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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. My deepest sympathy to your family and the family of Mr. Mitz.
  2. I am so very sorry. Rest well Smiley.
  3. Continued good thoughts from our Pearl and us to your Pearl!
  4. gazehund


    I remember Java and his Mom. Rest well Java.
  5. gazehund

    My Sweet Jazz

    Awww Kim. Jazz shared a life well lived with you. He is always with you. Rest well darling Jazz. You are missed.
  6. Welcome from upstate NY. Tito is a cutie!!
  7. Way too young. I am sorry Lynn. Godspeed Bruiser.
  8. I am sorry the results weren't better Mo. Thinking about you guys.
  9. Rest well Domino. I am very sorry for your loss.
  10. I am so sorry. I agree. I lost a foster after her spay. Devastating. Rest well Abe.
  11. I was wondering too Alisha. Rest well darling Iceman. You will be missed. to you.
  12. gazehund

    Augie Dogie

    A life and a love well lived and well shared. Rest well Augie. Look after your Momma until you meet again. Heather I am so glad you discovered boy dogs.
  13. Good to hear she is back home with you and doing well. Continued prayers for Bailey.
  14. Where I come from, that's training at its best!! Consistent, quiet, gentle...Awesome! Thanks for that, I appreciate it. I guess I don't call it "training," I just call it living. All my dogs have lived into double digit numbers. None of them, except the spook have had behavior issues of any kind. Even the spook is pretty normal at home. Must be why greyhounds suit me. I am as lazy as they are. We don't get our knickers in a twist over too much of anything around here.
  15. I dunno. I don't get the whole training thing in general I guess. I don't "demand" anything of my dogs. I see it as my job to show them how we would like things to roll in our house. I keep showing them until they get it. Calmy, quietly, consistently. Tru has been home a little over a year. She doesn't do the stairs. She doesn't have to, so do I care if she does or doesn't do them? Nope. She is afraid of the dog door flap still. I would prefer she use the door for her own comfort but she doesn't make mistakes in the house so do I care if she uses the door or not? I do not. Does she know "wait" both verbally and with a hand signal? You bet she does. Will she "leave it" if I ask her to? Every time. Does she come at a dead run when I call her? She does. Her older sister Pearl, a bonafide spook, also does all of those things. New dog just came home one week ago today. Good racer, just retired at almost five years of age. He marked in the house a few times the first few hours he was home. He was told no and quietly taken outside to finish his business. He "got it" instantly. Hasn't made a mistake in the house since he has been home alone, with the other two dogs, the past three days. When we are home and he needs out, he comes to me and asks to go out. Both of these dogs came from the same racing owner, different racing kennels. Both of them know their names, both walk perfectly on leash, both are very nice dogs. I give a lot of credit to their racing trainers. As I said I dunno. We just keep it low key, show the dog quietly kindly and consistently what he needs to know to live peacefully in our home. I believe strongly in lots and lots and lots of exercise for my dogs. Both to keep them fit and to keep their minds engaged. If that is training than yeah, o.k. That's what we do. Dodger is my 6th greyhound over an 11 year period. I let them be dogs and they let me live in my house. Works for us.
  16. Rest well little lady. You will be missed.
  17. Oh Toni!! How horrible. Many prayers for Maris, Yogi and their devastated Mom. I am so sorry.
  18. Yep, I have had two. Future never, ever would do the doggie door. Ever. He never made a mistake in the house either so i didn't push it with him. Pooter will at least do the doggie door with the flap up. I tried your method of adding to the weight of the flap (great idea) but she won't do it. She has been here a year and half and I have given up on her. She won't do stairs either (neither did Future). On the flip side, she never makes a mistake in the house either. We have a new dog who has not even been here a week yet. He is going through the door with the flap up. I haven't really had the time to work with him on the door with the flap down, but I think he will do it no problem. My spook? She has done the doggie door from the first five seconds she was in the house. Go figure eh?
  19. Many, many prayers and good thooughts for sweet Bailey. :hope
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