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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. She is soooo beautiful. Just beautiful. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  2. ZoomDoggy

    Daphne Is Gone

    Oh no! I didn't make the connection that this was Daphne formerly of MN until I saw the latest newsletter. Daphne is a beautiful beautiful girlie, dainty and elegant and with the loveliest ears ever, and I am so terribly sorry for your loss.
  3. You don't have to switch to canned if you don't want to. You can pre-soak the kibble for each meal ahead of time so it's good & soft. The advantage of this is then you don't have the potential problems caused by changing diets while trying to recover from surgery. What I did was at each mealtime, I'd prepare a spare bowl for the following meal by putting in the regular amount of kibble, and adding warm water and/or chicken broth until the kibble is covered. Then let it soak in the refrigerator for at least a few hours before feeding so it's nice and "gummable." Then right before feeding, I'd add a little more warm water and stir, just to take the chill out and make it a little soupy. : My poor toothless Chancy got by this way for a good long time with no problem. She also enjoyed soft treats like bologna, hotdog bits, soft bread bits, cheese, things like that. The first couple of days will be hard. He'll probably drool oozy blood for a day or two, and leave the water dish a festive red. If he's reticent about eating at first, you can try offering meat babyfood, just to get his appetite going. Good luck.
  4. I am so terribly sorry for your loss.
  5. I'm so sorry. She is so beautiful. I hope she is well enough to enjoy the extra spoiling you'll give her for these final days.
  6. There is no "getting ready," I'm sorry to say. There is only living in the moment with your beloved pup until the time comes to say goodbye. I'm so sorry to hear the diagnosis. You are in my thoughts.
  7. Try adding acidophilus supplements twice daily while he's on the antibios (can pick them up at any health food store, and many regular grocery stores near the vitamins & such). It will help re-establish the "good" bacteria in his digestive system, and help alleviate the tummy upset. It sucks when you feel so helpless. Hang in there, and know you're doing what you can for your beloved boy.
  8. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. She is a breathtakingly beautiful girlie.
  9. Tapeworms. Gross, but easily treated.
  10. I'm guessing you're seeing Dr. Barr now. He has great "bedside" manner and is always happy to answer questions. I have often in the past called the office for non-emergency questions, asked for his voicemail and he calls me back within a couple of hours. Otis is in good hands with him. I hope Otis feels better fast!
  11. I will miss hearing new Sally stories as well. Thank you for sharing your funny wonderful girlie with us all. She was blessed to have you in her life.
  12. Oh no...I'm so sorry the time has come. Sally is blessed to have you as her loving owners.
  13. That's a back foot, right? No stopper pad there. Corns are typically found on the thick hairless toepad or footpad area, not up on the furry skin. I don't know what that is, but I'd have it looked at by a vet.
  14. I've heard of it, but don't know of any cases personally.
  15. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. He is a beautiful boy.
  16. Is the white area a circular spot, like a blister? Or is it more like a whitish area that might follow the crescent-shaped contour of the iris edge?
  17. To the vet ASAP, please! When it rains it pours. I lost Chancy and Marla six weeks apart. I know how it is.
  18. The "white spot" does not sound like pannus. I did have a hound who had basement membrane degeneration, which caused a corneal ulcer that wouldn't heal until the specialist did an open grid keratotomy. My Sissy was on eyedrops for life after that, and never had a recurrence. I would have your dog seen by the vet ophthalmologist directly, not just a consult over the phone from your reg vet. Specialists often catch what regular vets will miss.
  19. My Chancy had only seven teeth left after her final dental. I kept extra-yummy things on hand for her when my other dogs had their normal crunchy treats. Sliced bologna, chopped-up hot dogs, soft BilJac treats, chopped up Natural Balance rolls, peanut butter blobs, cheese cubes, things like that. The others got a little jealous, but I told them if they ever lose all their teeth, they'll get the "good stuff" too.
  20. I agree that a "well check" is in order with your own vet. To establish a baseline for future reference, if nothing else. I also want to point out (tho I don't know the color of your dog) that black dogs tend to feel the heat more intensely than lighter colored dogs, particularly if walking in the sunshine. That shiny black fur just absorbs the heat very effectively.
  21. Oh I am so terribly sorry for your loss. This progressed so damned quickly...
  22. I'm sorry you're not getting better faster answers. I know how maddening it is to just not know... for Ryan.
  23. What a beautiful, beautiful boy... I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  24. ZoomDoggy


    Oh noooooo... Seeing this was like a horrible punch to the gut. Jude I am so so sorry for the loss of your beautiful beautiful sweet Danny Boy.
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