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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. Dremel the two females. Dodger is having none of the dremel so far. His nails are clipped which is what he is familiar with. Pooter also had her nails clipped in her racing kennel, but she has not minded the dremel from day one.
  2. gazehund


    I am so sorry for your loss. Rest well Mara.
  3. gazehund

    Mokka Doyle

    I am sorry for your loss Bev. Any animal is blessed to have lived their lives with you and Marc. Rest well Mokka.
  4. I am very sorry for your sudden loss. Rest well Dessi.
  5. Carol I am so sorry to hear this. You, Ryan and Mara are in my thoughts and prayers.
  6. Good luck Shelly! Please keep us posted on how she does.
  7. Hello Kevin and welcome to GT. Also a long time fan of your work. Glad you are here! Nancy L. Hudson Galway, NY
  8. No judgments from here Kim, you know that. Just lots of prayers and hugs and love. I am terribly sorry for what you are going through. I agree. Cancer sucks.
  9. For my mostest funest GUR dog EVER? You've got it CL. Please let us know when you have pretty girl home alive and well.
  10. A life well lived and well loved Elizabeth. Rest well Simon.
  11. Oh no Kim!! Keep us posted as you can please.
  12. No one can answer that question but you. We have three hounds now. Have had four. We will be back at four when Cracker retires. Four is my max.
  13. If I wanted an obedience dog, I would not have chosen hounds in general. Sighthounds in particular. One of the things I truly love about sighthounds is their independent thinking. That said, my dogs are well behaved and polite. For that I give full credit to their racing trainers; Mr Donnell French (Pooter) and Mr. J.T. Riley (Dodger and eventually Cracker). Pearl is a spook who never raced.
  14. Hi Jen and houndies! Welcome from upstate NY.
  15. I can't seem to remember who you are but I absolutely remember that handsome red hound. Welcome back Tina!
  16. gazehund


    I am sorry for your loss. Rest well Tanner.
  17. I am sorry for your loss. Rest well sweet Sam.
  18. I am sorry for your loss way too soon. Lovely poem.
  19. I am so sorry Meri. Rest well Lucky.
  20. Normal sighthound girl. Nothing more nothing less. Tell her she is a good girl. She would not understand being scolded.
  21. gazehund


    How sad. Rest well baby girl.
  22. gazehund


    A life well lived and well loved. Rest well Sobe.
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