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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. gazehund

    Nike Is Gone

    Linda I cannot comprehend the total shock you must be feeling. I am so sorry.
  2. Here is a dumb question for ya. The only alpacas I have known have been domestic. The ones you saw were wild I assume? Continued safe travels. Ryan, you are a hoot and a half!
  3. gazehund

    Nike Is Gone

    Noooooo, oh no. Linda, I have no words. I am sorry is so inadequate. I AM sorry. Know I am thinking about you at this horrible time. Rest well darling Nike. You are so loved.
  4. Hi there, welcome to GT. We are in upstate NY as well, near Saratoga Springs. These guys just got back up and running. Much closer to you also. http://thegreyhoundwalkingclub.com/ Edit to add Grapehounds ! http://www.grapehounds.com/
  5. Elizabeth to answer your question. We live on a large piece of property. All of our animals are buried here in their own cemetery. That probably is not common though if I had to guess.
  6. I have been down this road three times now Lucy. All I can say is it is different for everyone. I did have a choice with Future (not with Kia or Bones) and his vet came to the house. Given that choice, I would do it that way every time. I didn't think I could do it either, even with my DH there with me. Claudia had it right though. You do what you have to do when you have to do it. I am terribly sorry you have to face this. For whatever small bit it may be worth, I would make the same choice. Thinking of you and your precious boy.
  7. Thanksfor the last pigeon pics Trudy. Safe journey !
  8. gazehund

    My Sweet Lucy

    So young. I am so sorry for your loss. Rest well Lucy.
  9. I didn't realize they were only 2 days apart in age. Duck will be 5 on the 17th, Dodger on the 19th of April. Let the games begin!
  10. Crap!! Enjoy the days you have with him Lucy. Keeping you and your handsome boy in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug
  11. All 6 of my guys have been firmly bonded to me........the food dispenser. Kia loved her Daddy though. Not as much as the FD, but she did love him.
  12. Want me to drive up with Duck and Pooh? And Nancy, don't be a wimp with the heat. DD says the heat in NY is nothing compared to AR so he's game if you are And Lindsay, question on the line burn. Is there no line behind the lure? I've never been to a LGRA event so have no idea what they are like. YES!! Does DD know either Ducker or Pooh? I want to say they were all at different tracks. Well, I know Pooh was. Yep, I raise my hand and confess I am the wimp with the heat. Hate, hate, hate it. DD walked right out easy peasy after his race and shower. Me? Not so much......... Everyone is expected to work the event and I totally agree with that. Standing out in a hot sun is not something I look forward to. Yep, wimp all the way.
  13. I am so sorry for your loss. Rest well Likky.
  14. Doggie Dodger's next event is at Denise's house here in upstate NY. Lindsay............no greyhounds pre-entered as of yet.
  15. I am very sorry for the loss of Lily. Way too young.
  16. Oh no Jan. I hope your girlie is o.k. Vomiting once or twice would not concern me. Vomiting that many times combined with the lethargy would give me pause. Hopefully it is just a minor stomach upset and baby girl will be fine tomorrow. Please keep us posted. You're fear is not irrational at all.
  17. What a sweet faced little girl. I am sorry for your loss Bev.
  18. gazehund


    I am so sorry Gryffin had to leave. Rest well sweet boy.
  19. I second some of your photos when you can. Please? Dear Nancy, I tried to post a pic but with the new display I just don't arrive to post pictures. My photoalbum disappeared too. Maybe in a few days I'll have another try. Of course I will visit GT from time to time...hugs to you Nancy! When you feel like it Marion. We'll be here.
  20. I second some of your photos when you can. Please?
  21. Marion...........please stay and visit with us when you can. It matters not you don't have a hound at the moment. You have been a part of this community for so long. Please stay ! Rest in peace dear Soldi. You will be missed.
  22. Marion my friend, I am so, so sorry. I lost three of mine in 11 months time, so I do know a little of what you are feeling. Gentle hugs to you across the many miles. Rest well sweet Soldi. I will never, ever see a tennis ball again and not think of you. I hope by now you have found Ivy and all is well.
  23. Marion I am so sorry to read about beautiful Soldi. I have no advice to offer but you know you and Soldi are in my thoughts always. Please take care and let us know how Soldi does.
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