first topic shown are 2 buttons. Click the one labeled CONDENSED, the default (black) is EXPANDED, it should set a cookie and remember it I believe.
  21. @FiveRoooooers once you preview it, click the big black X in the upper right to close the preview and return to editing.
  22. My eyes may be crossed, but I believe I am all caught up. If you think I missed you or made a mistake, please let me know
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