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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Ouch! That hurts just to *think* about. My mom used to say "there's no such thing as a 'normal month'" So true.
  2. Hang in there, Miss Bug. Let the docs make you better so you can enjoy your spiffed-up surroundings. Auntee Patsee
  3. Hey, we'll take a fluke over status quo any day of the week!
  4. Well, let's hear it for making it easier for bandage changes! It's not up to them to say yea or nay about unemployment insurance (tho they can try, of course) . . . . file right away. Scritches to the Handsome One.
  5. Obviously the $0.33 was for the vial of smelling salts the gal at the counter used on you after you fainted while reading the bill. Stoned and healing nicely--what a wonderful combination.
  6. Digger, happy belated birthday, sweetie. Please nudge your dad into posting some pictures of your gorgeous self.
  7. There is *always* white light for all who need it! The candle will concentrate on a comfortable and cozy Bumper.
  8. Just lit tonight's candle and you're on top of the list, Miss Elsie. Cow doggies rule!
  9. Thanks for the update; glad things are going well.
  10. Be patient just a little while longer, Drake, and this show is about to get on the road. Hooray for Clavamox!
  11. Patsy


    Hugs to you today--and thanks for the pix of one of my most favorite dogs.
  12. Patsy


    Hugs to Gwanee and all of you. Enjoy all those sunny spots at the Bridge, Ginger.
  13. No words, but many good thoughts coming your way to support you.
  14. I, too, specialize in the putting on weight business--and I wouldn't even charge dear Penny a cent for my advice!
  15. Hang in there, Bessie, and overcome this. Your mom's sitting with you and all is ok.
  16. Patsy

    Quiet Man

    I am so sorry to read this--he was a favorite of mine. Maybe our pain can help alleviate some of yours.
  17. Just seeing this and sending you lots and lots of ND mojo--and that's tough stuff!
  18. *chanting* clean margins, happy girl be ok; clean margins, happy girl be ok. *repeating as needed*
  19. She's in on the ND candle! Crossing everything crossable that tonight her blood stays exactly where it should.
  20. Absolutely and positively can KNOT be 4 years! He was such a character.
  21. Patsy

    Bye Bye Birdie

    What a wonderful description of quite the character! May I ask how he got his name? I also loved your description of Sweetpea's introduction . . . . took care of that right off!
  22. Could you share some pix of your sweetie?
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