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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. gazehund

    Wilbur ....

    Rest in peace Wilbur.
  2. gazehund


    A life well and beautifully lived. I am sorry Pearl had to leave you. Rest well precious Pearl.
  3. Indeed you do! Pretty hound. I am assuming female?
  4. I am so sorry Darlene. Please pass my condolences on to your Mom. Rest well Maggie.
  5. Nope. I would keep it as clean as possible, apply a little EMT Gel and leave it open to the air.
  6. Holding Karen and Penny close in our thoughts and prayers Dee. How sad. :hope
  7. I am so sorry you didn't have more time with Pearl. Rest well sweet girl.
  8. Positive thoughts for your Pearl from my Pearl who is also a finicky eater at time due to her kidney disease.
  9. A life well lived Anne. I am sorry Cali had to leave you. Rest well beautiful girl.
  10. I am so sorry to hear this news. Me and my Pearl are keeping you and your Pearl in our thoughts and prayers.
  11. Also no experience, but wanted you to know I am thinking about you and Bailey.
  12. Rest well Ozzie the Man. You were one of a kind.
  13. I am sorry I never had the chance to know your girl Jeannine. She is a beauty.
  14. Only Pooter and Pearl but only occasionally. Both are females.
  15. A life well lived Sis. Please give your wonderful, sensitive young man a hug from his NY Auntie and take one for you and Amber too. :grouphug Rest well Austin. You are loved.
  16. I am so very sorry. Way too young.
  17. Welcome back Suzanne!! So good to see you here. I still have that photo of one of your girls ( Sky I think) looking off a beautiful hill in Scotland. Ted is adorable. Looks mostly greyhound to me.
  18. Yes, please do stay. I am so sorry for your losses.
  19. A life well lived and well loved. Rest well Piper. I am so very sorry.
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