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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. Fatty pockets of tissue would presumably move with the skin when you manipulate the skin. If they are fixed under the flesh, I'd be having her seen by a vet.
  2. Ouchie! Poor baby! Here's hoping the injection helps quickly!
  3. I am so so sorry for your loss. She is just beautiful...
  4. You can syringe-feed him if need be. It's not nearly as traumatic as it sounds, I promise. Presoak his prescription kibble with lots of water overnight in the fridge, then liquify it, adding enough water that it's syringe-able in a food processer or blender, and syringe it into the side of his mouth. Your pharmacy can give you an oral syringe. I suggest cutting the very tip off to make the opening a bit larger so tiny food particles don't clog it too easily. You'd have to do this multiple times daily to get the full amount of servings in. When I was feeding Marla this way, I pre-prepared two days worth of kibble at a time, storing the "soup" in the fridge, so I wasn't constantly working in the kitchen. It's painstaking, but it will work.
  5. Thinking calm healing thoughts for Asia and you this morning.
  6. ZoomDoggy

    Wally Is Gone

    I am so sorry for your very shocking loss.
  7. What a beautiful beautiful girl. I'm very deeply sorry for your loss.
  8. Oh Audrey... You and Asia are both in my thoughts today.
  9. Cool compresses helped with my girls' fevered times. If you don't have actual cold packs, wrap a bag of frozen peas in a soft towel and gently apply to areas of her body, chest, abdomen, etc, just for a couple minutes at a time. :
  10. Love the beach pics. Glad the pups got a nice little break.
  11. Thanks Mel. I feel very relieved, myself. I mean, there's still definitely something wrong happening, some occasional short-circuit in my boy's brain, but it's not at a point where I need to panic/despair... yet.
  12. We're back. The upshot is, things are not perfect, but could certainly be worse. We will address Tip's digestive issues (protein-losing enteropathy, very likely) with some diet changes, If that doesn't help, we will look into some meds (low-dose prednisone perhaps, but I'm not ready to go there yet). He has lost over five pounds. I am to track and take notes on Tip's "episodes." My vet thinks they are currently very mild seizures, so mild and far between that he would not suggest anti-seizure meds at this point. If the episodes escalate, then we will reconsider. Oh, and his bloodwork is all good, better than it was in May!
  13. Perfect! She'd pass through MN on her way to you-- we have plenty of impending home projects to prevent boredom.
  14. I should add: This is the third odd episode I've witnessed in the space of a few months. Each one has manifested differently. The first was a few months ago. He suddenly acted like he had a bad leg cramp or something. He started hobbling in tight circles in the kitchen, high-stepping with one front leg. This lasted maybe 10-20 seconds. Then he seemed completely fine. The second was the one I described at the start of this thread: He started tilting his head and wobbled on his feet like he couldn't find his balance. Then last night... described above. Maybe they're unrelated, maybe not... We have a vet appt for this afternoon for follow-up bloodwork.
  15. Tipper had another strange "mini-episode" last night. It lasted about 15 seconds. I'm glad hubby was home to see it so I know I didn't imagine it. Tip had been napping in his bed when he suddenly stood up with his head sort of tilting upward. He started pacing urgently, head still up, while his eyes sort of rolled down so the whites were visible at the top. I called to him and he came to me, but his eyes were still rolled down and he wouldn't look at me. I had a sammich in my hand and tried waving it in front of him, knowing that would get a response. He didn't respond. I waved it right by his nose, but he acted like he couldn't smell or see it. He was not panting or trembling or wobbling, just sort of acting like he couldn't see. He managed to pace back and forth a couple times without bumping into anything though. Then it just ended. He was totally fine like it never happened.
  16. Did the fishes make the trip intact? Thinkin' 'bout you guys from waaaaay over here...
  17. ZoomDoggy


    Beautiful, beautiful boy. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  18. ZoomDoggy

    Genie's Gone

    Goodbye, amazing beautiful girlie. I'm so glad I had the privilege of meeting you at SandyPaws in March.
  19. This is very true. The hardest times are in the wee hours and invariably on Sundays when your vet will not be available. Try to keep well-stocked on pain meds & whatnot even if you don't need them yet. Thinking of you tonight...
  20. Looks like any other suburban residence. What are y'all bitchin about? I'm really sorry it's been such a crap sandwich so far.
  21. Oh Audrey, I am so very sorry to hear this diagnosis. I know exactly what you mean when you say Darius took center stage, and now was supposed to be Asia's turn... I lost Marla six weeks after losing Chancy. And both of them just a year after losing Sissy. I felt like Marla never had a chance to be as thoroughly spoiled as I wanted, as we'd only had her ten months, and most of that time I was very focused on Chancy's health issues. I had no idea Marla was even sick until it was too late. I feel robbed and horribly guilty at the same time. It's so so unspeakably unfair. I'd say if Asia is not in great pain, you should go to Grapehounds. Especially if she likes car rides. What better way to share special moments with her than spend a lovely weekend together in & out of the car, sharing treats, and lounging in the sun at the gatherings? I had the same debate with Chancy last year. Her health was not good, and I agonized over whether I should bring her to Grapehounds. What won out in the end was that Chancy adored car rides, so what better way to give her special treatment than to go across the country in the car? For us, it was the right choice.
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