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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. I am so so very sorry for your loss...
  2. Such a beautiful baby... I'm so very sorry to hear the diagnosis. In the coming weeks, you will find that you have reserves of strength you never knew about. Trust me.
  3. LOVE to hear good news in H&M. Major, feel better fast, pupster.
  4. Awww, well at least one tiny sliver of a silver lining, the pics of Jet & Ryan are stunning. I'm sorry Ryan didn't have as much fun as Jet.
  5. Oh my... poor poor baby! Hope she heals fast!
  6. My vet who also runs a local adoption group will accept meds as donations that he has prescribed. It's worth a try, seems a shame to waste...
  7. What a beautiful contented girl. That photo is just lovely. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  8. 4 days of prenisone wouldn't account for that much muscle-volume loss. I'd be concerned about something very serious. I don't mean to frighten you, but if Dr. Couto is only 3 hours away, I'd be taking him there asap.
  9. What lovely fringe-y ears on your pups! Welcome to Greytalk!
  10. I agree with the above, I would have it looked at. Little localized growths like that can often be removed with a laser and without general anesthesia (if it needs removal at all).
  11. Awww, I love the collectors. Though it will be funny if you call her name in my presence at Bluegrass.
  12. My Sissy had a growth that looked very much like that removed during a dental. It was benign.
  13. I see many years of happiness ahead for all of you. Welcome home, Amy-cutie-pie.
  14. Wow, what gorgeous photos! Breathtaking! And the scenery ain't bad either.
  15. Tipper has had Pannus for over four years. He gets NeoPolyDex ointment in his eyes twice a week. That's his "maintenance dose" after the first year of more frequent drops to reduce the encroaching tissue and blood vessels. It's been easy for us to manage, as we were lucky to catch it early, and we have a great veterinary ophthalmologist. Our regular vet can't even detect the pannus anymore.
  16. Benadryl and epsom salt soaks get my vote too.
  17. Welcome to Greytalk! She's just lovely! I bet she feels so much better finally having those nasty teeth gone, poor girlie. The "smoochy" pic of your other two pups is pretty darned adorable too!
  18. Glad to hear you have an answer at least. You and Emmy have been in my thoughts. LOVE the bell/B-ball idea. Please give her gentle scritches from me.
  19. Just catching up after a few days-- One week ago you were just leaving Mpls, now you're in Seattle! Great adventures! Thanks for taking us all along for the ride. Love the pic of sweet Ryan drinking from the mountain stream.
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