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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. You and Black Jack are in my thoughts. Has a radiologist looked at the xrays? Specialists can often detect what a regular vet (even a very good regular vet) can miss. I second the suggestion to send the xrays to Dr. Couto if possible. If they're digital xrays, they can be emailed to him.
  2. I agree with the acupuncture suggestions. Acupuncture made a noticeable difference in Chancy's LS symptoms. : I would also see about getting a vet to do housecalls for the shots...
  3. Beautiful beautiful boy, who was clearly much loved... I'm very sorry for your loss.
  4. Glad the dermatologist could help you out. Even the grey-savviest vets can miss things a specialist can catch. I've learned that the hard way too.
  5. My Chancy was a terribly shy girl who greatly benefited from acupuncture when she had LS flare-ups. She was also on joint-support supplements and milk thistle for her compromised liver values.
  6. ZoomDoggy


    I am so very sorry for your loss.
  7. Milk chocolate doesn't have a lot of actual chocolate in it. She'll probably be fine. Perhaps an upset tummy if she's prone to that. Just don't let her make a habit of it.
  8. The hoarse voice was Chancy's first symptom. She also couldn't roo. She would try, but only choked air would come out, and her tongue would start to go blue. Obviously I discouraged her rooing. Chancy wasn't a cougher, but as the LP progressed, she lost her stamina and tolerance for any temperature above 70 degrees. I did go ahead with the tieback surgery for her, and I only wish I'd done it sooner. I lost her due to other health complications about a month later.
  9. I haven't had to collect a sample from my boy (knock on wood) but collecting from the girls is easy. The first time was with Sissy, and she would only pee on walks, so I had to follow her with a cup through the neighborhood and wait until she found the right spot. My neighbors are very entertained by me. I imagine with the boys, there's a higher chance of that stream going rogue... It'd be a bummer to misjudge where he's aimed.
  10. Someone posted to a local adoption group list from West Fargo North Dakota, hoping for suggestions to help their hound. I feel they need to find a grey-savvy vet (which they say they don't have) and/or a vet chiropractor in their area to help figure out what's going on with their boy. Can anyone here make a recommendation? I saw no listings for North Dakota in the pinned vet list.
  11. Thankfully, vet bills are not a thing we even discuss. We simply do what we feel is right. This actually means I do what I feel is right, but that's not to say hubby has no say in the matter, just that he trusts my judgement, as the dogs are primarily my territory. I can't imagine being with someone who would toss jabs at me about vet bills, especially vet bills for a beloved pet who is fighting cancer. Unfathomable. Even if finances were especially tight, the jabs are not helpful in any way, nor would they change my vet-related decisions in the future.
  12. Even with a local anesthetic and un-sedated removal, they should still be able to send off a biopsy if you want it done. I have had several suspicious growths removed from Marla wit a local and laser removal. MUCH preferable to general anesthesia.
  13. It's unlikely that adding fish oil to his diet would affect his eye discharge. It's possible that it could be an allergy to the new food, but I'd wonder also about environmental possibilities. How long have you had him? Has this ever happened before, particularly in the springtime? How old is he? If the discharge is not particularly green or yellow (or in copious amounts), it's not something to panic over. But it could be an indicator that something is starting to happen (excess eye discharge was an early sign of my Tipper's pannus, for example), and a visit to a veterinary ophthalmologist might be in your near future.
  14. The Bite-Not collar? http://www.bitenot.com/
  15. I know. And I'm sorry. Susan R. Cox 10.6.46-1.23.03
  16. She's a cutie all right! Tell Nicole Aimee said hi.
  17. Hey fantastic! We need more Mpls folks here! Welcome to Greytalk and congratulations! Can't wait for the photos!
  18. ZoomDoggy


    Oh no Nancy! I am soooo so sorry. What a horribly shocking thing! I wish I had better words... You are in my thoughts.
  19. ZoomDoggy

    Bets On Chig

    Oh sweetie, I am so so sorry for your loss. We were blessed to meet Chig at the Hall of Fame in the summer of '05. What a special beautiful girlie.
  20. Could the skin problems be related to a food or environmental allergy?
  21. He has a deep gentle sweetness in his eyes. I'm sorry he's gone.
  22. Glad you already know the bump is benign. My Marla had a lump that looked precisely like that, in precisely the same location. My vet (the most grey-savvy in the Twin Cities) was unconcerned about it. And this was at the same time we had removed several other truly ugly little skin growths. Of this I would be very skeptical. What we often call "corns" on greyhound feet may not be medically identical to a corn on a human foot, but they are growths in the foot pad tissue which can cause extreme discomfort to the dog. I've had two "corndogs" who had no other joint/muscle/bone problems who would limp like crazy when walking on hard rough surfaces with those poor sore feet. The growths can be very hard to see, but once addressed, the pain goes away like magic! Have you tried something simple and temporary like putting Therapaw boots on the affected feet to see if it helps the limping? (sorry if you've already done this and I missed it) The cough when her throat is touched rings a bell somehow... I vaguely recall my vet mentioning some things about the possibilities for this when my Marla was being seen for breathing problems. I wish I could recall what he'd said now (as it turned out for Marla, her throat was not her chief problem ). That's one for which I'll be interested to hear what ideas your vet has. Oh and lastly, congrats on adopting such a lovely lucky ol' gal. Please give her a smoochie from me.
  23. ZoomDoggy


    I am very sorry for your loss. What a horrible shock.
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