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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. What a relief to know what's happening. Hugs to all of you.
  2. What a gorgeous girl! Have a good celebration, sweetie, and send your momma a kiss on the wind.
  3. *of course* Sili liked to lie on the black t-shirt . . . . there's no point in shedding white fur on a white t-shirt, now is there?! Run free and healthy, Sili, and look for Tigger--I think you guys will enjoy each other.
  4. Whahoooooooooooo! Strider, remember it's one mark of a dignified gentleman to accept help when it makes your helpers feel better to do so.
  5. Surrounding you and Lexi with all the white light I can muster.
  6. "healing well" . . . . great words to read!
  7. I'm so glad for you both that you came to your senses! Run free and healthy, sweetie.
  8. Yikes! Hugs for everyone--2-footed and 4-footed and 3-footed--and I hope whatever's happened has run its course.
  9. Any chance of seeing some pictures of your sweetie?
  10. And who could *possibly* take an itty bitty incident where your houseguest almost kills your dog amiss, right? Glad things are going well and thank heavens for good folk!
  11. Happy birthday, sweetie! Be sure to raise hell today at the Bridge.
  12. Go find Dusty, sweetie; she'll show you the ropes and where the best mooshies are.
  13. godspeed, sweetie and send your family a sign
  14. There must have been an epidemic of dirty ears at The Bridge and she was needed. What a sweet story.
  15. That Bridge crew knows how to party, so I suspect he had a blast!
  16. Sending lots of white light Sizzle's way!
  17. No words, just good thoughts and cyber hugs to you and yours. Run fast and free, Warlock.
  18. Patsy

    R I P Little Kitty

    Fly little one and find folks at the Bridge who know the proper way to treat a feline.
  19. Patsy

    He's Home

    I'm glad he's back with you--where he belongs. How is Pave' doing?
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