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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. gazehund


    Awww what a sweet baby doll. I am sorry for your loss. Ned looks just like her!
  2. gazehund


    I am sorry you had to let Butkus go. Rest well sweetie.
  3. Pearl never raced and loves bananas. Pooter and Dodger were both good racers and won't touch them. Go figure eh?
  4. How old is Scout and what was the original purpose of the Rimadyl? How is she doing this morning?
  5. gazehund


    I am so sorry Devon. Rest well Biscuit.
  6. A life very well lived and very well loved. Rest well Bailey. Mo, how is Murphy doping?
  7. gazehund


    I am sorry for your loss. Rest well Bella.
  8. I am so sorry for your loss. Rest well Darla.
  9. gazehund

    Goodbye Petey

    I am so sorry for your sudden loss. Rest well Petey.
  10. Sheesh I missed this too, but happy to hear your great news Dee. Atta girl Goldie.
  11. No experience Kristin just wishing you and Ace good luck.
  12. I am so sorry for your loss. Rest well sweet boy.
  13. Greyhounds of Eastern Michigan. Good folks. http://www.gemgreyhounds.org/gem_store/medical.htm
  14. Welcome back Sue. I am so sorry for your losses.
  15. Oh no, what a horrible shock. I am so sorry for your sudden loss. Rest well Maggie. You are loved.
  16. I life well lived. Rest well Apollo.
  17. Rest well Wilbur. You are loved.
  18. I doubt gender has anything to do with it. My two current females roach a lot, Pooter more than Pearl. Doggie Dodger has not roached, but he has not been home even two months yet. He is getting more relaxed every day just not comfortale enough to roach. Maybe he never will, don't know yet.
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