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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. I am sorry for your loss. Run with the wind Lucy.
  2. A life well lived and well loved. Farewell Miss Rose.
  3. Nice thread Jen. Today is Pearl's 9th birthday. Diagnosed with kidney disease 2.5 years ago, she is holding her own. We will have cake and ice cream tonight and have a peaceful night at home. Thankful that our little spook is still with us. Pooter and Dodger are healthy and strong. Cracker races tonight and of course we will sit up to cheer him on. All is well in our little corner of the world.
  4. Nobody can take better care of your old man than you Trudy so I just wish you and Ry well and hope for the best. Please keep us posted.
  5. Xan, Linda Jensen gave me the dosgaes on the Acti - Flex a long time ago. It works out to be about a teaspoon full for Pooter ( 57 lbs) and 2 teaspoons for Dodger (72 lbs). I don't give it to Pearl since she will not eat it. With her kidney disease, getting food into her is more important so she get to eat ( and reject) anything she will eat. I don't think you can over dose with Acti - Flex though. I give it my guys just for maintenance. It really helps Pooter with her ouchy wrist. She runs a lot.
  6. Except for one, all of them! Hounds, generally speaking, are an independent breed. Bred to hunt and think on their own, they are not typically soft and fuzzy.Of course there are exceptions, but as I said only one of my six was obviously affectionate and sought out affection. Also keep in mind, your girl is not used to being by herself. Her entire life, she was surrounded by other hounds (assuming she is a retired racer?). Her whole world has been turned upside down. It takes time for greyhounds to adjust to a home environment. Some longer than others. Sounds like you are doing just fine letting her be and come around on her own.
  7. Yep. Acti - Flex 4000. There is a canine version out now, but I have had great success with this formula. http://www.coxvetlab.com/products/acti-flex4000.htm
  8. A life well lived and well loved. I am sorry your boy had to leave, but so happy you had Rascal in your life. Rest well sweet boy.
  9. I am so sorry for your sudden loss. Rest well Seany.
  10. I am sorry for this news Jen. You won't fall apart. You can't. Neyla needs you to focus on her care. Many of us have been down this road. We'll be here as you walk it now with Neyla.
  11. Rest well you grand old lady. I am sorry she had to leave Heather.
  12. As Claudia said, big difference between kidney disease and kidney failure. What was the first symptom I noticed with Pearl? Weight loss. She is headed into her third year post diagnosis and still doing well. Good luck with your boy.
  13. Healing thoughts for Neyla and for you Jen. Please keep us posted.
  14. I am sorry for your loss Lynn. I do hate cancer.
  15. Oh no, Lots of prayers coming from here Kristin. Please keep us posted as you can.
  16. Nice Jey. Another "olive" thread. Good work.
  17. A life well lived and well loved. Rest well Peanut.
  18. My thoughts exactly. x 3. My mega spook Pearl has never had a pill (for her spookiness) in her life. She has been home with us for 7 years now. She went a little off the rails when she lost all three of her original housemates in an 11 month period. Thankfully Pooter was here or Pearl would have been totally alone. Now Dodger is here and he has also been a huge calming influence for Pearl. We just came home from a long weekend in Maine and Pearl was fine. She LOVES to travel. If one didn't know she was a major spook, one might think she is a little shy. Good luck with your girl. Spooks are not for the faint of heart for sure.
  19. I am so sorry for this news. I have been down this road losing 3 hounds in 11 months time, two of them to osteo. You will make it. One day, one hour, one minute at a time if you have to , but you will make it. I understand.
  20. I hear ya. Let us know when she is home safe and sound. Hang in there!
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