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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. the Elf says YES you definitely can wait til Christmas!!
  2. Fuzzy sweetie. Make sure your mom keeps an eye out for the Secret Santa package. It's in the mail I have been assured. If it doesn't show up by the end of next week, let this Elf know please. Whozagudgurl!!
  3. Oh Amelia Are you out there? What's your choice in personal decor? Collars? Bandanas? Or something more? Talk to me sweetie and tell me your druthers cuz if you don't I'll resort to others! What about your mama? Whats her desire? Does she like frou-frou or something higher? Speak her desires and I'll be a good elf And quickly put your answers out on the shelf!
  4. Happy to serve as an elf if needed tho rhythmically challenged.
  5. Late to the party but celebrating your wonderful news.
  6. I wondered where you had gotten to. Glad you're back.
  7. Rosie sounds like she was a treat to have around and your years together were treasured. Rosie, physics was never my strong suite either (aka "only thing I ever flunked in my life") and I would have loved to see you run.
  8. Thinking of you all and wondering how the night went.
  9. Crossing everything here in ND and preparing for a bakandforthbakandforthbakandforth tomorrow. Linus is assuming the waiting room has a nice tall cabinet he can hang out on just in case some buddy gets all excited and forgets kittehs are frens and knot fuds.
  10. Background is fine but the typeface has to go! 😳 For me it moves/crawls around while I'm reading. Most disconcerting. Scritches to Buddy please and keep on walkin'.
  11. Of course they are remembered and what a great video Fencetop--best kitteh name evah!
  12. A shirt with a collar?? Oh the horror 🙀. You have my profound sympathies. That's just knot rite.
  13. It takes a true loving brother to sit on your head every thunderstorm! Fly free and healthy. We're cloudy so no chance of seeing your star tonight but others will I'm sure.
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