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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Sending Warlock all the white light I can muster and putting him on the candle list.
  2. Godspeed Tarmac! You triumphed over the "perbert dokker"--nobody messed with your leg. I remember the drinking-from-the-beer bucket shot--quite marvelous--and the Crocs on the bridesmaid are a hoot. Send your family a sign, sweetie.
  3. What great news! I think a cyber 10th birthday party would be great fun.
  4. I do, but then I don't have dogs of my own and I feed the rabbits who live under the garden shed all winter (winter= when there's no grass to eat).
  5. Patsy

    Oscar The Kitty

    He knew he was loved and that someone cared about his welfare--thank you for that. Damn allergies!
  6. White light coming your way you two!
  7. Sending Grace and those caring for her all white light I can muster.
  8. River, you're in on the nightly ND candle. Take it easy until the docs can figure out what's going on, ok?
  9. What a great report--and I'm impressed they went out for provisions and cooked them up!
  10. Hugs to you at this difficult time. Could you share some pictures of your Bob--and of Energy, too, of course.
  11. And how sweet and decent of her to save the bun for her siblings! You rock, girl!
  12. Unfortunately not. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=238214
  13. Run free and healthy, sweetie and send your mom a sign.
  14. Truly the end of an era here on GT. My heart is with you and your family, Patti.
  15. Kestralyn pointed out to me that you must have been feeding her the dreaded LEFT legs!
  16. Now we can all start breathing again--wonderful news!
  17. Brewer's yeast and nutritional yeast are two different things. NY is sorta greenish; I get what I send to Miss Raven at our local health foods co-op.
  18. What everyone already said! You're in on the nightly candle, Outlaw.
  19. Run fast and free, sweetie! All the logic in the world that I'm doing the right, proper, and best thing for my kitties has never been able to alleviate my feeling during that last ride to the vet that I'm driving a tumbril in the French Revolution.
  20. Boy, I cringed just reading your description of the current condition of his ears--I bet Cavoc will feel sooooooooo much better afterwards.
  21. Sending good tutoring thoughts Havok's way and calming thoughts for you.
  22. I'm so sorry to see this. Please tell Mr. Toby that I've been told on the very best authority that there are lovely deep holes to lie in at the Bridge, when that time comes, and no pain. Hugs to you both from Auntee Patsee
  23. Hang in there, Toby, and let the nice folks figure out what's wrong--and it would help if you wouldn't nip anybody, too. Auntee Patsee
  24. What a gorgeous boy! Thanks for sharing him.
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