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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Just saw this. Table Dancer Extraordinaire, fly with your new wings and send your mom a sign. Now try KNOT to get into too much trouble up there, 'k?
  2. Patsy


    Fly on your new wings, King! Maybe your dad can post some pix of you so we can see you? Hugs--what a shock but certainly not a bad way to go, if his time had come.
  3. Duffy, I hope you don't mind but I'm going to tuck you in on the nightly candle until your mom finds out that everything is a-ok.
  4. White light coming your way as you and the docs make decisions.
  5. Holding all good thoughts for you all.
  6. Oh what a lovely grey face!
  7. Yes, peace lilly. It'll be a happier plant if you will cut off the flowers after they have bloomed. When they start turning from white to green (as in one of your pix), they're going to seed and sapping the plant's strength.
  8. Sending you and Riley all the white light I can muster.
  9. Run on the wind, sweetie! Could we have some pictures of your Maggie?
  10. Sending white light for Greta and will be sure to put her in on the nightly candle.
  11. Any pix of Drake would be appreciated! What a well timed long weekend.
  12. Way to go, Drake! Now recover gently.
  13. You're in on the candle, Dodge . . . . hang in there!
  14. White light and "non-existant thoughts" are coming your way!
  15. Perhaps the Incredible Mr. Toby would love some of Miss Raven's magic green powder with his food? B-Vitamins are good things! Auntee Patsee
  16. Dear Abby--I bet if you look around, you'll find someone at the Bridge to share strands of spaghetti with. Run free and healthy, sweetie.
  17. Patsy


    Imagine Jori teamed up with Jilly Bean! Nap and play at the Bridge, sweetie.
  18. Don't make her insist! We saw photographic proof of *that* a bit ago and it wasn't a pretty sight.
  19. "Think calming thoughts and take the nice pill, Lincoln" What great news to read. Perhaps something nice in boxers to keep him away from his stitches when they start to itch?
  20. Yikes! Good thoughts coming their way.
  21. Lincoln, from one "bionic person" to an about-to-be bionic hound, let me tell you bionic is the way to go! Scritches and you're in on the ND candle, of course.
  22. Merlin, sweetie, I think with your coloring bright red briefs would look extremely studly!
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